With a background in social anthropology, cultural studies and sociology, my research effort is directed to a range of pressing contemporary questions. How can we extend the role, and benefits of art to more people and more places in contemporary life? How can we grow creative expression? How can we put the festive back in festivals?
How can we create the kind of cities we want and need rather than those produced merely by unplanned, unthinking development? How can we create the kinds of lives we want to live, and build a sense of belonging for all rather than accept the socially isolated, precarious and lonely worlds of contemporary individualism?
And how can we live better lives with our non-human allies and... Read more
About me
With a background in social anthropology, cultural studies and sociology, my research effort is directed to a range of pressing contemporary questions. How can we extend the role, and benefits of art to more people and more places in contemporary life? How can we grow creative expression? How can we put the festive back in festivals?
How can we create the kind of cities we want and need rather than those produced merely by unplanned, unthinking development? How can we create the kinds of lives we want to live, and build a sense of belonging for all rather than accept the socially isolated, precarious and lonely worlds of contemporary individualism?
And how can we live better lives with our non-human allies and neighbours? We are only just beginning to understand the creative potential of new kinds of relationships with non-human kin, and it is as exciting as it is urgent and health promoting.
My research seeks to identify, document and understand the nature of these problems as well as work with partners to seek and evaluate new strategies. My research is characterised by a keen interest in the application of contemporary theory, especially using forms of ‘the new materialism’, embodied perspectives, contemporary ritual, mobilities and posthumanism. From social anthropology, I use very intensive methods involving participant observation, biographical interviewing and immersive fieldwork combined with archival, data base and survey research, that derives from my sociology background.
In recent years, my research has looked intensively at a range of museums and cities around the world that have attempted to break free from the limitations of conventional models.
I am opening up a new field of research on art tourism. Hitherto buried under the overcrowded category of ‘cultural tourism’, this increasingly significant flow of travellers (which includes a significant number of art world creatives) drives cultural exchange, creativity and innovation on a global scale. We know very little about it, yet few cities are not trying to attract it.
I have begun to develop new work on festivals and markets through a study of the relatively few that are super successful and those that survived the purges of traditional festivals and street markets in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
I have pioneered new theoretical and research work on loneliness and belonging across the life course, its connections to different kinds of cities and space and its connections with gender cultures, the public sphere, place, housing, domestic relations, companion animals, new technologies and health. With Bruce Tranter I recently embarked on a new study of the relationship between loneliness and belonging in Australia and in particular how forms of belonging derive from arts and culture, generation, time, place and other more-than-human sources.
I am investigating creative new uses of cultural spaces in contemporary cites, from wastelands, empty high street shops, churches and cathedrals, school grounds, pop-ups, cultural spaces of the nightime (beyond the bars and clubs that currently dominate it) and the streets themselves (e.g. through the rescue and recovery of carnival to build new forms of social solidarity and belonging around them).
If you are interested in collaborating with me, as an academic, honours student, postgraduate, industry/government, poet, writer, producer or director or whatever, then please do get in touch.
My work is situated in the Creative People, Products and Places (CP3) Research Centre.
About me
Elected Member of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the Commonwealth (Elected 1990)
About me
Doctor of Philosophy University of Bristol
Master of Arts University of Kent at Canterbury
Bachelor of Arts with Honours University of Kent at Canterbury
Crossing the Horizons Professor of Creativity and Cultural Policy, University of South Australia 2017 -
Adjunct Professor of Sociology, University of Tasmania 2017 -
Professor of Sociology, University of Tasmania 2005 – 2017.
Professor and Chair of Urban Studies in the School of Policy Studies, University of Bristol, UK, 2002-2004.
Professor, Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, 2001.
Reader in Sociology, University of Tasmania 2000
Senior Lecturer in Sociology 1995-99
Lecturer in Sociology, University of Tasmania, 1991-94
Research Fellow, University of Bristol, 1988-1991
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Creating the Bilbao Effect: MONA and the Social and Cultural Coordinates of Urban Regeneration Through Arts Tourism, ARC - Linkage Project, 03/07/2017 - 31/12/2018
Creating the Bilbao Effect: MONA and the Social and Cultural Coordinates of Urban Regeneration Through Arts Tourism, Hobart City Council, 03/07/2017 - 31/12/2018
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2023 |
2023 |
2022 |
Open access
2022 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
2023 |
2022 |
Open access
2020 |
2020 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
2014 |
2013 |
2013 |
2013 |
2013 |
2012 |
2012 |
2011 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |
2009 |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
Year | Output |
2023 |
2022 |
Open access
2022 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
Franklin, A 2017, 'The more-than-human city', Sociological Review, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 202-217.
2016 |
2015 |
Open access
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
2011 |
Open access
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2017 |
Open access
2011 |
Open access
2010 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2019 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2012 |
Open access
2010 |
Franklin, A 2010, City gifts, City Gallery;Melbourne, Australia, 19 May-15 August 2010.
Open access
2008 |
Franklin, A 2008, A collector's year, NewSouth Publishing. |
Year | Output |
2008 |
Franklin, A & Tranter, B 2008, Loneliness in Australia, University of Tasmania, Australia.
Open access
‘Nature’ in C. Rojek and G. Ritzer (Eds.) 'Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology.' Oxford: Blackwell. forthcoming 2023.
'Society and Biology' in C. Rojek and G. Ritzer (Eds.) 'Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology.' Oxford: Blackwell. forthcoming 2023.
'Zoos' in C. Rojek and G. Ritzer (Eds.) 'Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology.' Oxford: Blackwell. forthcoming 2023.
‘Loneliness - The Decline of Cultural and Everyday Sources of Belonging in Contemporary Societies’ in Michael Hviid Jacobsen (Ed.) Emotions in culture and everyday life - Conceptual, theoretical and empirical explorations. London: Routledge. To be published on 11 August 2022.
Franklin, A.S. and Tranter B. (2022) ‘Places of belonging, loneliness and lockdown’, Accepted for Thesis 11 Vol 172 on April 11 2022; to be published in October 2022.
Research Books Pre- 2008
Single Authored
Animal Nation: The True Story of Animals and Australia. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. 2006 (330 pp)
Tourism. London: Sage. 2003. (250 pp).
Nature and Social Theory. London: Sage. 2002. (220 pp).
Animals and Modern Cultures – A Sociology of Human-Animal Relations in Modernity, London: Sage. 1999. (208 pp).
Experts, landlords and tenants: The private rented sector in Bristol. Bristol: Policy Press. 1992 (56 pp).
Co-Authored Research Books
Home from Home - Refugees in Tasmania. Canberra: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, AGPS. 1997. (with Roberta Julian and Bruce Felmingham), (191pp).
Housing Finance and the Housing Market in Bristol, London: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 1990. (with G. Bramley, W. Bartlett and C. Lambert), (145 pp).
Journal Articles Pre-2008
‘The Tourism Ordering: Taking Tourism More Seriously as an Ordering of a Global World’ Civilisations: Revue International d’Anthropologie et de Sciences Humaine. 57 (1-2):25-39. 2008.
‘Relating to Birds in Postcolonial Australia’ Kunapipi: Journal of Postcolonial Writing and Culture 29(2): 102-141. 2008.
‘Investigating the therapeutic benefits of dogs’, with Donna Haraway, Max Travers and Mike Emmison, Qualitative Sociology Research Vol. III :42-58 2007.
‘Human-animal relations in Australia: an overview of results from the first national survey and follow-up case studies 2000-2004. Animals and Society. Vol 15: 7-27 2007.
‘Beware the dog: A posthumanist approach to housing’ Housing, Theory and Society 23(3):137-156. 2006.
‘Burning Cities: A Posthumanist Account of Australians and Eucalypts’ Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 24(4):555-576 2006
‘The [In]Humanity of the Wilderness Photo’ Australian Humanities Review, 28, April 2006: 1-16.
‘Tourism as an ordering’, Tourist Studies, 4 (3) pp. 277-301. (2004).
“The Tourist Syndrome’: an Interview with Zygmunt Bauman’, Tourist Studies, 3 (2):205-17 . 2003.
Review Article J. Germov and L. Williams (eds), The Social Appetite: A Sociology of Food and Nutrition: Oxford University Press. Journal of Sociology 37(1): 99-103. 2002.
‘Human-Animal Relations in Australia: The Unique Case of Tasmania?’ Tasmanian Social Issues 4(1): 2002:2-3.
‘Explaining Support for Animal Rights: A Comparison of Two Recent Approaches to Humans, Nonhuman Animals, and Postmodernity’, Society and Animals, 9 (2) 127-144. 2001 [With Bob White and Bruce Tranter]
‘The Performance of Museums and World Fairs: an Interview with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett’ Tourist Studies, 1 (3): 1-22. 2001.
‘Neo-Darwinian Leisures: the Body and Nature in Modernity’, Body and Society, Vol 7(2): 57-76. 2001.
‘The Trouble with Tourism and Travel Theory?’ Tourist Studies, 1 (1): 5-22. 2001. [with Mike Crang, University of Durham].
‘Animals and Modernity: Changing Human-Animal Relations 1945 -1998’ Journal of Sociology, 37 (3): 219-238, 2001. [with Bob White University of Tasmania].
‘The Tourist Gaze and Beyond: An Interview with John Urry´ Tourist Studies, 1 (2):115-131. 2001.
‘Naturalizing Sports: Hunting and Angling in Modern Environments’, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 33 (1): 355-366. 1998.
'An Unpopular Food? The Distaste for Fish and the Decline of Fish Consumption in Britain’, Food and Foodways, 7(4): 227-264. 1997.
'Australian Hunting and Angling Sports and the Changing Nature of Human-Animal relations in Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology. 32(3), 39-56. 1996.
'On Fox hunting and Angling: Norbert Elias and the Sportisation Process', Journal of Historical Sociology, 9(4): 432-456. 1996
'Ethnography and Housing Studies', Housing Studies, 5 (2): 92-111. 1990.
'Housing Finance in Bristol', with G. Bramley, C. Lambert & W. Bartlett (all University of Bristol), Housing Research Findings, 20: 1-4. 1990.
'Working class privatism and the home: an historical case study of Bedminster, Bristol', in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 7 (1): 93-113. 1989.
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Ecole Normale Suprieure | FRANCE |
Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation | AUSTRALIA |
Manchester Metropolitan University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Monash University | AUSTRALIA |
Private Individual | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Melbourne | AUSTRALIA |
University of Newcastle | AUSTRALIA |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Surrey | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Tasmania | AUSTRALIA |
University of Wollongong | AUSTRALIA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Editorial Board MemberAnimal Publics |
2018 |
Engagement and Impact Assessment EI 2018 Panel Member (Creative Arts and Humanities)Australian Research Council (ARC) |
2018 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2018 |
Advisory Board MemberIsland Magazine |
2017 |
Editorial Advisory Board MemberAnimal Studies Journal |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberAnimal Publics |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberAesthetics |
2017 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2017 |
MemberBritish Sociological Association |
2017 |
MemberAssociation of Social Anthropologists of the Commonwealth |
2017 |
MemberAustralian Sociological Association (TASA) |
2017 |
Advisory Board MemberIsland Magazine |
2016 |
Editorial Advisory Board MemberAnimal Studies Journal |
2016 |
Editorial Board MemberAesthetics |
2016 |
Editorial Board MemberAnimal Publics |
2016 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2016 |
Advisory Board MemberIsland Magazine |
2015 |
Best illustrated book awardAustralian Book Design Awards, Penguin |
2015 |
Editorial Advisory Board MemberAnimal Studies Journal |
2015 |
Editorial Board MemberAnimal Publics |
2015 |
Editorial Board MemberAesthetics |
2015 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2015 |
Advisory Board MemberIsland Magazine |
2014 |
Editorial Advisory Board MemberAnimal Studies Journal |
2014 |
Editorial Board MemberAesthetics |
2014 |
Editorial Board MemberAnimal Publics |
2014 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2014 |
Advisory Board MemberIsland Magazine |
2013 |
Editorial Board MemberAesthetics |
2013 |
Editorial Board MemberAnimal Publics |
2013 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2013 |
Keynote SpeakerEmployee Assistance Professional Association of Australasia |
2013 |
Keynote SpeakerLife in the Anthropocene, 5th Annual Australian Animal Studies Association Conference |
2013 |
Keynote SpeakerReconnexion - 7th National Anxiety and Depression Conference: The Art and Science of Therapy: Innovations in Clinical Practice and Research Anxiety and Depression |
2013 |
Advisory Board MemberIsland Magazine |
2012 |
Editorial ConsultantSage Publications |
2012 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2012 |
Keynote SpeakerInternational Australian Studies Association Conference |
2012 |
Keynote SpeakerEmployee Assistance Professional Association of Australasia |
2012 |
Keynote SpeakerFrancis Bacon: Five Decades, Art Gallery of New South Wales |
2012 |
Keynote SpeakerThings: Photographing the Constructed World, Exhibition at the National Library of Australia |
2012 |
Advisory Board MemberIsland Magazine |
2011 |
Editorial ConsultantSage Publications |
2011 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2011 |
Keynote SpeakerAlison Burton Memorial Lecture, University House, Australian National University |
2011 |
Visiting professorUniversity of Exeter |
2011 |
Advisory Board MemberIsland Magazine |
2010 |
Editorial ConsultantSage Publications |
2010 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2010 |
Advisory Board MemberIsland Magazine |
2009 |
Editorial ConsultantSage Publications |
2009 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2009 |
Keynote SpeakerAustralian Sociological Association Conference, Canberra |
2009 |
Visiting professorUniversity of Auckland |
2009 |
Editorial ConsultantSage Publications |
2008 |
Founding EditorTourist Studies |
2008 |
Member of ARC College of Experts 2023-2025