Professor Susan Freeman Ph.D. (Marketing), MEdSts, BEco, (Monash University), and DipEd (Institute of Catholic Education) was appointed Professor of International Business in 2015 and the former Dean: Postgraduate and Professional Programs in the University of South Australia Business School (2015-2016). She provides leadership in the areas of international business research and postgraduate teaching and learning to ensure a culture that embraces both scholarship and excellence.
Susan was appointed Adjunct Professor for the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia in 2023.
In 2019 she was appointed an Honorary Professor Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia in the Macquarie Business School in International... Read more
About me
Professor Susan Freeman Ph.D. (Marketing), MEdSts, BEco, (Monash University), and DipEd (Institute of Catholic Education) was appointed Professor of International Business in 2015 and the former Dean: Postgraduate and Professional Programs in the University of South Australia Business School (2015-2016). She provides leadership in the areas of international business research and postgraduate teaching and learning to ensure a culture that embraces both scholarship and excellence.
Susan was appointed Adjunct Professor for the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia in 2023.
In 2019 she was appointed an Honorary Professor Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia in the Macquarie Business School in International Business where she works with colleagues and PhD students in the School of Management.
She was appointed as a Visiting Professor in International Business – Department of Management and International Business at the University of Aalborg, Denmark in 2018.
In 2023 she was awarded the UNISA Business School Distinguished Senior Researcher Staff Award (sole staff winner). In 2022, 2021 and 2018, she was awarded the UniSA Business School Staff Award of Research Excellence Commendation (for significant and sustained high-quality publications).
In 2021 she was awarded the Staff Award – Teaching Commendation Award - UniSA.
In 2020 she was awarded the UNISA Business School Staff Award for Excellence in Collaborative PhD supervision and in 2018 the UNISA Business School Staff Award for Research Excellence Commendation (for significant publications).
In 2018 she was awarded the UNISA Business School Staff Award of Research Excellence Commendation and 2018 Teaching and Learning Excellence Award – Curriculum Leadership (sole staff winner); and 2020, 2021 and 2018 Teaching and Learning Excellence Commendation (top 10% of teaching staff – with teaching evaluations in the highest bracket – “Overall satisfaction with the performance of the staff member”). In 2017, she was awarded the UniSA Business School Achievement in Teaching and Learning Excellence in the category of Students’ Voice – Postgraduate – Inside the Classroom the only staff member to be awarded in the post-graduate area.
Susan was appointed Associate Director of the Australian Centre for Asian Business (ACAB) in 2016-2019. She is Coordinator of Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship Research (SIBER) which she founded in 2016 residing within ACAB, UniSA Business School. Susan is a member of UniSA Centre for Workplace Excellence (CWeX) [].
Susan is a Member of the Board of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (2014-); Vice-President (2014-2019) and Board Member of the Australia New Zealand International Business Association (ANZIBA) (2014-); Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) (2015-) and Member of the Board of the Council for International Trade and Commerce South Australia (CITCSA) (2018-). She was appointed to the Board of ATLAS AFMI, Associate Francophone de Management International as Ambassador of ATLAS AFMI in 2018 and renewed in 2021 and 2023.
Susan was appointed as Associate-Editor of International Marketing Review (201-3) and Rutgers Business Review (2015-). She sits on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Business Research (2015-), International Business Review (2017-) and the Journal of International Entrepreneurship (2015-). Susan was selected by the respective editors-in-chief and editorial boards because of her international research expertise across international marketing, international business and international entrepreneurship.
Susan's research interests include: digital transformation of smaller firms; international business strategy including early accelerated internationalising smaller firms; international entrepreneurship; parent-subsidiary company autonomy; services internationalisation; Corporate Social Responsibility and global business; and emerging markets, with a focus on the Asian region and on qualitative research. She is widely published in the fields of international business, management, entrepreneurship andmarketing in leading international journals including Journal of World Business, Industrial Marketing Management, Global Strategy Journal, Management International Review, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, International Business Review, International Human Resource Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Personnel Review, Journal of Services Marketing, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Journal of Brand Management and International Marketing Review among others. Her research in the disciplines of international business, international entrepreneurship and international marketing have made seminal contributions, particularly in advancing theory in the field of rapid internationalising small new ventures and born-global (start-up) strategy; social network theory; and market selection and entry mode choice in emerging vs advanced economies.
From 2010 to 2014 she was Associate Professor of International Business at the University of Adelaide Business School, and Discipline Leader in International Business and Marketing, where she made major contributions to the enhancement of the research culture, established the International Business Research Group and a established a new Master of International Business program in 2011. In 2011 she was appointed as Associate Dean - Research for the Faculty of Professions. In 2014, she received the Faculty Executive Dean's Commendation for Excellence in Research. From 1995 to 2003 she was lecturer in Marketing; and 2004 to 2009 senior lecturer in Management at Monash University, Australia. From 1990 to 1995 she lived and lectured in the Netherlands and Austria, and also lectured in Belgium and Finland.
About me
Professor Susan Freeman is:
Member of the Board of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (2014-)
Vice-President (2014-2019) of the Australia New Zealand International Business Association (ANZIBA)
Member of the Board (2019-) of the Australia New Zealand International Business Association (ANZIBA)
Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) (2015-)
Member of the Board of the Council for International Trade and Commerce South Australia (CITCSA) (2018-)
Susan is :
Associate-Editor of International Marketing Review (2013-) and Rutgers Business Review (2015-).
Susan sits on the:
Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Business Research (2015-), International Business Review (2017-) and the Journal of International Entrepreneurship (2015-). Susan was selected by the respective editors-in-chief and editorial boards because of her international research expertise across international marketing, international business strategy and international entrepreneurship.
About me
Doctor of Philosophy Monash University
Master of Educational Studies Monash University
Bachelor of Economics Monash University
Graduate Diploma in Education Institute of Catholic Education
Professor Susan Freeman Ph.D. (Marketing), MEdSts, BEco, (Monash University), and DipEd (Institute of Catholic Education) was appointed Professor of International Business in 2015 and the Dean: Postgraduate and Professional Programs in the University of South Australia Business School (2015-2016).
She provides leadership in the areas of international business research and postgraduate teaching and learning to ensure a culture that embraces both scholarship and excellence.
Professor Susan Freeman was appointed Associate Director of the Australian Centre for Asian Business (ACAB) in 2016.
She is Coordinator of Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship Research (SIBER) which she founded in 2016 and resides in the School of Management within ACAB, UniSA Business School.
Susan was appointed as Adjunct Professor for the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia (2023-2024)
Susan was appointed in 2019 as an Honorary Professor Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia in International Business where she works with colleagues and PhD students in the School of Management in Sydney particpating in workshops as well as the annual PhD presenations.
She was appointed as a Visiting Professor in International Business at the University of Aalborg, Denmark in 2018.
Associate Professor of International Business at the University of Adelaide Business School, Australia and Discipline Leader in International Business and Marketing – 2010-2014
Senior Lecturer in Management, Monash University, Australia – 2004-2009
Lecturer in Marketing, Monash University, Australia – 1995-2003
She has extensive local and overseas teaching experience in international business, digital tramsformation of SMEs, strategic management, international entrepreneurship and international marketing. She taught in Singapore while at the University of Adelaide, and at universities in the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Belgium while living in the Netherlands and Austria (1989-1995).
Professor Susan Freeman's research interests include: international business strategy including early accelerated internationalising smaller firms; digital transformation; international entrepreneurship; parent-subsidiary company autonomy; services internationalisation; Corporate Social Responsibility and global business; and emerging markets, with a focus on the Asian region and on qualitative research.
She is widely published in the fields of international business/management/entrepreneurship/marketing in leading international journals including Global Strategy Journal, Management International Review, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business... Read more
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Disability NOT Inability: The management control implications of workers living with intellectual disability, Accounting And Finance Association of Australia And New Zealand Limited, 28/06/2021 - 01/12/2023
Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (ACCI) Trade Report 2020/2021, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 01/10/2020 - 31/03/2021
ACCI Trade Report 2018, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 26/04/2018 - 31/05/2018
Profs Tiia Vissak & Ninna Nummela, University of Tartu, Estonia; Prof Barbara Francioni, University of Urbino, Italy; Freeman, S.
“Export performance: indicators, assessment, prediction and improvement”
Government of Estonia annual competitive grant scheme: Submitting organization:
University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Economics and Business Admin, EstoniaGovernment of Estonia annual competitive grant scheme:
Submitting organization:
University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Economics and Business Admin, Estonia.
Successful in 2021-2026
843750,00 Euros - A$1,396,243.59
Our project aims to develop new sets of export(ers’) performance indicators for different firm types and use them for assessing and predicting export(ers’) performance and for providing suggestions for improving Estonian and other firms’ export performance.
We set three initial propositions that we will refine during data collection and analysis.
*Export(ers’) performance is a relative concept: the same results (e.g. export share and ROI) can be interpreted as success and as failure depending on various firm-, management-, business environment- and internationalization process-related characteristics.
*Firms need different sets of performance indicators depending on their age, industry, managers’ background and other characteristics.
*It is possible to develop different sets of indicators for different firm types (e.g. small slow internationalizers vs. large fast internationalizers) and use them for evaluating firms belonging to a specific type, for predicting their future export performance and suggesting how to improve their performance.
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
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Year | Output |
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2019 |
2018 |
Open access
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2008 |
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2023 |
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2023 |
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2022 |
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2021 |
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2019 |
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2018 |
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2013 |
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2012 |
2012 |
2012 |
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2011 |
2010 |
Open access
2009 |
2008 |
Year | Output |
2009 |
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2008 |
2008 |
Industry Reports (Refereed)
1. Freeman, S., Clarke, B., Gillespie, S., & Gunter, D. (2021) ‘2021 ACCI National Trade Survey’, Industry Report, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)), Australian Centre for Asian Business (ACAB), University of South Australia, Released 04 June 2021.
Link to the ACCI Trade Survey 2021 (Findings & Recommendations + Full Report)
2. Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (ACCI) 2020 Report: Impact of COVID-19 on Australian Business
Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (ACCI) 2018 Fourth Trade Report – Full and Summary reports available – See:
Media Release:
Freeman, S., Clarke, B., Gillespie, S., & Gunter, D. (2021) ‘2021 ACCI National Trade Survey’, Industry Report, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)), Australian Centre for Asian Business (ACAB), University of South Australia, Released 04 June 2021.
Link to the ACCI Trade Survey 2021 (Findings & Recommendations + Full Report)
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: ACCITrade202!
Media Release:
Here’s a link to the article in NAB Magazine based on the Industry Report - ACCI) 2020 Report: Impact of COVID-19 on Australian Business .
Green shoots: Australian businesses bounce back | Business Research and Insights (
3. Freeman, S., & Clarke, B. (2018) ‘2018 National Trade Survey’, Industry Report, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)), Australian Centre for Asian Business (ACAB), University of South Australia, March.
The research team which was led by Professor Susan Freeman, Associate Director, ACAB, University of South Australia and included Dr Wahid Murad, University of South Australia and Yuwen Gu, Australian National University.
Prof Susan Freeman presented the Report on the 26 March in Sydney for the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) at the launch of the 4th Australian Trade Report and Lunch with the Hon Jason Clare MP, Shadow Minister for Trade and Investment, media and industry. Susan presented the key points from the survey and main implications over a luncheon meeting and then joined a panel of experts to elaborate on the points in her presentation at the Sydney Business Chamber Boardroom in Sydney Central. The ACCI is the largest peak body in Australia, representing all Australian exporters, with representative chambers across every state in Australia. All chambers of commerce in Australia participated in the survey and follow up interviews through their members, Australian exporters, with all states represented in the comprehensive report available through the following link:
Industry Report: Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce ACCI 2018 Fourth Trade Report – Full and Summary reports available – See:
Susan and her team of collaborators completed the third (2016) and fourth (2018) Trade Reports for ACCI, and currently working on a further analysis of the data in a further report, that is a comparative analysis of other national trade reports completed across Australia, including one completed annually by DFAT and found support for all of ACCI’s 2018 Trade Report Recommendations, confirming that it is one of the most comprehensive trade reports available Australia, noted for its detailed analysis, accurate and insightful conclusions and receommendations and independent.
4. Freeman, S. (2016) Project - Survey and interview results for the Council for International Trade and Commerce South Australia (CITCSA), Australian Centre for Asian Business (ACAB), University of South Australia, December.
5. Freeman, S., Reid, I. & Clarke, B. (2016) ‘2016 National Trade Survey', Industry Report, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)), Australian Centre for Asian Business (ACAB), University of South Australia, June.
The research team which was led by Professor Susan Freeman, Associate Director, ACAB, University of South Australia and included Dr Húng Trong Hoáng, Associate Dean (Research and International Cooperation), Faculty of Business Administration, Hue University College of Economics, Dr Miria Lazaris, Consultant, Dr Raisa Yakimova, Lecturer in Marketing, Univesity of Bradford and Dr Imogen Ried, ACCI & Prof Ying Zhu.
Professor Susan Freeman's research interests include: international business strategy including early accelerated internationalising smaller firms; digital transformation; international entrepreneurship; parent-subsidiary company autonomy; services internationalisation; Corporate Social Responsibility and global business; and emerging markets, with a focus on the Asian region and on qualitative research.
She is widely published in the fields of international business/management/entrepreneurship/marketing in leading international journals including Global Strategy Journal, Management International Review, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, International Business Review, International Human Resource Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Services Marketing, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Journal of Brand Management and International Marketing Review among others.
Her research in the disciplines of international business, strategy; digital transformation; international entrepreneurship and international marketing have made seminal contributions, particularly in advancing theory in the field of internationalising small new ventures and born-global strategy; social network theory; and market selection and entry mode choice in emerging vs advanced economies.
Susan has received a number of competitive research grants from the European Union, Industry and Monash University and University of Adelaide and University of South Australia. She has conducted research with Australia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) in Canberra and the UK Trade and Investment, British Consulate on international business in Melbourne, Australia.
Her research focus and PhD supervision covers four multi-disciplinary areas:
She has supervised to completion: +20 PhDs, 7 Masters by Research and 17 honours students and currently supervises 5 PhDs in International Business Strategy, Digital Transformation; Management and Marketing disciplines in the areas of smaller entrepreneurial rapid internationalisers; cross border international management; global supply chain; foreign direct investment; exporter strategies; CSR and Climate Action strategy; international buyer-seller relationships in emerging markets.
She is a co-supervisor (external) to PhD students at
1. LAREQUOI Research Centre in Management, ISM-IAE Graduate School University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines / Paris-Saclay, France;
2. School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration, Reykjavik, Iceland,
3. Department of Marketing and Management, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia,
4. University of Southern Cross, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and
5. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
In detail, her research covers a range of specific multi-disciplinary topics including: international business strategy, SME digital transformation, trade, globalisation, international entrepreneurship, international buyer-seller relationships, international human resource management, cross-cultural management, parent-subsidiary company autonomy, strategic management of international alliances and networks, organisational sustainability, ethics, and technology, knowledge transfer and innovation management. The comparison of advanced and emerging and developing markets of East and South Asia are of particular interest given our geographic location, with specialisation also occurring in Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America.
Susan was appointed Adjunct Professor for the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia in 2023.
In 2019 she was appointed an Honorary Professor Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia in the Macquarie Business School in International Business where she works with colleagues and PhD students in the School of Management.
She was appointed as a Visiting Professor in International Business – Department of Management and International Business at the University of Aalborg, Denmark in 2018.
In 2023 she was awarded the UNISA Business School Distinguished Senior Researcher Staff Award (sole staff winner). In 2022, 2021 and 2018, she was awarded the UniSA Business School Staff Award of Research Excellence Commendation (for significant and sustained high-quality publications).
In 2021 she was awarded the Staff Award – Teaching Commendation Award - UniSA.
In 2020 she was awarded the UNISA Business School Staff Award for Excellence in Collaborative PhD supervision and in 2018 the UNISA Business School Staff Award for Research Excellence Commendation (for significant publications).
In 2018 she was awarded the UNISA Business School Staff Award of Research Excellence Commendation and 2018 Teaching and Learning Excellence Award – Curriculum Leadership (sole staff winner); and 2020, 2021 and 2018 Teaching and Learning Excellence Commendation (top 10% of teaching staff – with teaching evaluations in the highest bracket – “Overall satisfaction with the performance of the staff member”). In 2017, she was awarded the UniSA Business School Achievement in Teaching and Learning Excellence in the category of Students’ Voice – Postgraduate – Inside the Classroom the only staff member to be awarded in the post-graduate area.
Associate Editor
- International Marketing Review (IMR)
- Rutgers Business Review (RBR)
Editorial Review Board (ERB)
- Journal of Business Research (JBR)
- International Business Review (IBR)
- Journal of International Entrepreneurship (JIE)
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Aalborg University | DENMARK |
Adolfo Ibanez University | CHILE |
Australian Catholic University | AUSTRALIA |
Australian National University | AUSTRALIA |
Chinese Academy of Sciences | CHINA |
Curtin University | AUSTRALIA |
Dalian Polytechnic University | CHINA |
Deakin University | AUSTRALIA |
Dongguan University of Technology | CHINA |
Donghua University | CHINA |
Eastern Connecticut State University | UNITED STATES |
Escp Europe | FRANCE |
Flinders University | AUSTRALIA |
Georgia State University | UNITED STATES |
Griffith University | AUSTRALIA |
Hue University | VIET NAM |
KDU University College | MALAYSIA |
King's College London | UNITED KINGDOM |
La Trobe University | AUSTRALIA |
Massey University | NEW ZEALAND |
Monash University | AUSTRALIA |
Northwestern Polytechnical University | CHINA |
Ohio University | UNITED STATES |
RMIT University | AUSTRALIA |
Sheffield Hallam University | UNITED KINGDOM |
St. John Fisher College | UNITED STATES |
Swinburne University of Technology | AUSTRALIA |
Tongji University | CHINA |
University of Adelaide | AUSTRALIA |
University of Auckland | NEW ZEALAND |
University of Bradford | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Cambridge | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Florence | ITALY |
University of Glasgow | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Huddersfield | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Iceland | ICELAND |
University of Leeds | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Manchester | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Melbourne | AUSTRALIA |
University of Paris-Saclay | FRANCE |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Tartu | ESTONIA |
University of the Punjab | PAKISTAN |
University of Tsukuba | JAPAN |
University of Turku | FINLAND |
University of Urbino | ITALY |
Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University | FRANCE |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Associate EditorInternational Marketing Review |
2018 |
Editorial Advisory BoardInternational Business Review |
2018 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of International Entrepreneurship |
2018 |
Member of the BoardCouncil for International Trade and Commerce South Australia (CITCSA) |
2018 |
Associate EditorInternational Marketing Review |
2017 |
Associate EditorReuters Business Review |
2017 |
Best ReviewerEuropean International Business Academy Annual Conference |
2017 |
Board MemberAcademy of International Business (AIB), United Kingdom and Ireland Chapter |
2017 |
Board MemberAustralian Institute of Company Directors |
2017 |
Board MemberAcademy of International Business (AIB) |
2017 |
Board MemberAustralian Business in Europe (ABIE) |
2017 |
Board MemberAustralian New Zealand International Business Association (ANZIBA) |
2017 |
Board MemberAustralian New Zealand Management Association (ANZMAM) |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of International Entrepreneurship |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Business Research |
2017 |
Editorial Review BoardInternational Business Review |
2017 |
ReviewerAccounting and International Business: Hong Kong Research Grants Council |
2017 |
Vice President (Marketing)Australian New Zealand International Business Association (ANZIBA) |
2017 |
Best reviewerEuropean International Business Academy Annual Conference |
2016 |
Associate-EditorRutgers Business Review |
2015 |
Co-EditorInternational Marketing Review |
2015 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Business Research |
2015 |
Editorial Review BoardJournal of International Entrepreneurship |
2015 |
MemberAustralian Institute of Company Directors |
2015 |
Co-EditorInternational Marketing Review |
2014 |
Member of Board and Assessor for Accounting and International BusinessHong Kong Research Grants Council |
2014 |
Vice PresidentAustralian New Zealand International Business Association (ANZIBA) |
2014 |
Co-EditorInternational Marketing Review |
2013 |
Joint ConvenorConsortium of International Business and Research |
2013 |
Assessor for 1503, ManagementExcellence in Research for Australia |
2012 |
Best Paper Sion Raveed AwardBusiness Association of Latin American Studies |
2012 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Business Theory and Practice |
2012 |
Joint ConvenorCSR Corporate Governance Conference, Italy |
2012 |
Professor Susan Freeman was appointed Associate Director of the Australian Centre for Asian Business (ACAB) in 2016, UniSA Business School.
Susan is Coordinator of Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship Research (SIBER) which she founded in 2016 and resides in the School of Management within ACAB, UniSA Business School.
Chair - Program, Department and organisational reviews
Susan is regularly invited to serve or chair academic reviews from universities across Australia and internationally, in the MBA and in International Business Master Programs, as well as on undergraduate program reviews.
Recent examples include Griffith University, Brisbane, as External Chair of the 5-year review of the Department of Asian Business and International Business in the Business School in 2017.
At the University of Christchurch, New Zealand MBA and MBM Academic Program Review Panel, as External Panel Member for the Review and Accreditation of the MBA and MBM Programs - 2011, and 2016.
At Monash University, for the UG Academic Program Review Panel, she was the External Panel Member for the Review and Accreditation of the UG Programs - 2011, across all local, rural and overseas campuses, for the Faculty of Business and Economics.
She was Chair – Monash university’s review of the Master of Business Program in 2016.
At the University of Melbourne, Faculty of Commerce, Master of International Business (MIB) Academic Program Review, she was the External Panel Member for the Review and Accreditation of the MIB Program - 2010.
She was the Chair of the Swinburne University of Technology Re-accreditation of the MIB - 2008-2012.
Professor Susan Freeman Ph.D. (Marketing), MEdSts, BEco, (Monash University), and DipEd (Institute of Catholic Education) was appointed Professor of International Business in 2015 and the former Dean: Postgraduate and Professional Programs in the University of South Australia Business School (2015-2016).
She provides leadership in the areas of international business research and postgraduate teaching and learning to ensure a culture that embraces both scholarship and excellence.
In 2020, she was awarded the UniSA Business School Research Excellence Award: Excellence in Collaborative Supervision with Professor Tamer Cavusgil.
In 2022, 2021 and 2018, she was awarded the UniSA Business School Staff Award of Research Excellence Commendation (for significant and sustained high-quality publications).
In 2021 she was awarded the Staff Award – Teaching Commendation Award - UniSA.
In 2020 she was awarded the UNISA Business School Staff Award for Excellence in Collaborative PhD supervision and in 2018 the UNISA Business School Staff Award for Research Excellence Commendation (for significant publications).
In 2018 she was awarded the UNISA Business School Staff Award of Research Excellence Commendation and 2018 Teaching and Learning Excellence Award – Curriculum Leadership (sole staff winner); and 2020, 2021 and 2018 Teaching and Learning Excellence Commendation (top 10% of teaching staff – with teaching evaluations in the highest bracket – “Overall satisfaction with the performance of the staff member”). In 2017, she was awarded the UniSA Business School Achievement in Teaching and Learning Excellence in the category of Students’ Voice – Postgraduate – Inside the Classroom the only staff member to be awarded in the post-graduate area.
In 2018, she was awarded the UniSA Business School Certificate of Research Excellence Commendation (for significant publications); awarded the Teaching and Learning Excellence Award – Curriculum Leadership (single staff winner); and awarded the Teaching and Research Excellence Commendation (top 10% of teaching staff – with teachin g evaluations in the highest bracket – “Overall satisfaction with the performance of the staff member”).
In 2017, she was awarded the UniSA Business School Achievement in Teaching & Learning Award in the category of Students’ Voice – Postgraduate – Inside the Classroom – the only staff member to be awarded in the post-graduate area.
Susan teaches International business and Strategic Thinking in the MBA Program at UniSA Business School. Both are core courses in the Executive MBA Program. She is consistently ranked in student evaluations as one of the top teaching academics in the MBA and Business School over a consistent period.
Teaching publications in the field of international business and strategy:
Tucker, B.P., Waye, V. & Freeman, S. (2019) Making research, teaching and practice closer companions: An EMBA perspective, International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 17, No. 3,
Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J.R., Rammal, H.G, & Freeman, S. (2012) International Business: The New Realities, Australasian Edition, Pearson Australia.
Teaching & student supervision
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
Competition, Innovation and Business Power: A post-deregulation principal-agent model | Current |
Multi-national corporations and business Human rights: Australian perspectives, procedures and conduct | Current |
A two-dimensional typology of packaging elements to explore the packaging localisation of western brands in non-western markets | Completed |
Cycles and waves of firms¿ internationalization: an event system theory perspective | Completed |
Exploring managers' ideology-driven information processing mechanisms regarding wicked socioeconomic problems for corporate social responsibility engagement | Completed |
Exploring the cognitive and behavioural constraints of entrepreneurs¿ sense-making process for opportunities | Completed |
Intrafamily family firm successors' perceptions of and actions towards post-succession legitimacy | Completed |
Supply chain resilience: a dynamic managerial capabilities perspective | Completed |
The role of trust in SME international business relationships in a transitional economy: the case of Tanzania | Completed |