Professor Byron Sharp is one of the world's most famous Professors of Marketing. His book How Brands Grow (Oxford University Press 2010) has been translated into more than a dozen languages, and is repeatedly listed as the most influential text in marketing today. His research has been reported in The Economist, the Financial Times, Bloomberg TV, Ad Age, Marketing Week, The Australian.
He is the Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, one of the University of South Australia's flagship research institutes. The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute is the home of evidence-based marketing. Its fundamental reseach is supported by untied sponsorship from global corporations such as Capital One, Coca-Cola, Henkel,... Read more
About me
Professor Byron Sharp is one of the world's most famous Professors of Marketing. His book How Brands Grow (Oxford University Press 2010) has been translated into more than a dozen languages, and is repeatedly listed as the most influential text in marketing today. His research has been reported in The Economist, the Financial Times, Bloomberg TV, Ad Age, Marketing Week, The Australian.
He is the Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, one of the University of South Australia's flagship research institutes. The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute is the home of evidence-based marketing. Its fundamental reseach is supported by untied sponsorship from global corporations such as Capital One, Coca-Cola, Henkel, McDonalds, Suntory, and many other global HQ.
Dr Sharp is author of "How Brands Grow", voted best marketing book of 2013 by AdAge readers. In 2015 he published the follow up book "How Brands Grow part 2" with Professor Jenni Romaniuk. His textbook (with collegues) "Marketing Management: theory, evidence, practice" (Oxford University Press 2013, 2nd edition 2017).These research books have been translated into more than a dozen languages.
Professor Sharp's has published over 100 peer reviewed acadmic journal articles, and is one of the world's most published and cited advertising resarchers. He is on the editorial boards of five international journals. With Professor Jerry Wind at Wharton he organised two conferences at the Wharton School on empirical laws concerning advertising, both conferences resulted in special issues of the Journal of Advertising Research.
About me
Date | Title |
23/04/2022 |
Positive Brand Breaks All-Time Sales Records for Salam Forever - Cision (North America), https://www.prweb.com/releases/positive_brand_breaks_all_time_sales_records_for_salam_forever/prweb18523427.htm |
15/03/2022 |
Search engines help consumers navigate ‘messy middle’ of online shopping - Business World (Asia), https://www.bworldonline.com/search-engines-help-consumers-navigate-messy-middle-of-online-shopping/ |
14/03/2022 |
Want more donations? Prioritise brand awareness - Pro Bono Australia (Australia & NZ), https://probonoaustralia.com.au/news/2022/03/want-more-donations-prioritise-brand-awareness/ |
11/03/2022 |
4 elements needed to build brands with distinctiveness - Ipsos (Europe), https://www.ipsos.com/nb-no/4-elementer-som-skal-til-bygge-merkevarer-med-saerpreg |
10/03/2022 |
Modern marketing dilemmas: Where does performance marketing meet brand building? - Kantar (Europe), https://www.kantar.com/inspiration/brands/modern-marketing-dilemmas-where-does-performance-marketing-meet-brand-building |
10/03/2022 |
Inclusive marketing goes beyond casting diverse models - Marketing Tribune (Europe), https://www.marketingtribune.nl/bureaus/nieuws/2022/03/interview-inclusieve-marketing-gaat-verder-dan-het-casten-van-diverse-model/index.xml |
03/03/2022 |
The moment of truth - Journal do Comércio (Europe), https://www.jornaldocomercio.com/_conteudo/colunas/visao_de_mercado/2022/03/835927-a-hora-da-verdade.html |
28/02/2022 |
Philosophy instead of advertising - Forbes (Europe), https://www.forbes.pl/biznes/jak-firmy-wykorzystuja-sile-reklamy-ikea-patagonia-i-inni-genialne-zagrywki/47s92xr |
25/02/2022 |
The opportunity and challenges moving from FLoC to Topics - AdNews (Australia & NZ), https://www.adnews.com.au/opinion/the-opportunity-and-challenges-moving-from-floc-to-topics |
25/02/2022 |
Joe Rogan and the tension between truth and attention - Mumbrella (Australia & NZ), https://mumbrella.com.au/joe-rogan-and-the-tension-between-truth-and-attention-725951 |
25/02/2022 |
Brands should not continually zig-zag, claims Unilever CEO - The Irish Times (Europe), https://www.irishtimes.com/advertising-feature/inside-marketing/brands-should-not-continually-zig-zag-claims-unilever-ceo-1.4809906 |
24/02/2022 |
Marketing-New Marketing, Future Marketing” - Gida 2000 (Europe), https://www.gida2000.com/pazarlama-yeni-pazarlama-gelecegin-pazarlamasi.html |
24/02/2022 |
Byron Sharp on word of mouth - Marketingfacts (Europe), https://www.marketingfacts.nl/berichten/byron-sharp-over-mond-tot-mondreclame |
23/02/2022 |
The godfather of marketing effectiveness will be the keynote speaker at the May Communication Summit - Focus (Europe), https://www.focus-age.cz/m-journal/aktuality/kmotr-marketingove-efektivity-bude-hlavnim-recnikem-kvetnoveho-communication-summitu__s288x16504.html |
23/02/2022 |
Keeping it flexible: CMOs talk hybrid work and how they maintain work/life balance - Mumbrella (Australia & NZ), https://mumbrella.com.au/keeping-it-flexible-cmos-talk-hybrid-work-and-how-they-maintain-work-life-balance-725428 |
22/02/2022 |
Britvic on unlocking the value of apprenticeships for senior marketers - Marketing Week (Europe), https://www.marketingweek.com/britvic-apprenticeships-senior-marketers/ |
22/02/2022 |
The forgotten ‘P’ of marketing - Mumbrella (Australia & NZ), https://mumbrella.com.au/the-forgotten-p-of-marketing-725450 |
21/02/2022 |
Erik Modig: Those who succeed in creating a digital Ikea 2022 win - Resumé (Europe), https://www.resume.se/insikt/resume-insikt/erik-modig-de-som-lyckas-skapa-ett-digitalt-ikea-2022-vinner/ |
17/02/2022 |
Still fishing or trolling again? - Absatz Wirschaft (Europe), https://www.absatzwirtschaft.de/angeln-sie-noch-oder-schleppen-sie-wieder-185158/ |
16/02/2022 |
Is there a golden formula to scaling and selling new brands? - The Drum (Europe), https://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2022/02/16/there-golden-formula-scaling-and-selling-new-brands |
15/02/2022 |
Professor Byron Sharp to headline AdNews Adelaide L!VE - The Advertiser (Australia & NZ), https://www.adnews.com.au/news/professor-byron-sharp-to-headline-adnews-adelaide-l-ve |
14/02/2022 |
How Mamaearth CEO Varun Alagh fell in love with books - Money Control (Asia), https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/how-mamaearth-ceo-varun-alagh-fell-in-love-with-books-8090521.html |
08/02/2022 |
Unstatistic/ Press Ganey/ (r)evolution / Kantar/ TÜV / Unilever - Planung & Analyse (Europe), https://www.horizont.net/planung-analyse/planung-analyse-newsline/wichtigesmehr-unstatistik--press-ganey--revolution--kantar--tuev--unilever-197693 |
07/02/2022 |
New business beats customer loyalty every time - Elite Business (Europe), http://elitebusinessmagazine.co.uk/sales-marketing/item/new-business-beats-customer-loyalty-every-time?category_id=12 |
04/02/2022 |
Limitless belief in product paralyses B2B marketer - Marketingfacts (Europe), https://www.marketingfacts.nl/berichten/grenzeloos-geloof-in-product-verlamt-b2b-marketeer |
03/02/2022 |
The new sound of media agencies - HORIZONT (Europe), https://www.horizont.net/agenturen/kommentare/omg-jahrbuch-der-neue-sound-der-mediaagenturen-197477?crefresh=1 |
02/02/2022 |
Attention to advertising: The influence of the medium on the effect - Marketingfacts (Europe), https://www.marketingfacts.nl/berichten/aandacht-voor-reclame-de-invloed-van-het-medium-op-het-effect |
01/02/2022 |
What FMCGs can learn from D2C brands’ media plans - Mediatel (Europe), https://mediatel.co.uk/news/2022/02/01/what-fmcgs-can-learn-from-d2c-brands-media-plans |
01/02/2022 |
Paul Hindle: Never Mind 60:40. Try 95:5! - Campaign Brief (Australia & NZ), https://wa.campaignbrief.com/paul-hindle-never-mind-6040-try-955/ |
28/01/2022 |
Marketing's transformative questions don’t start with ‘how’? - Marketing Week (Europe), https://www.marketingweek.com/helen-edwards-marketing-transformative-questions/ |
28/01/2022 |
How The Media Destroys Trust— And How We can Build It Back Up - MediaPost (North America), https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/370705/how-the-media-destroys-trust-and-how-we-can-bui.html |
27/01/2022 |
Advanced Contextual Targeting and Hybrid ID/ Context - Media Village (North America), https://www.mediavillage.com/article/advanced-contextual-targeting-and-hybrid-idcontext/ |
27/01/2022 |
Tracking for brand growth: the magic formula - The FM Redzone (Africa), https://www.businesslive.co.za/redzone/news-insights/2022-01-27-native-tracking-for-brand-growth-the-magic-formula/ |
27/01/2022 |
Marketing’s opportunity is huge, marketers just need to believe - Marketing Week (Europe), https://www.marketingweek.com/marketing-opportunity-huge/ |
22/01/2022 |
10-point Founder’s Checklist For Startups To Avoid Becoming Windups - Medium (North America), https://medium.com/start-the-f-ck-up-stfu/10-point-founders-checklist-for-startups-to-avoid-becoming-windups-fc99970edfb6 |
20/01/2022 |
Storyboard18 | A founder’s checklist for startups to avoid becoming windups - Money Control (Asia), https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/features/storyboard18-a-founders-checklist-for-startup-to-avoid-becoming-windups-7961461.html |
18/01/2022 |
The big bang: creative and media’s surprising second marriage - Mediatel (Europe), https://mediatel.co.uk/news/2022/01/18/the-big-bang-creative-and-medias-surprising-second-marriage |
14/01/2022 |
Opinion: How to Build Mental Availability for Your Brand - AdWorld (Europe), https://www.adworld.ie/2022/01/14/opinion-how-to-build-mental-availability-for-your-brand/ |
13/01/2022 |
Audio as a Brand Growth Driver - Marketing Tribune (Europe), https://www.marketingtribune.nl/media/nieuws/2022/01/audio-als-aanjager-voor-merkgroei/index.xml |
05/01/2022 |
SCOPE: Omnichannel Medical Marketing What Is It? - Saludiario (North America), https://www.saludiario.com/alcance-marketing-medico-omnicanal-que-es/ |
21/12/2021 |
Legends of media research Episode 5 Byron Sharp Director - PodBean (Europe), https://legendsofmediaresearch.podbean.com/e/episode-05-byron-sharp-director-ehrenberg-bass-institute/ |
21/12/2021 |
What makes brands desirable across generations - Planung & Analyse (Europe), https://www.horizont.net/planung-analyse/nachrichten/einfache-schnelle-codes-was-marken-generationenuebergreifend-begehrlich-macht-196251 |
25/11/2021 |
Byron Sharp’s book, How Brands Grow, was published in Hungarian - Creative (Europe), https://kreativ.hu/cikk/hogyan-nonek-a-markak-cimmel-jelent-meg-byron-sharp-konyve-magyarul |
24/11/2021 |
Attacks on Brand Purpose Are Unwarranted - Media Post (North America), https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/368384/attacks-on-brand-purpose-are-unwarranted.htm |
28/10/2021 |
Attention versus Neuro Science: How a new advertising measurement stack is emerging to fix the problems with ad impressions and view ability - Mi3 (Australia & NZ), https://www.mi-3.com.au/28-10-2021/attention-v-neuro-science-how-new-advertising-measurement-stack-emerging-fix-problems-ad |
25/10/2021 |
Universities Australia Marketing, Communications and Development - Universities Australia (Australia & NZ), https://www.uamcd.com.au |
18/10/2021 |
Purpose could be ‘the death of brands’, warns Byron Sharp - Marketing Week (Europe), https://www.marketingweek.com/byron-sharp-purpose-death/ |
18/10/2021 |
Everyone hates marketers, even marketers hate marketers - Festival of Marketing (Europe), https://www.festivalofmarketing.com/october-2021-agenda-at-a-glance/everyone-hates-marketers-even-marketers-hate-marketers |
12/09/2021 |
What happens to a brand that holds ad spend? Real scenario - proven in research - Marketing Over Coffee (Europe), https://marketingprzykawie.pl/artykuly/co-stanie-sie-z-marka-ktora-wstrzyma-wydatki-na-reklame-scenariusz-realny-sprawdzony-w-badaniach/ |
06/09/2021 |
Without penetration, a brand loses its strongest growth lever - Marktforschung (Europe), https://www.marktforschung.de/aktuelles/interviews/marktforschung/penetration-als-staerkster-wachstumshebel/ |
03/09/2021 |
Does Byron Sharp have holes in the prefrontal lobe? - Resumé (Europe), https://www.resume.se/alla-nyheter/opinion/har-byron-sharp-hal-i-prefrontalloben/ |
13/07/2021 |
Is your marketing strategy RED? -Dünya (Europe), https://www.dunya.com/dunyanin-iksi/pazarlama-stratejiniz-red-mi-haberi-627879 |
27/05/2021 |
Ritual, habit, routine. Why brands should get the habits habit - The Drum (Europe), https://www.thedrum.com/profile/creativerace/news/ritual-habit-routine-why-brands-should-get-the-habits-habit |
25/05/2021 |
B2B marketer can also focus better on brand growth - Marketingfacts (Europe), https://www.marketingfacts.nl/berichten/ook-b2b-marketeer-kan-zich-beter-richten-op-merkgroei |
29/04/2021 |
Byron Sharp: Brands don't create loyalty - Il Sole 24 Oro (Europe), https://stream24.ilsole24ore.com/video/economia/byron-sharp-marche-non-creano-fedelta/AE13WtJ |
28/04/2021 |
Byron Sharp: Brands don't create loyalty - Il Sole 24 ORE (Europe), https://stream24.ilsole24ore.com/video/economia/byron-sharp-marche-non-creano-fedelta/AE13WtJ |
08/04/2021 |
Woolley Marketing: the 4Ps of marketing or no Ps please - Mumbrella (Australia & NZ), https://mumbrella.com.au/woolley-marketing-the-4ps-of-marketing-or-no-ps-please-676899 |
24/03/2021 |
IS OUTCOME-BASED MARKETING THE FUTURE OF MEDIA PLANNING? - AdAge (North America), https://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/outcome-based-marketing-future-media-planning/2322971 |
19/03/2021 |
Does advertisement work to conquer (mental) market share? - Marketing Tribune (Europe), https://www.marketingtribune.nl/b2b/weblog/2021/03/werkt-advertisement-om-(mentaal)-marktaandeel-te-veroveren/index.xml |
14/03/2021 |
https://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/outcome-based-marketing-future-media-planning/2322971 - Independent.ie (Europe), http://independent.ie/business/media/how-to-change-consumers-opinions-and-influence-people-40192142.html |
02/02/2021 |
Sharp, Ritson and Saller to address DMX in March - Marketing.ie (Europe), https://marketing.ie/sharp-ritson-and-saller-to-address-dmx-in-march/ |
26/01/2021 |
Mark Ritson versus his biggest critics in brand purpose, influencer marketing and DTC - Marketing Week (Europe), https://www.marketingweek.com/ritson-versus-critics-brand-purpose-influencer-marketing-dtc/ |
14/01/2021 |
Seven powerful research insights that brands need to know in 2021 - WARC (Australia & NZ), https://www.warc.com/newsandopinion/opinion/7-powerful-research-insights-that-brands-need-to-know-in-2021/4020 |
06/11/2015 |
How the Mad Men lost the plot, https://www.ft.com/content/cd1722ba-8333-11e5-8e80-1574112844fd |
About me
Doctor of Philosophy The University of Adelaide
Master of Business University of South Australia
Bachelor of Commerce The University of Auckland
1999 - present Professor of Marketing Science, University of South Australia
1995 - present Director, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, University of South Australia
1989 - 1991 Marketing Manager, Techsearch Inc
1988 - 1989 Business Information Services Representative, Dun & Bradstreet
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
How Brands Grow Live! for Executives - Singapore - 2025, B Brand Advisory Pty Ltd, 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2025
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2016 |
Open access
2009 |
Year | Output |
2022 |
2010 |
Year | Output |
2018 |
2017 |
2017 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
2013 |
2013 |
Year | Output |
2024 |
Open access
2024 |
Open access
2024 |
Open access
2023 |
Open access
2022 |
Open access
2022 |
2022 |
Open access
2022 |
2021 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2020 |
2020 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2017 |
2017 |
2017 |
2016 |
Open access
2016 |
Open access
2016 |
Open access
2016 |
Open access
2014 |
Open access
2013 |
2013 |
2012 |
2012 |
2012 |
2010 |
2010 |
2009 |
2009 |
Open access
2009 |
Open access
2009 |
Sharp, BM 2009, 'Detroit's Real Problem', Marketing Research, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 26-27.
2009 |
Open access
2009 |
2009 |
Open access
2009 |
2008 |
Romaniuk, JT & Sharp, BM 2008, 'Where knowledge of your brand resides', no. 44, pp. 1-3. |
2008 |
Sharp, BM & Anderson, KC 2008, 'Are Younger Consumers Easier to Win', no. 45, pp. 1-3. |
2008 |
Sharp, BM 2008, 'A Marketing Guide: What to do in a Recession', (July) pp. 1-5. |
2008 |
Sharp, BM 2008, 'Is there a silver lining to recession?', September, pp. 1-4. |
2008 |
Sharp, BM 2008, 'Penetration vs Loyalty: a Clarification', no. 46, pp. 1-1. |
2008 |
Year | Output |
2016 |
2012 |
Open access
2011 |
Open access
2010 |
Open access
2010 |
2008 |
Open access
2008 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
2018 |
2017 |
Open access
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
e-Channel Search | AUSTRALIA |
Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture | FRANCE |
Endeavour Group | AUSTRALIA |
Kingston University | UNITED KINGDOM |
London South Bank University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Massey University | NEW ZEALAND |
Monash University | AUSTRALIA |
Private Individual | UNITED KINGDOM |
RMIT University | AUSTRALIA |
University of Adelaide | AUSTRALIA |
University of Pennsylvania | UNITED STATES |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Strasbourg | FRANCE |
Wharton School | UNITED STATES |
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management | GERMANY |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Editorial Review BoardInternational Journal of Advertising |
2018 |
Editorial Review BoardJournal of Advertising Research |
2018 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Consumer Marketing |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Advertising Research |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberMarketing Theory |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberMarketing Bulletin |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2017 |
MemberFuture of Advertising project, Wharton SEI Center |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Advertising Research |
2016 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Advertising Research |
2015 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Advertising Research |
2014 |
Best Marketing BookAdAge readers |
2013 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Advertising Research |
2013 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Advertising Research |
2012 |
Outstanding ReviewerEuropean Journal of Marketing |
2012 |
Editorial Board MemberJournal of Advertising Research |
2011 |
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
When are brand's sales more or less responsive to price changes? | Current |
Advertisements that sell | Completed |
An examination into the long-term characteristics of market share non-stationarity | Completed |
An investigation of deviations in brand image data | Completed |
Are consumers aware to care? An investigation into consumer awareness of brand purpose | Completed |
Assessing the value of neurophysiological measurement for advertising pre-testing. Are biometrics better? | Completed |
Better together? An examination of price promotion and advertising interaction effects | Completed |
Branding element variation: a consumer and industry examination | Completed |
Can nudging principles encourage behaviours associated with obesity prevention? | Completed |
Comparing advertising avoidance across television viewing devices | Completed |
Descriptive patterns in wine buying: insights obtained from the evaluation of attributes | Completed |
Did you get the message? Exploring the effects of advertising brand perceptions on mental availability | Completed |
Do commercial brand equity metrics provide useful information? | Completed |
Do younger category buyers buy brands and consume media differently from other category buyers? | Completed |
From paddock to plate: an investigation of the local food supply chain in Australia | Completed |
How bands grow: an examination of patterns of competition in listening behaviour | Completed |
How do disruptions to physical and mental availability of brands affect consumer behaviour? | Completed |
How do mental availability metrics respond to advertising? | Completed |
Investigating the cross-category purchasing between brand extensions | Completed |
Is once really enough? measuring the advertising response function | Completed |
Is suggestive branding...suggested? | Completed |
Let¿s get physical! Expanding marketing science to physical activity behaviour | Completed |
Light TV viewers: who they are and how they can be reached | Completed |
Missing the target? Investigating targeted advertising | Completed |
More than meets the eye. Audio branding tactics and advertising memory | Completed |
The devil wears Prada...and Chanel...and Calvin Klein. Uncovering the patterns of luxury brand competition | Completed |
The effect of television promos on audience behaviour: new programs | Completed |
The formation of loyalty, how natural is it? | Completed |
The great outdoors: an investigation into the value of out-of-home advertising | Completed |
The validity of online proprietary panels for social and marketing research | Completed |
The value of a brand: a wine retailers perspective | Completed |
To what extent does cross category loyalty exist for brand extensions? | Completed |
Understanding consumer knowledge about private labels. A study of brand perceptions and rejection | Completed |
Understanding new product performance: a descriptive investigation across multiple categories and two countries | Completed |
Understanding the value of memory metrics in brand health tracking research | Completed |
Using double jeopardy to forecast small brand growth | Completed |
What happens when brands stop advertising? Documenting long-term sales trends | Completed |
What matters in media? An investigation of media decision makers' perceptions of value | Completed |
What's the category got to do with it: investigation of retailer performance at the category level in the UK market | Completed |