Andy Noble-Judge is a Business Development Manager in the Enterprise Partnerships Unit based at the UniSA Enterprise Hub at Light Square. He works across multiple industry sectors including Environment and Water, Food, Wine and Agriculture, and Energy, Resources and Mining. He previously worked for nearly 20 years in academic and industry research roles at the University of Otago, University of Groningen, Hewlett-Packard and Brother Printers. More recently he was the R&D Manager for Ceramisphere (a start-up from ANSTO) in Sydney working on developing microencapsulated products for various industrial applications.
About me
Andy Noble-Judge is a Business Development Manager in the Enterprise Partnerships Unit based at the UniSA Enterprise Hub at Light Square. He works across multiple industry sectors including Environment and Water, Food, Wine and Agriculture, and Energy, Resources and Mining. He previously worked for nearly 20 years in academic and industry research roles at the University of Otago, University of Groningen, Hewlett-Packard and Brother Printers. More recently he was the R&D Manager for Ceramisphere (a start-up from ANSTO) in Sydney working on developing microencapsulated products for various industrial applications.