I have a passion for undertaking applied research that fundamentally impacts and advances practices within the geoscience industry and in developing the next generation of young, balanced scientists who will have the opportunity to engage in a workplace of equality and diversity.
My research priorities lie in addressing the global issue of decreasing rates of discovery of mineral resources that is coupled with an increase in demand of metals. I am addressing this problem through undertaking applied research into developing new geochemical tools and drilling technologies for mineral exploration and mining that will improve exploration techniques to decrease the risk of targeting and improve the mineral discovery success. This... Read more
About me
I have a passion for undertaking applied research that fundamentally impacts and advances practices within the geoscience industry and in developing the next generation of young, balanced scientists who will have the opportunity to engage in a workplace of equality and diversity.
My research priorities lie in addressing the global issue of decreasing rates of discovery of mineral resources that is coupled with an increase in demand of metals. I am addressing this problem through undertaking applied research into developing new geochemical tools and drilling technologies for mineral exploration and mining that will improve exploration techniques to decrease the risk of targeting and improve the mineral discovery success. This research is being undertaken under the auspices of the MinEx CRC (Mineral Exploration Cooperative Research Centre: www.minexcrc.com.au) and is a collaborative research venture between industry, government and academia.
I undertake cross-disciplinary research in identifying barriers and implementing enablers for minority groups to participate in a geoscience career, and create diverse and inclusive research groups and organisations across industry, government and academia. I am an active member of several local and international equity, diversity and inclusion groups including the UniSA Gender Equity Advisory Network, Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences Australiasia (WOMEESA), the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Geosciences project in iCRAG (UK).
A brief history: I joined University of South Australia in 2017, and am currently an Associate Professor in Geosciences and Professorial Lead within the Future Industries Institute. I undertake most of my research within the MinEx CRC, and am Coordinator of the MinEx CRC Education and Training Program. I was previously involved with the Deep Exploration Technologies CRC (2010-2018). Prior to joining UniSA, I spent 10 years at the University of Adelaide (2007-2017) in various teaching and research roles. I haven't always been employed in Universities and spent 2 years with the Geological Survey of Western Australia (2005-2007) after completing my undergraduate, Masters and PhD degrees at Monash University (1996-2004).
About me
Geological Society of Australia
Society of Economic Geologists
About me
Doctor of Philosophy Monash University
Master of Science Monash University
Bachelor of Science Monash University
2022-present: Professorial Lead, Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia
2021-present: Associate Professor in Geosciences, Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia
2017-2020: Senior Research Fellow: MinEx CRC, Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia
2015-2017: Senior Lecturer/Researcher: Deep Exploration Technologies CRC, University of Adelaide
2011-2014: Lecturer/Researcher: Deep Exploration Technologies CRC, University of Adelaide
2007-2011: Post-doctoral Fellow: Centre for Mineral Exploration Undercover, University of Adelaide
2005-2007: Regional Mapping Geologist: Geological Survey of South Australia
We all need metals - we wouldn't be looking at this website if we didn't have them as they are in our laptops, mobile phones, in the seat we are sitting on. This means we need mines so that we can extract metals. This also means that metals are in demand... and this demand is increasing as we move into a world that has high demand of technologies and within which new technologies such as renewable energies are being developed.
My research priorities and passions lie in addressing the global issue of decreasing rates of discovery of mineral resources whilst also developing more environmentally friendly methods of mineral exploration. I am addressing this problem by directing my research into developing new geochemical... Read more
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Geostatistics and Machine Learning applied to LIBS geochemical data, MinEx CRC, 02/12/2024 - 02/06/2028
Resistate mineral chemistry for Cu-Au exploration - Ernest OPoko, MinEx CRC, 19/06/2024 - 19/12/2027
MinEx Project 3 Phase 2: Real-time downhole assay, MinEx CRC, 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024
MinEx CRC Project 3: Real-time downhole Assay, MinEx CRC, 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021
MinEx CRC Project 8 Geological Architecture and Evolution, MinEx CRC, 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021
MinEx CRC - Adrienne Brotodewo Geochemical signature of zircon in relation to mineral systems, MinEx CRC, 03/07/2019 - 31/12/2020
FIA021 Ind Ptnr – Characterisation and dispersion of hydrothermal monazite related to iron oxide-copper-gold mineralisation in South Australia, OZ Minerals Prominent Hill Pty Ltd, 31/10/2017 - 13/03/2019
Geochemical tools for mineral exploration
This project aims to develop data-driven geochemical exploration tools that demonstrably increase the geochemical footprint of mineral occurrences. Efforts have thus far concentrated on iron oxide-copper-gold mineralisation within South Australia, and use innovative approaches of sampling for specific mineral phases, cover sequence rock types and vegetation, and utilise extensive geochemical datasets that have been and will routinely be collected by the mineral exploration industry. This research is being extended to include additional mineral phases, rock and vegetation types that may host key indicator elements, as well as additional commodities, including Pb-Zn-Ag (sedimentary exhalative) and Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag-Au (volcanic massive sulphide) deposits in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia, Tennant Creek Cu-Au-Bi and basinal Cu-Au in the Northern Territory/Queensland and base metal mineral systems in the Cobar area of New South Wales. The aim is to develop a series of data-drive geochemical criteria that utilises multiple sample media (mineral phases, rock types, vegetation), historic datasets and data acquired in future geochemical sampling campaigns and that can be applied in exploration for multiple commodity types. This project is being undertaken within MinEx CRC Program 3:https://minexcrc.com.au/program-three-national-drilling-initiative/
Real-time downhole assay
This project aims to develop real-time downhole analytical technique(s) that will remove the reliance on materials returned from drilling, will have a small surface footprint and will be inexpesive to operate. The sensor(s) developed will either be deployed by the driller or will be automated within the drilling process. This will allow informed decisions to be made during a drilling campaign. This project is being undertaken within MinEx CRC Project 3: https://minexcrc.com.au/program-two-data-from-drilling/project-3-real-time-downhole-assay/
Postgraduate opportunities
Opportunities for postgrdaute research exist within the above two MinEx CRC projects. Go to https://minexcrc.com.au/education/education-program-2/ and download the postgraduate booklet to see the student research projects on offer.
Careers in geosciences
This cross-disciplinary project aims to understand the enablers and challenges of women attaining leadership levels within the academic, government and industry sectors of geosciences. This project is being undertaken in collaboration with colleagues in UniSA's School of Management. We hope to be able to understand these enablers and challenges to develop opportunities for current and future geoscientists and encourage diversity within decision-making levels.
Education through virtual reality
Working with colleagues in the Future Industries Institute, School of NBE and Project LIVE, I am developing modules for education of high school and university students in areas of geoscience that are otherwise difficult, if not impossible, to experience by a student body. We are particularly developing modules that will allow students to experience being on various drilling sites (e.g. diamond drilling, new technology coil-tubing drilling sites) that they would not be able to visit in their normal course of study due to safety and the remote location of most drill sites.
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2021 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2015 |
Year | Output |
2024 |
Open access
2024 |
Open access
2023 |
2023 |
Open access
2023 |
2023 |
2021 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2019 |
2018 |
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2017 |
2016 |
Open access
2016 |
Open access
2015 |
2014 |
2012 |
2011 |
2009 |
Open access
2008 |
2008 |
Year | Output |
2023 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2015 |
MOD. Blog
This is a quirky and fun project that I did with UniSA's MOD. museum looking at whether we could detect the presence of extra-terrestrial material within samples collected from the top of the buiilding that hosts MOD.
We all need metals - we wouldn't be looking at this website if we didn't have them as they are in our laptops, mobile phones, in the seat we are sitting on. This means we need mines so that we can extract metals. This also means that metals are in demand... and this demand is increasing as we move into a world that has high demand of technologies and within which new technologies such as renewable energies are being developed.
My research priorities and passions lie in addressing the global issue of decreasing rates of discovery of mineral resources whilst also developing more environmentally friendly methods of mineral exploration. I am addressing this problem by directing my research into developing new geochemical tools and drilling technologies for mineral exploration. This research is aligned with the MinEx CRC since mid-2018, and prior to then the Deep Exploration Technologies Corporative Research Centre (DET CRC).
I envisage my future research agenda as undertaking applied research into improving exploration and processing techniques across the minerals industry value chain to decrease the risk of targeting and to improve our ability to exploit known resources. This requires collaborative research between industry and academia and includes focus on processes of geochemical dispersion through integration of currently available and new geological datasets, and integration into exploration criteria and minerals processing.
Coordinator: MinEx CRC Education and Training Program (www.minexcrc.com.au)
Committee Member: Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences Australasia (https://www.womeesa.net/)
Committee Member (incoming): American Geophycial Union Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (https://www.agu.org/Learn-About-AGU/About-AGU/Governance/Committees/Diversity-Committee)
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
CSIRO Australia (Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research organisation) | AUSTRALIA |
Curtin University | AUSTRALIA |
Deep Exploration Technologies Cooperative Research Centre | AUSTRALIA |
Demetallica | AUSTRALIA |
EuroGeoSurveys | BELGIUM |
Fractore Pty Ltd | AUSTRALIA |
Geological Survey of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
Geoscience Australia | AUSTRALIA |
Government of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
Greatland Gold PLC | AUSTRALIA |
Griffith University | AUSTRALIA |
Imdex Limited | AUSTRALIA |
Indian Statistical Institute | INDIA |
Macquarie University | AUSTRALIA |
Monash University | AUSTRALIA |
Murdoch University | AUSTRALIA |
Nagoya University | JAPAN |
OZ Minerals | AUSTRALIA |
Oz Minerals Limited | AUSTRALIA |
PGN Geoscience | AUSTRALIA |
Primary Industries and Resources South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
Texas A and M University | UNITED STATES |
Tokyo Institute of Technology | JAPAN |
University of Adelaide | AUSTRALIA |
University of California | UNITED STATES |
University of Melbourne | AUSTRALIA |
University of Münster | GERMANY |
University of Queensland | AUSTRALIA |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Southampton | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Tasmania | AUSTRALIA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Committee MemberAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU) Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee |
2023 |
Committee MemberWOMEESA (Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences in Australasia) |
2023 |
CoordinatorMinEx CRC Education and Training Committee |
2023 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2023 |
MemberMinEx CRC Executive Management Committee |
2023 |
Review EditorFrontiers in Earth Science: Economic Geology |
2023 |
Committee MemberAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU) Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee |
2022 |
Committee MemberWOMEESA (Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences in Australasia) |
2022 |
CoordinatorMinEx CRC Education and Training Committee |
2022 |
MemberMinEx CRC Executive Management Committee |
2022 |
Review EditorFrontiers in Earth Science: Economic Geology |
2022 |
Superstars of STEM awardScience & Technology Australia |
2022 |
Committee MemberWOMEESA (Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences in Australasia) |
2021 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2021 |
CoordinatorMinEx CRC Education and Training Committee |
2021 |
Garry Davidson Award for ExcellenceGeological Society of Australia |
2021 |
Garry Davidson Award MedallistGeological Society of Australia |
2021 |
Guest Editor Special Issue: Mineral Exploration in Weathered and Covered TerrainsMinerals (Open Access Journal) |
2021 |
MemberMinEx CRC Executive Management Committee |
2021 |
Review EditorFrontiers in Earth Science: Economic Geology |
2021 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2020 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2020 |
CoordinatorMinEx CRC Education and Training Committee |
2020 |
CoordinatorMinEx CRC Education and Training Committee |
2020 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2020 |
FellowGeological Society of Australia |
2020 |
Guest Editor Special Issue: Mineral Exploration in Weathered and Covered TerrainsMinerals (Open Access Journal) |
2020 |
Guest Editor Special Issue: Mineral Exploration in Weathered and Covered TerrainsMinerals (Open Access Journal) |
2020 |
Guest Editor Thematic Issue: Deep Exploration Technologies CRCAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2020 |
MemberMinEx CRC Executive Management Committee |
2020 |
MemberMinEx CRC Executive Management Committee |
2020 |
Review EditorFrontiers in Earth Science: Economic Geology |
2020 |
Review EditorFrontiers in Earth Science: Economic Geology |
2020 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2019 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2019 |
CoordinatorMinEx CRC Education and Training Committee |
2019 |
CoordinatorMinEx CRC Education and Training Committee |
2019 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2019 |
Finalist: Maths and Data CategoryWomen in Innovation Awards |
2019 |
Guest Editor Thematic Issue: Deep Exploration Technologies CRCAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2019 |
MemberMinEx CRC Executive Management Committee |
2019 |
MemberMinEx CRC Executive Management Committee |
2019 |
ChairDET CRC Education and Training Committee |
2018 |
ChairAustralian Geoscience Council Convention Big Issues and Ideas in Geosciences Day |
2018 |
Committee MemberDorothy Hill Medal Awards Committee (Australian Academy of Science) |
2018 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2018 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2018 |
Committee MemberMawson Medal Awards Committee (Australian Academy of Science) |
2018 |
CoordinatorMinEx CRC Education and Training Committee |
2018 |
CoordinatorMinEx CRC Education and Training Committee |
2018 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2018 |
Guest Editor Thematic Issue: Deep Exploration Technologies CRCAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2018 |
MemberMinEx CRC Executive Management Committee |
2018 |
PresidentGeological Society of Australia |
2018 |
ChairDET CRC Education and Training Committee |
2017 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2017 |
Committee memberDET CRC Education and Training Committee |
2017 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2017 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2017 |
Committee MemberDorothy Hill Medal Awards Committee (Australian Academy of Science) |
2017 |
Committee MemberMawson Medal Awards Committee (Australian Academy of Science) |
2017 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2017 |
Geoscience Committee MemberUNCOVER |
2017 |
PresidentGeological Society of Australia |
2017 |
Third Place, Frank Arnott Award (Experienced Category)Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada |
2017 |
ChairAustralian Earth Sciences Convention |
2016 |
ChairDET CRC Education and Training Committee |
2016 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2016 |
Committee memberDET CRC Education and Training Committee |
2016 |
Committee MemberMawson Medal Awards Committee (Australian Academy of Science) |
2016 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2016 |
Committee MemberAustralian Geoscience Council |
2016 |
Committee MemberDorothy Hill Medal Awards Committee (Australian Academy of Science) |
2016 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2016 |
Executive committee memberGeological Society of Australia |
2016 |
Geoscience Committee MemberUNCOVER |
2016 |
Governing CouncilGeological Society of Australia |
2016 |
PresidentGeological Society of Australia |
2016 |
PresidentGeological Society of Australia |
2016 |
ChairDET CRC Education and Training Committee |
2015 |
Committee memberDET CRC Education and Training Committee |
2015 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2015 |
Geoscience Committee MemberUNCOVER |
2015 |
TreasurerGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2015 |
ChairDET CRC Education and Training Committee |
2014 |
Committee memberDET CRC Education and Training Committee |
2014 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2014 |
Geoscience Committee MemberUNCOVER |
2014 |
TreasurerGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2014 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2013 |
TreasurerGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2013 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2012 |
Walter Howchin MedalGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2012 |
ChairpersonGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2011 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2011 |
Research Project GrantOZ Minerals/Deep Exploration Technologies CRC |
2011 |
ChairpersonGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2010 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2010 |
Vice ChairpersonGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2010 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2009 |
Vice ChairpersonGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2009 |
Committee memberGeological Society of Australia SA Division |
2008 |
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
191-Resistate mineral chemistry for Cu-Au exploration | Current |
Application of the Multi-Sensor Core Logger for Petrophysical Analysis and Geophysical Modelling | Current |
Environmental behaviours and biokinetics of technology critical elements | Current |
Fingerprinting ore types and blends by fusing hyper-spectral and other sensors using assisted machine learning | Current |
Generating synthetic data for training predictive spectroscopic models | Current |
Geostatistics and Machine Learning applied to LIBS geochemical data | Current |
Impacts of technology development on earning social licence to operate in the context of mineral exploration | Current |
Indicator minerals as an exploration tool for orogenic gold mineralisation: Acase study from the Murray Basin, southeastern Australia | Current |
Linking geophysics and geology through borehole data: a framework for quantifying the value of information in mineral exploration | Current |
Magnetite amd Monazite Mineral Chemistry for Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) Exploration in the Peake and Denison Inlier, South Australia | Current |
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for downhole chemical assay | Completed |
Mineralogy and geochemical footprint of the Bulldog Shale and the Cadna-owie Formation, Eromanga Basin, South Australia: an example from the Prominent Hill deposit | Completed |
Zircon as a geochemical exploration tool for iron oxide-copper-gold deposits: a case study of the Gawler Craton, South Australia | Completed |