Dr Amy Zadow is a registered Psychologist and Research Associate at the University of South Australia. Her PhD research focused on psychosocial safety climate theory, psychosocial risk factors, work injuries, and organisational stress interventions. Dr Zadow also specialises in meta-analytic research involving the calculation of combined effects across multiple studies to quantify the efficacy of different approaches to improve workplace mental health.
Dr Zadow is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow for a Future Industries project identifying factors that influence stress, engagement and innovation in highly dynamic technological work contexts, and also works as a Research Associate examining the impact of workplace digitalisation on... Read more
About me
Dr Amy Zadow is a registered Psychologist and Research Associate at the University of South Australia. Her PhD research focused on psychosocial safety climate theory, psychosocial risk factors, work injuries, and organisational stress interventions. Dr Zadow also specialises in meta-analytic research involving the calculation of combined effects across multiple studies to quantify the efficacy of different approaches to improve workplace mental health.
Dr Zadow is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow for a Future Industries project identifying factors that influence stress, engagement and innovation in highly dynamic technological work contexts, and also works as a Research Associate examining the impact of workplace digitalisation on workplace psychological health.
Dr Zadow has published widely in the area of workplace mental health including a recent publication with the WHO and ILO examining the relationship between long working hours and depression. Dr Zadow has also presented at the International Commission on Occupational Health: Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors, the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, the European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology, and the International Association of Applied Psychology.
About me
Doctor of Philosophy University of South Australia
Master of Psychology (Work and Organisational) University of South Australia
Master of Social Science University of South Australia
Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) University of South Australia
Bachelor of Arts University of Adelaide
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Measuring Organisational Psychosocial Safety Climate, CMTEDD ACT Treasury, 01/08/2024 - 31/07/2025
PSC Intervention Study Department of Education, Cwth Dept of Education, Skills & Employment, 30/07/2021 - 30/06/2023
Rapid review of the literature relating to workplace health and wellbeing (measurement tools and evidence), Preventive Health SA, 29/05/2020 - 31/07/2020
Title: Prevention and reduction of work-related bullying, harassment, violence and stress amongst medical physicians.
Dates: 2015
Funded by: PVC Contingency Funding
Funding: $7,700
Investigators: Dollard & Zadow
Title: Chronic Work Stress and ageing: Cellular mechanisms and implications for psychosocial and physiological health
Date: 2015
Funded by: University of South Australia Divisional Research Performance Fund
Funding: $12,288.
Investigators: Dorrian, Banks, Dollard, Zadow
Title: The dynamic interplay of physical and psychosocial safety in frontline healthcare workplaces in Australia and Malaysia
Dates: 2013 to 2016
Funded by: ARC Linkage Project, Flinders Medical Centre
Funding: $627, 900
Investigators: Dollard, Tuckey, Idris, Runciman, Chen, Morton, Weber.
Research Assistant: Zadow (Linkage Incentive Project Funded)
Title: Psychosocial Safety Climate, Safety Climate and Safety Performance in Healthcare (Linkage Support Grant)
Dates: 2013 to 2016
Funded by: SafeWork SA
Funding: $150, 000
Investigators: Tuckey, Dollard, & Zadow
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
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2019 |
2016 |
2015 |
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2024 |
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2023 |
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2022 |
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2022 |
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2022 |
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2021 |
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2021 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
2017 |
Year | Output |
2022 |
2020 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
Afsharian, A., Zadow, A., & Dollard, M. F. (2016). Psychosocial Safety Climate from two different cultural perspectives in the Asia Pacific: Iran and Australia hospitals. In A. Shimazu, R. B., Nordin, M. F., Dollard, & J. Oakman. (Eds.). 2nd Asia Pacific Book on Psychosocial Factors at Work in the Asia Pacific: From theory to practice (pp. 187-201). Springer International Publishing.
Afsharian, A., Zadow, A., Dollard, M. F., Dormann, C., & Tiaian, T. (2016). Should Psychosocial Safety Climate theory be extended to include climate strength? Results from a hospital study. In review.
Dollard, M. F., & Zadow, A. (2017). Evaluation of the Development and Implementation Phase in Stress Prevention: A Case Study from the Australian Public Sector. In K. Nielsen, & A. Noblet (Eds.). Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Interventions. In review.
Dollard, M., Zadow, A., Pignata, S., & Bailey, T. (2016). Stress management. In A. Farazmand (Ed.). Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_2509-1
McLinton, S. S., Zadow, A., Dollard, M. F., & Tuckey, M. R. (2015). Psychosocial and physical safety climate, health and safety performance in healthcare. 31st International Congress for Occupational Health (ICOH). Paper presented in Seoul, Korea.
McLinton, S. S., Zadow, A., Dollard, M. F., & Tuckey, M. R. (2015). Violence and emotional labour at work; national and local evidence from healthcare workers. 31st International Congress for Occupational Health (ICOH). Paper presented in Seoul, Korea.
Zadow, A., & Dollard, M. F. (2016). Psychosocial safety climate. In S. Clarke, T. M. Probst, F. Guldenmund, & J. Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Occupational Safety and Workplace Health (pp. 414-436). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Zadow, A., Dollard, M. F., McLinton, S. S., Lawrence, P., & Tuckey, M. R. (2017). Psychosocial safety climate, emotional exhaustion, and work injuries in healthcare workplaces. Stress and Health. Advance online publication. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1532-2998/earlyview
Zadow, A. J., Dollard, M. F., & Tuckey, M. R. (2014). Psychosocial safety climate research project findings and recommendations. ARC Linkage and SafeWork SA Pilot Project Industry Report.
Zadow, A. J., Dollard, M. F., & Tuckey, M. R. (2017). Psychosocial safety climate (PSC) as a meta-analytic framework for organizational stress intervention. Journal of Applied Psychology. In review.
Zadow, A.J, & Dollard, M.F., & Tuckey, M. R (May, 2015). Organisational stress interventions. 17th European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology Conference (Conference Proceedings). Paper presented in Oslo, Norway.
Zadow, A. J., Idris, M. A., & Dollard, M. F. (April, 2016). Psychosocial Safety Climate theory meta-analysis. In K. Teoh, V. Dediu, Saade, N. J., & Hassard, J. 12th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. (Conference proceedings). Occupational Health in Times of Change: Society and the Workplace. Paper presented in Athens, Greece.
Zadow, A. J, Dollard, M. F., & Tuckey, M. R. (July, 2014). Organizational stress interventions in healthcare. In International Association of Applied Psychology (Ed.) From Crisis to Sustainable Well-Being. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris: IAAP (Conference Proceedings). Paper presented in Paris, France.
Zadow, A. J., Dollard, M. F., & Tuckey, M. R. (September, 2014). A meta-analysis of organisational stress interventions. ICOH-WOPS (Ed.). Worker health: A basic human right for all. International Commission on Occupational Health: Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors (Conference Proceedings). Paper presented in Adelaide, Australia.
Zadow, A. J., Dollard, M. F., & Tuckey, M. R. (September, 2014). Psychosocial and physical safety climate, health and safety performance in healthcare. ICOH-WOPS (Ed.). Worker health: A basic human right for all. International Commission on Occupational Health: Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors (Conference Proceedings). Paper presented in Adelaide, Australia.
Zadow, A. J., Dollard, M. F., Tuckey, M. R., & Chen, P. (April, 2014). The dynamic role of psychosocial safety climate in frontline healthcare workplaces. In Andreou, N, J, A., Jain, A., Hollis, D., Hassard, J., & Teoh, K. Looking at the past – planning for the future: Capitalizing on OHP multidiscliplinarity. 11th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (Conference Proceedings). Paper presented in London, United Kingdom.
Zadow, A. J., Dollard, M. F., Tuckey, M. R., & Chen, P. (April, 2013). Improving safety performance in healthcare using organisational stress interventions. International Forum for Quality and Safety in Healthcare. Poster presented in London, United Kingdom.
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Autonomous University of Madrid | SPAIN |
Calvary Health Care | AUSTRALIA |
Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø | DENMARK |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | NETHERLANDS |
Italian Workers‘ Compensation Authority | ITALY |
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz | GERMANY |
National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work | ITALY |
Organisation Mondiale de la Santé | ITALY |
Osaka University | JAPAN |
RMIT University | AUSTRALIA |
State University of New York | UNITED STATES |
University of Copenhagen | DENMARK |
University of Malaya | MALAYSIA |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Stavanger | NORWAY |
External engagement & recognition
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
111140 - Mind the Worker: Transformative Change for a Human-Centred Corporate Climate | Current |
Aligning perceptions to build psychosocial safety climate | Current |
The shackles of digital communication: A multilevel study of work stress in Australian university staff | Current |
The mind of the cynical employee: development and validation of a multidimensional scale to measure the cognitive underpinnings of organisational cynicism | Completed |