I am the Online Course Facilitator for the Bachelor of Journalism, Bachelor of Digital Media and Bachelor of Communications and have responsibility for leading the development and delivery of online teaching for UniSA Online students in those programs. My role involves working closely with divisional staff at UniSA to provide high-quality online teaching to undergraduate students and to coordinate the day-to-day activities of online tutoring staff.
As a digital media storytelling specialist with more than 25 years’ experience as a journalist, media adviser, digital media creative and corporate communications manager I have an intimate knowledge of the South Australian, Australian and international media, political, education and business... Read more
About me
I am the Online Course Facilitator for the Bachelor of Journalism, Bachelor of Digital Media and Bachelor of Communications and have responsibility for leading the development and delivery of online teaching for UniSA Online students in those programs. My role involves working closely with divisional staff at UniSA to provide high-quality online teaching to undergraduate students and to coordinate the day-to-day activities of online tutoring staff.
As a digital media storytelling specialist with more than 25 years’ experience as a journalist, media adviser, digital media creative and corporate communications manager I have an intimate knowledge of the South Australian, Australian and international media, political, education and business landscapes and bring this industry focus to my work as a Teaching Academic.
Throughout my career I have experienced massive changes in journalism and digital media creation, business models and publication forms along with significant changes in Higher Education curriculum design and delivery. Digitisation is revolutionising modes of, and opportunity for, learning and as Professor Glyn Davis, in his book The Australian Idea of a University, argues, “experimentation, innovation and resilience are the only way Australia’s universities will endure”. Many academics would be overwhelmed with the need for ongoing innovation but as a working professional, industry connected teaching academic who has been part of the talented teaching team at UniSA Online since before the launch of the first programs, I see this changing landscape as an enormous opportunity.
The University of South Australia has always been an innovative, outward-looking institution known for its strong and engaged research and its graduate employment outcomes and so my research focus is on the design and delivery of authentic and engaging learning experiences that prepare digital media and journalism graduates for professional practice.
As a media professional I am passionate about news, storytelling and entrepreneurial media business models. As an academic, I combine my working industry knowledge with my educational experience and research findings to implement authentic and engaging learning experiences for students to build both their technical skills and their professional practice capabilities.
I have been a member of the Hunter Institute of Mental Health Mindframe Education Advisory Board overseeing the MindFrame guidelines for the responsible reporting of mental health and suicide. I am a judge and social media manager for the MEAA Walkley South Australian Media Awards (2003-present) and a member of many professional organisations including MEAA Women in Media and Women in Innovation.
As an industry-focused teaching academic, in a discipline that is always changing, I strive to constantly update my professional practice skills and knowledge and embed best-practice approaches into my curriculum development and teaching practice. This professional practice has included being a co-developer and director of the entrepreneurial digital media storytelling business Stories Well Told that works with a range of clients and creative agencies across Australia. Working on a range of digital media projects for clients further motivates me to deliver authentic learning experiences that will genuinely prepare UniSA students for rewarding and successful careers in digital media and digital journalism.
About me
MEAA Women in Media
MEAA SA Media Awards Judge
SA Press Club Media Awards Judge
SA Committee Member and Communications Lead of Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide (HERGA)
SA Management Group Member of Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA)
Member of the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia Incorporated (JERAA Inc)
Member of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA)
Women in Innovation Member
Member of Work-Integrated Learning Australia (formerly the Australian Collaborative Education Network Limited ACEN)
Adobe Education Exchange Member
Former Board Member of MindFrame National Advisory Group Board: Hunter Institute of Mental Health
Former Member of Public Relations Institute of Australia.
Former Professional Member of the Australian Institute of Management
Former Corporate Member of the Marketing Institute of Australia
About me
Masters of Education University of South Australia
Graduate Diploma in Education The University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) The University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Arts The University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) University of South Australia
UniSA Online Bachelor of Digital Media and Bachelor of Communcations Teaching Academic July 2017- Present
Stories Well Told Director 2012 - Present
University of South Australia Media Liaison Coordinator 2015 - 2017
Motor Accident Commission Corporate Communications and Policy Manager June - December 2015
Media and Communications Manger Anglicare 2011 – 2013
Adelaide Anglican Archbishop Media Adviser and Editor of The Guardian 2011 – 2015
UniSA Bachelor of Journalism Teaching Academic 2001 - 2017
Communications and freelance journalism contracts 1995 - 2010
Journalist at the Southern Highlands Times 1991 - 1994
PhD ongoing “Let’s get real: Developing authentic, industry relevant curricula in journalism and media communication.”
McLachlan, K. & Tippett, N. (2024). Kickstarting creative collaboration: placing authentic feedback at the heart of online digital media education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 49(2), pp. 246-261.
Katrina McLachlan and Neil Tippett (pre-publication) "Feedback for learning: Fostering student engagement in online education."
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
PhD ongoing “Let’s get real: Developing authentic, industry relevant curricula in journalism and media communication.”
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2024 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2024 |
Open access
McLachlan, K. (2018, August 26). Navigating the new media landscape at Beyond the Shark Tank – PR and Media for Start-ups [Conference Presentation]. The Innovation and Collaboration Centre, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
McLachlan, K. (2018, November 27). The new media paradigm [Conference Presentation]. International Federation for IT and Travel and Tourism New Technologies & Tourism Innovation Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
McLachlan, K., Clarke, F., Hodge, D., Parange, N., Dizon, J., Leonard, S. & Aitchison, C. (2019, August 26). Interdisciplinary journal clubs for continual professional development – what, so what, and now what? [Conference Panel Discussion]. HERGA Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 26th September 2019.
McLachlan, K. (2021, November 12). Let’s get real – Exploring the use of technology facilitated formative feedback in online digital media design education [Conference Presentation]. UniSA Teaching and Learning Symposium, Adelaide, Australia.
McLachlan, K. (2022, September 19). Kickstarting creative collaboration: Placing authentic feedback at the heart of online digital media education [Conference Presentation]. Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide (HERGA) Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
McLachlan, K. (2022, November 18). Kickstarting creative collaboration: Placing authentic feedback at the heart of online digital media education [Conference Presentation]. UniSA Teaching and Learning Symposium, Adelaide, Australia.
McLachlan, K. (2022, November 18). Feedback for learning: Fostering student engagement in online digital media design education [Conference Presentation]. UniSA Teaching and Learning Symposium, Adelaide, Australia.
McLachlan, K. (2024, February 16). Engaging in Feedback for Learning: Fostering behavioural, cognitive and affective engagement in online education. [Conference Presentation]. HERN Symposium, Adelaide, Australia.
McLachlan, K. (2024, July 11). Feedback for learning: Fostering student engagement in online education. [Conference Presentation]. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Conference, Adeladie, Australia, 11th July 2024.
PhD ongoing “Let’s get real: Developing authentic, industry relevant curricula in journalism and media communication.”
McLachlan, K. & Tippett, N. (2024). Kickstarting creative collaboration: placing authentic feedback at the heart of online digital media education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 49(2), pp. 246-261.
Katrina McLachlan and Neil Tippett (pre-publication) "Feedback for learning: Fostering student engagement in online education."
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards Judge 2010 - Present
SA Press Club Awards Judge - Young Journalist of the Year 2024
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2022 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2021 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2020 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2019 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2018 |
MemberPublic Relations Institute of Australia |
2017 |
Member, Women in MediaMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) |
2017 |
Professional MemberAustralian Institute of Management |
2017 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2017 |
South Australian Media Awards JudgeMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) |
2017 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2016 |
South Australian Media Awards JudgeMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) |
2016 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2015 |
South Australian Media Awards JudgeMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) |
2015 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2014 |
South Australian Media Awards JudgeMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) |
2014 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2013 |
South Australian Media Awards JudgeMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) |
2013 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2012 |
South Australian Media Awards JudgeMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) |
2012 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2011 |
South Australian Media Awards JudgeMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) |
2011 |
SA MEAA Walkley Media Awards JudgeMedia Entertainment and Arts Alliance |
2010 |
South Australian Media Awards JudgeMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) |
2010 |
2018 University of South Australia Strategic Thinkers 2025 Development Program
UniSA Online Recognition Awards
UniSA Online Student Advisory Group Management Committee
UniSA Online Student Advisory Group Mentoring Program
UniSA Online Journal Club Management Committee
Awarded the Professional Certificate in University Teaching by the University of South Australia in June 2021.
Worked collaboratively with the UniSA Digital Curriculum Librarians (DCLs) to create two interactive learning modules aimed to improve students understanding of Copyright and how it applies to them as creators of digital content. The outcome included the creation of two bespoke interactive modules to educate students on the history of copyright and the rights/responsibilities of creatives. The ‘History of Copyright’ and 'Copyright for Creatives' modules have been released under an open access (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial) license through OER Commons to encourage reuse across the wider tertiary community.
Following an extensive review the fully online digital media project capstone courses were redesigned and restructured to embed authentic learning experiences around a formative feedback process. Using Padlet to facilitate work-in-progress discussions that mirror the cycle of creative collaboration experienced in the creative workplace subsequent Mixed Methods Action Research found the formative feedback provided students with an authentic, industry relevant experience through which they developed their content knowledge and their collaborative capabilities
Teaching & student supervision