Skype address: dale.bagshaw
2004: Doctor of Philosophy University of Melbourne
1993: Master of Social Administration, Flinders University
1964: Diploma in Social Studies (Social Work) University of Adelaide
1964: Bachelor of Arts, University of Adelaide
Welcome to my home page. After 36 years of service, I left UniSA on July 31, 2009 and am now an Adjunct Professor with Justice and Society, UniSA. I was previously a Head of the School of Social Work and Social Policy and for many years the Director of Postgraduate Studies and the Research Portfolio Leader in the School and the Coordinator of the Centre for Peace, Conflict and Mediation (CPCM) - one of the groups that was attached to the Hawke Research Istitute. From 1993 to 2009, I was also the... Read more
About me
2004: Doctor of Philosophy University of Melbourne
1993: Master of Social Administration, Flinders University
1964: Diploma in Social Studies (Social Work) University of Adelaide
1964: Bachelor of Arts, University of Adelaide
Welcome to my home page. After 36 years of service, I left UniSA on July 31, 2009 and am now an Adjunct Professor with Justice and Society, UniSA. I was previously a Head of the School of Social Work and Social Policy and for many years the Director of Postgraduate Studies and the Research Portfolio Leader in the School and the Coordinator of the Centre for Peace, Conflict and Mediation (CPCM) - one of the groups that was attached to the Hawke Research Istitute. From 1993 to 2009, I was also the Program Director of five post-graduate courses in the School - the Doctor of Human Service Research; Master of Social Work, Master and Graduate Diploma in Mediation and Conflict Resolution, and the Graduate Certificate in Mediation. I have continued to conduct research and supervise PhD students in my Adjunct role. From 2009-2016 I was a Visiting Professor and Examiner for the Mediation and Conflict Intervention programs at the National Uiversity of Ireland, Maynooth.
I have trained mediators in all States of Australia, NZ, England, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Fiji and have been invited to present Keynote papers at national conferences in Australia and NZ, and international conferences in England, New Zealand, Ireland, Denmark, Scotland, Argentina, Canada, Malaysia, Suva, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and South Korea. As the past-President of the World Mediation Forum I founded the Asia Pacific Mediation Forum in 2001. I have been elected as the APMF President at every conference since then, and organised and managed nine conferences in the region - in Australia, Fiji, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea. The next conference will be in PNG when Covid-19 is under control. In May 2013, I co-conveved the 6th World Summit on Mediation with Age-Related Issues in Adelaide, in partnership with the Elder Mediation International Network (EMIN), and then established the Elder Mediation Australasian Network (EMAN), which I still Chair. In 2014, I was appointed to the Board of EMIN and as a member of EMIN's Certification Committee. I am now an EMIN certified Elder Mediator (Advanced).
In private practice, I conduct consultancies, mediate disputes, and run conflict resolution and mediation training programs. Since leaving the University I have conducted training programs and consultancies for the National Family Mediation Service in Ireland, the SA Department of Health and Well Being, the Australian Education Union, the Department for Education and Children's Services, Local Councils, Relationships Australia in 6 States, Resolution Institute in Australia and NZ, Multicultural SA and Catalyst and have also run many face-to-face and two online elder mediation training programs for accredited mediators from Australia and New Zealand.
2019: recipient of the Association for Conflict Resolution's John Haynes Distinguished Mediator Award which is presented annually by the Association for Conflict Resolution in the US to a “prominent and internationally recognized leader in mediation who demonstrates personal and professional commitment to finding mediation solutions to conflict while balancing therapeutic and legal perspectives. John M. Haynes was a pioneer in the field of family mediation, a respected author and practitioner, an international trainer, and the first president of the Academy of Family Mediators. In keeping with his legacy, the candidate should demonstrate innovation, creativity, and outstanding competence in: published writings, training, and practice; maintain personal and professional integrity and respect for others; and embrace a sense of humour and humility about our standing as fallible beings”.
2015: Practitioners Award for “the development and mentoring of dispute resolution practitioners”, awarded by the Resolution Institute (formerly LEADR and the Australian Institute of Mediators and Arbitrators)
2014: LEADR Michael Klug Award - awarded by the Board of LEADR, a large national Australian Association of Dispute Resolvers, “to any person or persons who have contributed to the peaceful resolution of conflict in the best interests of the community’. ‘The Board of LEADR acknowledged Dale’s many, very varied and enduringly significant innovations in the Australian Dispute Resolution landscape over many years …[and]…admired her foresight in both the practice of mediation in dispute resolution and peacemaking and in the professional development of mediators. The Board also commended her for accomplishments which sustain well beyond being an innovation to become landmarks in the Australian Dispute Resolution calendar.”
2013: Sherren Award, awarded by the Elder Mediation International Network for “leadership and knowledge sharing with regard to research and best practice in elder mediation”.
2010: Nominated the ‘Grandmother’ of mediation in Australia’ at the 10th National Mediation Conference in Adelaide, Australia, with Sir Lawrence Street the ‘Grandfather’
2003, January: Awarded Supervisor of the Year by the University of South Australia Postgraduate Student’s Association for excellence in supervision of research students.
1999: Chancellor’s Award for Community Service, with Donna Chung, for the research project – Reshaping Responses to Domestic Violence
Served on the selection panel for applicants for the newly-formed Australian Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (ADRAC), which will replace the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC).
1. 2018-2019: Bagshaw, Dale (consultant/researcher). 'Partnering with African Australian Men to Prevent Domestic Violence' Project for the Catalyst Foundation – developed a culturally responsive, evidence based “best practice” domestic violence education and resource Toolbox for men from CALD communities through an extensive literature review and community engagement processes to enable men to take on the role of community leaders and mentors to influence and empower other men. The Toolbox is available in hard copies and online and focuses on increasing knowledge, understanding and awareness of domestic violence through culturally appropriate and relevant strategies. Influential African Australian community leaders not only endorsed but also directly participated in generating the Toolbox for African communities.
Link to the Toolbox:
2. 2012-2013: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher), Wendt, Sarah, Zannettino, Lana. Preventing the financial abuse of older people by a family member. Designing and evaluating older-person-centred models of family mediation. Australian Research Council Linkage Grant Report, 2013. Partners: University of South Australia, Flinders University, Department for Families and Communities, Office for the Ageing, Alzheimer’s Australia, Guardianship Board, Relationships Australia and the Office of the Public Advocate.
3. 2009-2010: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher); Brown, Thea; Wendt, Sarah; Campbell, Alan; McInnes, Elspeth; Tinning, Beth; Batagol, Becky; Sifris, Adiva; Tyson, Danielle; Baker, Joanne and Fernandez Arias, Paula (2010). ‘Family Violence and Family Law in Australia: The Experiences and Views of Children and Adults from Families who Separated Post-1995 and Post-2006’, Volumes 1 and 2. Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra.
Nordic Tour 2014 – presentation of the family violence research findings to professionals working in the field of domestic violence in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland – funded by the Dreyers Fond and the National Organisation of Womens’ Shelters in Denmark (LOKK).
4. 2007: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher), Wendt, Sarah, Zannettino, Lana. Our Actions to prevent the abuse of older South Australians. Research-based action plan for the South Australian Office for the Ageing and the Department for Families and Communities. Government of South Australia, November 2007.
5. 2005-2006: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher); Quinn, Karolyne & Schmidt, Birte. Children and Families in Transition. Towards an integrated model of practice. Telstra Foundation and University of South Australia, 2006 - on-line:
6. Bagshaw, Dale. Verbal Abuse and Gendered Adolescent Identities. PhD thesis, The University of Melbourne Library, Melbourne, 2004.
7. 2001-2002: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher), Campbell, Alan, Jelinek, Lena. 'Children and Domestic Violence: An Evaluation of Jannawi Resources'. Attorney-General’s Department Crime Prevention Unit, November, 2002.
8. 2000: Bagshaw, Dale & Chung, Donna. 'Women, Men and Domestic Violence'. Research Report for the Partnerships Against Domestic Violence (PADV), Office of the Status of Women, Canberra. Pirie Printers: Commonwealth of Australia, 2000.
9. 1999-2000: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher); Chung, Donna; Couch, Murray; Lilburn, Sandra; Wadham, Ben. 'Reshaping Responses to Domestic Violence', Volume 1: Executive Summary; Volume 2: Final Report; Volume 3: Appendices. Research Report for the Partnerships Against Domestic Violence, Office of the Status of Women, Canberra and Department of Human Services, South Australia. Pirie Printers: Commonwealth of Australia. April 2000.
10. 1996-2004. The International DRACON (Drama and Conflict) Project funded by the Swedish Research Institute involved international collaboration between academic researchers from Universities in Sweden, Malaysia and Australia (University of Queensland and UniSA). We studied conflict between 13 to 16 year old adolescents in schools, cross-cultural aspects of conflicts and improved methods of teaching adolescents to handle conflicts using drama. Four research teams met annually for five days from 1997- 2004 in Penang, Malaysia, exchanged research papers and findings and have recently co-authored an international research book (see publications below). As the leader of the UniSA DRACON research team I made substantial contributions to the research report published as a monograph by Malmo University, Sweden with funding from the Swedish Research Institute and more recently to the co-authored book published by Springer in their Research series.
11. Bagshaw, Dale. In pursuit of fairness. A social work perspective on family mediation and the best interests of the child. Thesis for the Master of Social Administration, Flinders University Library, Adelaide, 1993.
1. O’Toole, J., Bagshaw, D, Burton, B., Grunbaum, A, Lepp, M, Morrison, M. & Pillai, J. Researching Conflict, Drama and Learning. The International DRACON Project. Springer: Singapore, 2019.
2. Bagshaw, Dale & Porter, Elisabeth (Eds.) Mediation in the Asia Pacific. Transforming Conflicts and Building Peace. Routledge: New York & London. 2009.
1. Bagshaw, Dale. “Elder Mediation. An Emerging Field of Practice”. Chapter 13 in Maria-Frederica Moscati, Michael Palmer, and Marian Roberts (eds) Comparative Dispute Resolution: A Research Handbook, (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Series, eds Francesco Parisi & Tom Ginsburg), Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020, pp 202-217.
2. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Mediation of Disputes in the Australian Family Law System’. Chapter 10 in S, Rice, A, Day & L. Briskman, Social Work in the Shadow of the Law, (5th edition and prior editions with major updates in each), The Federation Press, 2018, pp147-177.
3. Abdul Syukur, Fatahillah. & Dale Bagshaw. ‘The Role of Mediators in Indonesia: Compromise to Maintain Harmony’. Chapter 2 in the Lexington Book Series, Editor: Stephanie Stobbe. Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in Asia. Lexington Books, Maryland, 2018, pp 13-34.
4. Bagshaw, Dale "Elder Mediation: Context, Opportunities and Challenges". Chapter 6 in Ian Macduff (editor): Essays on Mediation. Dealing with Disputes in the 21st Century. Wolters Kluwer: The Netherlands & US, pp 63-79, 2016.
5. Bagshaw, Dale. “Mediation of disputes in the family law system in Australia: issues and dilemmas for social workers”. Chapter 18 in Swain, Philip & Rice, Simon (4th edition), In the Shadow of the Law, The Legal Context of Social Work Practice. Federation Press, pages 317-338, 2014. (Major revision).
6. Bagshaw, Dale, ‘Family Mediation and Family Law in Australia’. Chapter 18 in Wang Guipuo & Yang Fan (Eds) Mediation in Asia-Pacific. A Practical Guide to Mediation and its Impact on Legal Systems, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Hongkong, 2014, pages 1-43.
7. Bagshaw, Dale & Coghlan, Damien, ‘Discourses on Violence: Constraints and Challenges for Mediators in Asia’. Chapter 8 in Mayersen, Deborah and Annie Pohlman (Editors), Genocide and Mass Atrocities in Asia, Legacies and Prevention. Routledge, New York & London, 2013, pages 158-176.
8. Bagshaw, Dale (2012), 'Mediation, Human Rights and Peace-building in the Asia-Pacific,' In Bee Chen Goh, Baden Offord and Rob Garbutt (eds.), Activating Human Rights and Peace: Theories, Practices, Contexts. Ashgate Press, London, pp. 159-172.
9. Bagshaw, Dale (March 2011). ‘Family Violence and Family Mediation in Australia’. Chapter 6 in Pia Deleuran (Ed). Conflict Management in the Family Field and in other Close Relationships - Mediation as a Way Forward. DJØF Publishing: Copenhagen, Denmark: 93-108.
10. Bagshaw, Dale. (2012). ‘Domestic Violence: Feminist Perspective’. In D. J. Christie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
11. Bagshaw, Dale (2009) ‘When East Meets West: Developing Culturally Relevant Models for Mediation Education, Training and Practice’. Chapter 2 in Syed Khalid Rashid & Syed Ahmad Idid (Editors). Mediation and Arbitration in Asia-Pacific. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). First Edition. pp 7-23.
12. Porter, E. & Bagshaw, D. ‘Introduction’ in Bagshaw, & Porter, E (Eds). Mediation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Transforming Conflict and Building Peace. Routledge: New York & London, 2009, pp 6-10.
13. Bagshaw, Dale “Challenging Western Constructs of Mediation. Chapter 1 in Bagshaw, & Porter, E (Eds). Mediation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Transforming Conflict and Building Peace. Routledge: New York & London, 2009, pp 13-30.
14. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Mediation of Marital Disputes in Muslim Families in Malaysia.’ Chapter 7 in Bagshaw, & Porter, E (Eds). Mediation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Transforming Conflict and Building Peace. Routledge: New York & London, 2009, pp 129-147.
15. Bagshaw, Dale (2008), ‘Alternatives to the Judicial Mess: Suggesting Mediation’. Chapter 4 in Singh, Amita and Zahid, Nasir Aslam (Editors). Strengthening Governance through Access to Justice, PHI Learning: New Dehli. Pages: 115-125. ISBN: 978-81-203-3697-1.
16. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Mediation of disputes in the family law system in Australia: issues and dilemmas for social workers’. Chapter 18 in Swain, Philip & Rice, Simon (3rd edition), In the Shadow of the Law, The Legal Context of Social Work Practice. Federation Press, 2009, pages 317-338.
17. Rigby, Ken & Bagshaw, Dale. (October 2005) ‘Helping students to counteract bullying by the use of educational drama and bystander training’. Chapter 8 in McGrath, Helen & Noble, Toni (editors) Bullying Solutions: Evidence-based Approaches to Bullying in Australian Schools. Pearson Education: Sydney. Pages 133-146.
18. Bagshaw, Dale. (2003) ‘Contested Truths: Disclosing Domestic Violence in Family Law Mediation”. Chapter 3, Part 1 “Preparing for Success: Opportunities through Education” in Pammer, W. J. & Killian, J. (Eds.) Handbook of Conflict Management, Marcel Dekker Inc: New York, pages 49-84. ISBN number: 0-8247-4257-5.
1. Abdul Syukur, Fatahillah and Bagshaw, Dale ‘Implementing ‘Gender-Friendly’ Policies in Indonesian Judicial Dispute Resolution Processes: Constraints and Challenges’. Submitted to Feminist Legal Studies, October 2020 (under review).
2. Abdul Syukur, Fatahillah and Bagshaw, Dale (2020) 'Gender, power, and court-annexed mediation in Indonesia'. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, pp 1-12.
3. Kim Torres, Dale Bagshaw, Joan Braun and Robert Anderson (January 2020) ‘Detecting and Addressing Elder Abuse Within the Family: An Effective Response Through Eldercaring Coordination’. ACResolution Magazine, pp. 30-40.
4. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Mediation in the World Today: Opportunities and Challenges’ Journal of Mediation and Applied Conflict Analysis (on-line), National University of Ireland, Maynooth, March 2015.
5. Abdul Syukur, Fatahillah. and Bagshaw, Dale (2015) “Victim Offender Mediation with Youth Offenders”, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol 33,4.
6. Bagshaw, Dale; Adams, Valerie; Zannettino, Lana; and Wendt, Sarah. (July 2015) Elder Mediation and the Financial Abuse of Older People by a Family Member, Conflict Resolution Quarterly., Vol 33, 4.
7. Wendt, S., Bagshaw, D., Zannettino, L. & Adams, V. (2015), Financial abuse: a case study, International Social Work. 58,2: 287-296.
8. Zannettino, L., Bagshaw, D., Wendt, S. & Adams, V. (2015) The Role of Emotional Vulnerability and Abuse in the Financial Exploitation of Older People From Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) Communities in Australia, Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 27, 1, pp. 74-89.
9. Adams, Valerie; Bagshaw, Dale; Wendt, Sarah; Zannettino, Lana (2014) Financial Abuse of Older People by a Family Member: A Difficult Terrain for Service Providers in Australia, Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect. 26: 270–290.
10. Tat Pudsodary & Bagshaw, Dale, ‘A Search for Justice and Rights in Land Dispute Resolution in Cambodia’ (2014), Conflict Resolution Quarterly. Vol 32, Issue 2.
11. Bagshaw, Dale, Wendt, Sarah, Zannettino, Lana and Adams, Valerie (2013). ‘Financial abuse of older people by family members: The views and experiences of older Australians and their family members’. Australian Social Work, Vol 66, Number 1, March, pages 86-103.
12. Syukur, Fatahilla Abdul and Bagshaw, Dale, ‘When Home is No Longer "Sweet": Family Violence and Sharia Court-Annexed Mediation in Indonesia’, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol. 30, no.3, 271-294, Spring 2013.
13. Syukur, Fatahilla Abdul and Bagshaw, Dale, ‘Court-Annexed Mediation in Indonesia: Does Culture Matter?’ Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol. 30, no.3, 369-390, Spring 2013.
14. Syukur, Fatahilla Abdul and Bagshaw, Dale (2012). ‘Judicial mediation in Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities’. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol 23/4, November, pages 274-284.
15. Bagshaw, Dale; Brown, Thea; Wendt, Sarah; Campbell, Alan; McInnes, Elspeth; Tinning, Beth; Batagol, Becky; Sifris, Adiva; Tyson, Danielle; Baker, Joanne and Fernandez Arias, Paula. ‘The Effect of Family Violence on Post-Separation Parenting Arrangements’. Family Matters, No. 86, 2011, pages 49-61.
16. Bagshaw, Dale; Brown, Thea; Wendt, Sarah; Campbell, Alan; McInnes, Elspeth; Tinning, Beth; Batagol, Becky; Sifris, Adiva; Tyson, Danielle; Baker, Joanne and Fernandez Arias, Paula. ‘Family Violence: Parents’ and Childrens’ Experiences before and After the 2006 Reforms’. Australian Family Lawyer, Vol 21, No 2, 2010, pages 11–18.
17. Bagshaw, D., Wendt, S & Zannettino, L. ‘Preventing the Abuse of Older People by their Family Members’. Stakeholder Paper 7, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearing House, September 2009.
18. Shea Hart, A. & Bagshaw, D. (2008) ‘The idealised post-separation family in Australian family law: A dangerous paradigm in cases of domestic violence’. Journal of Family Studies, Vol 14, Issue 2-3, October, 291-309.
19. Bagshaw, Dale, Lepp, Margret & Zorn, CeCelia. (2007) “International Collaboration: Building Teams and Managing Conflicts”. Conflict Resolution Quarterly (Jossey-Bass) 24, 4, pages 433-446.
20. Bagshaw, D. (2007) “Reshaping Responses to Children when Parents are Separating: Hearing Children’s Voices in the Transition”. Australian Social Work, Volume 60, Number 4, pages 450-465. 3.
21. Bagshaw, D. (November 2006) “Language, Power and Gendered Identities: The Reflexive Social Worker”. Women in Welfare Education, Number 8, pages 1-11. (
22. Bagshaw, D. (December 2005), “Self-reflexivity and the reflective question: broadening perspectives in mediation”. The Arbitrator and Mediator, 30th Anniversary Special Edition. Volume 24, Number 2, pages 1-8.
23. Bagshaw, Dale & Lepp, Margret. (Spring 2005) “Ethical considerations in drama and conflict resolution research in Swedish and Australian schools”. Conflict Resolution Quarterly (Jossey-Bass), 22, 3, pages 381-396.
24. Lepp, Margret & Bagshaw, Dale (2003). “Journals as a tool for learning and evaluation in drama and conflict research projects involving adolescents”. NJ (Drama Australia Journal), 2003, pages 55-68.
25. Bagshaw, Dale & Baker, David. (February 2003) “And the cobbler’s children have no shoes. Promoting national collaboration between dispute resolvers in a climate of competition”. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol. 14, Number 1, pages 57-70.
26. Rigby, Ken & Bagshaw, Dale (2003) “Prospects of adolescent students collaborating with teachers in addressing issues of bullying and conflict in schools”. Journal of Educational Psychology, 23, No 5, pages 535-546Bagshaw, D. (May 2003) “Language, power and mediation”. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol. 14, No 2, pages 130–141.
27. Rigby, Ken & Bagshaw, Dale. “What hurts? The reported consequences of negative interactions with peers among Australian school children”. Children Australia, Volume 26, Number 4, December 2001, pages 36-41
28. Bagshaw, Dale & Chung, Donna. “The needs of children who witness domestic violence: a South Australian Study”. Children Australia, Volume 26, Number 3, 2001, pages 9-17.
29. Bagshaw, Dale & Halliday, Dianne. “Teaching Adolescents to Handle Conflict through Drama”. NJ (Drama Australia Journal), Volume 24, Number 2, 2000, pages 87-104.
30. Bagshaw, Dale & Chung, Donna. “Gender Politics in Research: Male and Female Violence in Intimate Relationships”. Women Against Violence: An Australian Feminist Journal, CASA House: Melbourne, Issue 8, July 2000, pages 4-23.
31. Bagshaw, Dale. “The Three M’s: Mediation, Postmodernism and the New Millennium”. Mediation Quarterly, Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. Volume 18, Number 3, Spring, 2000, pages 205-220.
32. Bagshaw, Dale. “Developing Family Mediation Standards - An Australian Experience”. Mediation Quarterly, Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, Volume 16, Number 4, Summer 1999, pages 389-406. (now the Conflict Resolution Quarterly).
33. Bagshaw, Dale. “What Adolescents Say About Conflict in Schools.” Children Australia, Volume 23, Number 3, 1998, pages 17-22.
34. Bagshaw, Dale. “Mediation of Family Law Disputes in Australia.” Australian Dispute Resolution Journal, Volume 8, Number 3, August 1997, pages 182 - 189.
35. Bagshaw, Dale. “The Move Towards Primary Dispute Resolution in Family Law: The Role of Government and Implications for Justice”. The Flinders Journal of Law Reform, Volume 2, Issue 1, pages 1-12, December, 1997.
36. Bagshaw, Dale. "Mediating Family Disputes in Statutory Settings". Australian Social Work, Volume 48, No. 4, pages 3-12, December 1995. 12. Bagshaw, Dale. "Family Mediation Chinese Style". Australian Dispute Resolution Journal, Volume 1, Number 1, February 1995, pages 12-24
37. Bagshaw, Dale. “Children of Divorce in Britain and the United States: Current Issues in Relation to Child Custody and Access.” Australian Journal of Family Law. Butterworths, Sydney, Vol 6, No. 1, March 1992, pages 32-53.
1. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote address. ‘Empowering Elders in the Brave New World’. Mediators Institute of Ireland's online National Conference, Ireland, December 3, 2020.
2. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote Address. ‘The future of dispute resolution in the Asia-Pacific region. What has culture got to do with it?’ 8th Asia Pacific Mediation Forum Conference, Da Nang, Vietnam, November 2019.
3. Bagshaw, Dale Keynote address: ‘Mediation in the Asia Pacific Region: Opportunities and Challenges’, 7th Asia Pacific Mediation Forum Conference ‘Synergizing Eastern and Western Constructs of Mediation towards Better Understanding’, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, 10-12 Feb, 2016.
4. Bagshaw, Dale. Opening Keynote address. ‘Mediation in the World Today: Opportunities and Challenges’. Edward Kennedy International Institute for Conflict Intervention International Conference. National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland. September 4-7, 2014.
5. Bagshaw, Dale, Keynote address. ‘Elder Mediation as a Strategy for Preventing the Financial Abuse of Older People by their Family Members’ at the 7th Elder Mediation International Network Summit, Mediation with Age Related Issues, in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada, June 25-27, 2014.
6. Bagshaw, Dale Keynote address: Mediation in a globalising world: Culture, context and human rights, 6th Asia Pacific Mediation Forum Conference, Manila, The Philippines. December 2013.
7. Bagshaw, Dale, Keynote Speaker on’ Family Law and Family Violence and the Impact of Children’, Nordic Tour: Conflict Resolution, Knots and Art Work (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland) funded by the European UN Women’s Office, September 9-19, 2014. The report is on this website -
8. Bagshaw, Dale, Keynote address ‘Family Mediation and Family Law in Australia’. Asian-Pacific Mediation Conference 2012, Mediation and Its Impact on National Legal Systems, City University of Hong Kong, China 16-17 November 2012. Invited to contribute a chapter to a book post-conference.
9. Bagshaw, D. Keynote address: Older-Person-Centred Family Mediation to Prevent the Financial Abuse of Older People by a Family member (via podcast). Fifth World Summit on Elder Mediation, Glasgow, Scotland, June 11-13, 2012.
10. Bagshaw, D. Keynote address: Resolving disputes in Asia. What has culture got to do with it?. 20th Anniversary of the Asian Development Bank Administrative Tribunal (ADBAT) ‘Enhancing Tribunal Independence: The Steps Below’. Manilla, The Philippines September 5, 2011.
11. Bagshaw, D. Keynote address: ‘Including Children’s Voices in Mediation’ and Panel member: ‘Mediating the Care of Children: The Impact of Family Violence on Decision-Making about Children and Parenting in Mediation and other Family Services in Australia. Family Mediation Conference, Arbitrators' and Mediators' Institute of New Zealand (AMINZ), Auckland, New Zealand, 23rd February 2011.
12. Bagshaw, D. Keynote address: ‘Challenging Western Constructs of Mediation’ and Workshop: ‘Family Violence and Family Law in Australia. The Experiences and Views of Children and Adults and Implications for Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners’. ADR Conference of the Arbitrators' and Mediators' Institute of New Zealand (AMINZ) and the Institute for Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA), Christchurch, New Zealand, 5-7 August, 2010.
13. Bagshaw, D. Keynote address: Shared Parenting, Family Violence and Family Law. Special 3 hour Colloquium sponsored by the School of Business and Law and held at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland, 5th October 2010. (In my role as a Visiting Professor at the School for 6 weeks).
14. Bagshaw, D. Keynote address. ‘Contested Truths: Shared Parenting and the Best Interests if the Child in Family Law in Australia’. Special Status Meeting on Shared Parenting and Family Law in Copenhagen, Denmark, October 22, 2008.
15. Bagshaw, D. Keynote address: “Mediation, culture and justice: transforming conflict and building peace in the Asia-Pacific region”. Fourth Asia Pacific Mediation Forum 2008 – Mediation in the Asia Pacific: Constraints and Challenges, Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 16-18 June, 2008. (Invited by the independent conference committee, March 2008 – abstract peer reviewed). Paper published in Conference Proceedings (hard copy), on CD and on-line -
16. Bagshaw, D. Keynote address: “Innocents Abroad. Western mediation education and training and dispute resolution practices in the Asia Pacific”. Third Asia Pacific Mediation Forum conference, Suva, Fiji, June 26-30, 2006. Invited by the independent Conference Committee after submitting a paper. address
17. Bagshaw, D. Keynote address: “The Place of Mediation in Civil Society”. Fifth World Mediation Forum Conference, Crans Montana, Switzerland, September 2005. Published in the Conference Papers on CD and on the WMF website –
18. Bagshaw, D. Opening Address: “The Workplace Mirrors the World – Dealing with Conflict at Work”. International Workplace Conflict Conference, 21-23 April 2004, Adelaide, South Australia Published on disc and on the conference website:
19. Bagshaw, D. Plenary address: “Challenging Discourses on Violence: from the Schoolyard to the United Nations”. Fourth World Mediation Forum, Building Peaceful Co-Existence. Mediation and Negotiation in a Conflicted World, Buenos Aires, Argentina May 9 –11, 2003. Paper published on disc and on-line:
20. Bagshaw, D. Plenary address: “When East Meets West: The Relevance of Asian Models of Mediation to Western Practitioners”. Asia Pacific Conference on Contemporary Trends in Mediation and Arbitration. Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration and the International Islamic University Malaysia, 17th and 18th July, 2006.
21. Bagshaw, Dale. Plenary address: "Gender Issues in Mediation." Forum for Initiatives in Reparation and Mediation (FIRM) Annual National Conference, Derbyshire, England, June, 1990. Published in the FIRM Journal Mediation, Vol. 6, No. 4, pages 29-31, Autumn 1990.
1. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Elder Mediation. Context, Opportunities and Challenges’. 9th Asia Pacific Mediation Conference, ‘Peace in Asia’, Je Ju Island, South Korea, November, 2019.
2. Dale Bagshaw. ‘Safeguarding the rights of elders in elder mediation: Making accommodations to enhance capacity & screening for abuse’. 10th World Summit on Mediation with Age-Related Issues (Elder Mediation). Bristol, England, May, 2018.
3. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Safeguarding the Rights of Older Adults. A Rights-Based Approach to the Prevention of Elder Abuse and Implications for Elder Mediation’. 9th World Summit on Mediation with Age-Related Issues (Elder Mediation), Linz, Austria, May 2 to May 4, 2016.
4. Bagshaw, Dale, “Elder mediation – challenges and opportunities”, 6th Asia Pacific Mediation Forum Conference, Manila, The Philippines, December 2013.
5. Bagshaw, D. ‘Family Violence and Shared Parenting in Family Law: An International Perspective on Children’s Rights and Best Interests’. International Conference - Children and the Law: International approaches to children and their vulnerabilities, Monash University, Prato, Italy, 7-10 September 2009.
6. Bagshaw, D. ‘The Use of Questions in Mediation: Empowering Clients to Manage, Transform or Resolve their own Conflicts’. 1st Asia Mediation Association Conference, Singapore, 2-5 June 2009 (paper published in the Conference CD).
7. Bagshaw, Dale. “Family mediation and domestic violence. Does culture make a difference?” Asia Pacific Mediation Forum 2008 – Mediation in the Asia Pacific: Constraints and Challenges, Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 16-18 June, 2008. (Conference Proceedings, on disc and on-line –
8. Bagshaw, Dale “Can mediation provide access to justice where there is inequality or poverty?” International Conference on Poverty, Inequality and Access to Justice for the Poor in South Asia, Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 7-9 November, 2006.
9. Bagshaw, Dale: “Family mediation and domestic violence” V World Mediation Forum Conference, Sierre, Switzerland, September 2005. Conference Papers on CD and on the WMF website –
10. Bagshaw, Dale. “The Reflexive Mediator: Theory and Practice”. V World Mediation Forum Conference, Sierre, Switzerland, September 2005. Conference Papers on CD and on the WMF website –
11. Bagshaw Dale. “Language, Power and Gendered Identities: The Reflexive Social Worker”. Global Social Work Congress, Adelaide, Australia. October 5, 2004.
12. Bagshaw, Dale & Mabuya, Phillis. “A Cross-cultural Perspective on the Preparation of Human Service Professionals for the Challenges of Social Change and Development through Post-graduate Study”. Global Social Work Congress, Adelaide, Australia. October 4, 2004.
13. Bagshaw, Dale. “Verbal Abuse and Adolescent Identities: Marking the Boundaries of Gender”. XVI World Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression. Santorini, Greece, September 18-22, 2004.
14. Bagshaw, Dale & Mabuya, Phillis. “A Cross-cultural Perspective on the Preparation of Human Service Professionals for the Challenges of Social Change and Development through Post-graduate Study”. Global Social Work Congress, Adelaide, Australia. October 4, 2004.
15. Bagshaw, Dale. “Language, Power and Mediation”, Fourth World Mediation Forum, Building Peaceful Co-Existence. Fourth World Mediation Forum, Building Peaceful Co-Existence. Mediation and Negotiation in a Conflicted World, Buenos Aires, Argentina May 9 –11, 2003. Conference Papers on disc and on-line:
16. Bagshaw, Dale. “Language, Power and Reflexive Mediation Practice”. The International Association of Conflict Management 16th Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia. June 15th-18, 2003. (Published on-line:
17. Lepp, Margret and Bagshaw, Dale. “Guidelines for International Collaborative Research: A Cross-Atlantic Demonstration”. Fourth World Mediation Forum, Building Peaceful Co-Existence. Mediation and Negotiation in a Conflicted World, Buenos Aires, Argentina May 9 –11, 2003. (Conference papers on disc and on-line:
18. Bagshaw, Dale. “Surfacing Domestic Violence in Family Law Disputes: Implications for Mediators”. Asia Pacific Mediation Forum: Reconciliation: Conversations Beyond Cultural Boundaries, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. November 29-December 1, 2001. (
19. Bagshaw, Dale. By invitation of the Austrian Government: “Mediation and Domestic Violence.” Family Mediation and Child Guidance: New Ways of Dealing with Conflicts and Divorce in Divorce and Separation Situations? Salzburg Congress, Federal Ministry of Social Security and Generations, Austria. November 2-3, 2001 (Conference Papers on disc).
20. Bagshaw, Dale. “Family Mediation Practice Education and Training Standards in Australia”, World Mediation Forum, Sardinia, Italy, September 27 – October 1, 2000 (Conference Papers on disc).
21. Bagshaw, Dale. “Mediation of Family Law Disputes in Australia”. Second World Congress of Family Law and the Rights of Children and Youth, San Francisco, United States. July 1997.
22. Bagshaw, Dale. "Whose Idea of Fairness? The Impact of the Cultural Context on Mediation". In Dale Bagshaw (Editor) Conference Proceedings, Second International Mediation Conference: Mediation and Cultural Diversity, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, January 1996, pages 23-35.
23. Bagshaw, Dale & Ryan, Judith (Canada) - "The Impact of Culture on Mediation", Academy of Family Mediators, 1995 Annual Conference, - "Reaching for Diversity: Mediation in the 21st Century". Cincinnati, Ohio, US, July 10 - 15, 1995.
24. Bagshaw, Dale. "Family Mediation Standards in Australia - Key Issues”. First World Mediation Forum, El Escorial, Spain, Spanish Interdisciplinary Association of Family Studies (Conference Papers on disc). September 28 - 30, 1995.
25. Bagshaw, Dale. "Peer Mediation Strategies in Schools". Children's Peer Relations: Cooperation and Conflict. An International Conference. In Conference Proceedings, K. Oxenberry, K. Rigby & P. Slee, The Institute of Social Research, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. 19-22 January, 1994.
26. Bagshaw, Dale. "Family Mediation Training and Standards in Australia". National Family Mediation Canada Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 1994.
1. Bagshaw, Dale, Keynote speaker. The Emergence of Elder Mediation: Challenges and Opportunities, LEADR Kon Gres National Conference, September 2013: Sydney (9th), Melbourne (12th) and Adelaide (16th), 2013.
2. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote Speaker. ‘Abuse of Older People by Family Members: Strategies for Prevention and Early Intervention’. 2012 Conference of the Australian Association of Gerontology (NT). Elder Abuse. A Cause for Action. Alice Springs September 5, 2012 and Darwin, September 7, 2012.
3. Bagshaw, Dale. Featured presenter: Challenging Western Constructs of Mediation: Implications for Australia’s National Mediation Standards. Tenth National Mediation Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, September 6-9, 2010.
4. Bagshaw, Dale. & Brown, T. Keynote Speakers: Better Outcomes for Children: Implications from the report ‘Family Violence and Family Law in Australia: The Experiences and Views of Children and Adults Who Separated Post 1995 and Post 2006’. 2nd Family Law System Conference: Working Together to Improve the Australian Family Law System into the Future, 20-21 July 2010, National Convention Centre Canberra.
5. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote speaker. Preventing the Abuse of Older People by their Family Members. Ageing Safely Forum, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse, Adelaide, 22-23 October 2009.
6. Bagshaw, Dale. Plenary speaker. Transforming Conflicts in the Asia Pacific Region: A Framework for Addressing the Issues of Culture, Power and Social Justice. Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA), Annual Conference, Melbourne, 29-31 May, 2009.
7. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote speaker: “Shared Parental Responsibility and Family Law: Implications for Children”. Biannual conference of the National Council of Single Mothers and Their Children. Sole Parenting in a Changing Political Climate, Pilgrim Centre, Adelaide, May 22 & 23, 2008.
8. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote speaker: “Managing Conflicts and Disputes as an Ombud in Higher Education. The Place of Mediation?” Fourth National Conference of Ombuds and Deans of Students in Higher Education Association Australasia, Adelaide, April 15 & 16, 2004.
9. Bagshaw, Dale & Chung, D. Keynote speaker: “Reshaping Responses to Domestic Violence: The Needs of Children and Young People”. Published in the: Proceedings for the National Forum on Children, Young People and Domestic Violence, The Way Forward, Partnerships Against Domestic Violence, Pirie Printers: Canberra, 2000, pages 30-45. On-line –
10. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote speaker: “What Adolescents Say About Peer Mediation in Schools”. Conference Proceedings, 4th National Mediation Conference, “Mediation: Shaping the Future”. In Tom Fisher (Editor) Conference Proceedings, Latrobe University, Melbourne, 4-8 April 1998.
11. Bagshaw, Dale. Opening Address: “Service Delivery to Families and Children in Australia - Constraints and Challenges”. Conference Proceedings, National Child Welfare Conference. The Cutting Edge. Exploring Futures for Families and Young People, Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria, Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia, Melbourne 24-26 November, 1998 (on disc).
12. Bagshaw, Dale. Plenary speaker: “The Role of the State in the Administration of Justice: The Trend to Private Dispute Resolution”. Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference - "Diminished Responsibility? The Changing Role of the State". 10 - 13 July 1996.
13. Bagshaw, Dale. Plenary speaker: "Mediation: A Cooperative Approach to Resolving Disputes". 4th National Guardianship and Administration Conference, Adelaide, 18th - 20th October, 1995.
14. Bagshaw, Dale. Plenary speaker: "Grief and Loss Issues for Children of Divorce". First National Conference, Australian and New Zealand Association for Children's Access Services, Adelaide, October 1994.
15. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote speaker: "Mediation Chinese Style." Second National Family Mediation Conference, Perth, April 1994.
16. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote speaker: "Specific Issues: Adolescent Mediation and Family Therapy." Adolescent Mediation and Family Therapy Conference. Attorney General's Department, Canberra, June, 1992.
17. Bagshaw, Dale. Plenary speaker: "Conflict - How do we deal with it in the organisation?" Australian Association of Occupational Therapists' 16th Federal Conference, 50 years of Achievement’, Adelaide, September, 1991.
18. Bagshaw, Dale. Keynote speaker: "Managing Conflicts." Australian National Association for Mental Health Australian National Conference, “2001: Towards A Gentler Society”, Adelaide, July, 1991.
1. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Elder mediation a potential strategy to prevent financial abuse of older people in CALD communities? Ageing in a Foreign Land, Flinders University, June 2019.
2. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Elder Mediation and Screening for Elder Abuse’. National Mediation Conference, Canberra, April 2019.
3. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Elder Mediation and Elder Abuse: An Approach to Prevention and Early Intervention’. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Conference. Adelaide, June 15, 2018.
4. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Elder Mediation: An international perspective on an emerging field of practice’, National Mediation Conference. Gold Coast, Queensland, September 2016.
5. Bagshaw, Dale. Elder mediation as a strategy to prevent the financial abuse of older people by a family member. Australian Association of Gerontology Conference, Adelaide, 26-28 November, 2014.
6. Bagshaw, Dale, Valerie Adams & Oscar Modesto Ramirez, Evaluating a Child-Focused Service for Separated Families with Complex Needs: Constraints and Challenges. Family Relationships Services Australia Conference. Wellbeing for Children, Families & Communities: Future Policy, Programs & Practice, Adelaide Convention Centre, November 4 – 6, 2014.
7. Bagshaw, D., McInnes, E., Wendt, S. and Tinning, B. ‘Contested Truths: The Gendered Nature of Men’s and Women’s Experiences and Views of Family Violence Before, During and After Separation and Implications for Policy and Practice’. Family Relationships Services Australia, Third National Conference, Melbourne, 3-5 November, 2010.
8. Brown, T. & Bagshaw, D. ‘Family Violence and Client Satisfaction with Family Law Socio-Legal Services’. Family Relationships Services Australia, Third National Conference, Melbourne, 3-5 November, 2010.
9. Bagshaw, D. & Campbell, A. ‘Family Violence and Family Law in Australia. The Experiences and Views of Children and Adults Post-2005 and Post-2006. Implications for Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners’. Three hour workshop, 10th National Mediation Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, September 6-9, 2010.
10. Bagshaw, D. ‘Voice of the Child’. 2nd Family Law System Conference: Working Together to Improve the Australian Family Law System into the Future, 20-21 July 2010, National Convention Centre Canberra.
11. Bagshaw, D. ‘Preventing the financial abuse of older people by a family member: designing and evaluating older-person-centred models of family mediation’. Fourth National ADR Research Forum, Griffith University, Brisbane, 16-17 July, 2010.
12. Bagshaw, D. Panel member: ‘Research into ADR – the last decade and current challenges’. Fourth National ADR Research Forum, Griffith University, Brisbane, 16-17 July, 2010.
13. Bagshaw, Dale. “Mediation, human rights and peace-building in the Asia-Pacific”. Activating Human Rights and Peace, Universal Responsibility Conference, Byron Bay, 1-4 July 2008. Published in the refereed Conference Proceedings, Southern Cross University Centre for Peace and Social Justice: Lismore NSW, Pages 195-204.
14. Bagshaw, D. “Contested Truths: Shared Parental Responsibility and Children’s Bests Interests in Family Law”. Family Relationships Services Inaugural National Conference. Collective Wisdom: Together we are Better. Cairns, Queensland, 5-7 November 2008.
15. Bagshaw, Dale. “The Prevention of Abuse of Older People by their Family Members”. Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology 20th Annual Conference, 23-26 September 2007.
16. Bagshaw, Dale ‘The Children and Families in Transition Project’. Paper presented at National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Committee’s Research Seminar at LaTrobe University, Melbourne, July 2007.
17. Bagshaw, Dale Innocents Abroad: ‘Developing mediation models, practices and approaches to training mediators that incorporate cultural tradition, values and perspectives of Asia Pacific communities’. Paper presented at National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Committee’s Research Seminar, LaTrobe University, Melbourne, July 2007.
18. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘The Culturally Reflexive Mediator. Putting Theory into Practice’. 8th National Mediation Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 3-5 May, 2006.
19. Bagshaw, Dale. By invitation. ‘Children and Families in Transition: Findings of a State-wide phone-in’. “Mothers on the Agenda” Conference, National Council of Single Mothers and Their Children, Adelaide, October 20-21, 2005.
20. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Verbal Abuse and adolescent Identities. Marking the boundaries of gender’. 2005 National Coalition Against Bullying Conference - Creating Safe and Caring School Communities, Melbourne, October 29-30, 2005. Published on-line :
21. Bagshaw, Dale. “Self-reflexivity, neutrality and the reflective question”. The Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (AIAMA) 30th Anniversary Conference “Celebrating ADR: Informing Inspiring Innovation”, Canberra, May 27-29, 2005. Conference Papers on-line:
22. Bagshaw, Dale. “Challenging Discourses on Violence: From the Personal to the Political”, University of Melbourne’s Flagship Conference – International Perspectives on Peace and Reconciliation, 14th – 17th July 2003, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, International Conflict Resolution Centre, University of Melbourne (Conference Papers on disc and on the website).
23. Bagshaw, Dale. By invitation. ‘Children and Families in Transition: Towards a best practice model of integrated, child-focused practice.’ Family Law Pathways Forum. Out of the Maze: Pathways to the Future for Families Experiencing Separation - Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, Canberra, 19-20th June, 2003.
24. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Conflict management: current legal issues and procedural developments.’ Human Resource Management National Conference, St Kilda, Melbourne, 28-29 November, 2002.
25. Bagshaw, Dale. Language, Power and Mediation’, 6th National Mediation Conference: Pathways Towards Dispute Management, 18-20 September, Canberra, Australia, 2002.
26. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Mediation, (Post)Modernism and the New Millennium’, 5th National Mediation Conference – Mediation: Past and Promise, Brisbane, Queensland, 17-19 May 2000.
27. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘The DRACON Project - Drama and Conflict Handling in Secondary Schools’. Drama Australia 2000 National Conference – Eve of Construction, Adelaide March 3-5, 2000.
28. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘The Best Interests of the Child in Family Law. A Grief and Loss Perspective’. Third National Family Court Conference, Melbourne, October 20-24, 1998. Published in the Conference Proceedings –
29. Bagshaw, Dale. “Family Mediation Education and Training in Australia: Key Developments”. 7th National Family Law Conference, Canberra, Television Education Network Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Victoria, pages 545-558, October 1996.
30. Bagshaw, Dale. "Is there a place for Mediation in Statutory Settings?" Statutory Social Work Conference. Published in Conference Proceedings, University of Adelaide, April, 1994.
31. Bagshaw, Dale. "The Best Interests of the Child in Family Mediation". The First National Family Mediation Conference - 'Family Mediation in Australia: Current Issues and Future Directions'. Adelaide, South Australia, July/August 1992.
32. Bagshaw, Dale. 'Family Mediation - an overview'. Joint South Australian Dispute Resolution/Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution (SADRA/LEADR) Conference, ‘From Co-operation to Competition: A Necessary Change of Focus’, Adelaide, July, 1991.
33. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Family Mediation and Social Work - An International Perspective.’ Australian Association of Social Workers National Conference, Adelaide, September, 1991.
34. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Family Therapy - An Ecosystems Perspective. Can it Bridge the Gap?’ The Seventh Australian Family Therapy Association Conference, Perth, W.A. 1986.
35. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Bridging the Gender Gap’. Fourth National Australian Family Therapy Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, 1983.
36. Bagshaw, Dale. ‘Women and Family Therapy: A Critical Analysis.’ The First Australian Women in Family Therapy Conference, Adelaide, 1983.
About me
About me
Doctor of Philosophy The University of Melbourne
Master of Social Administration Flinders University
Bachelor of Arts The University of Adelaide
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
South Australian Eldercaring Coordination Pilot Project Partnership between University of South Australia and Relationships Australia South Australia (RASA), Relationships Australia, 30/09/2022 - 30/06/2024
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2009 |
Year | Output |
2020 |
Bagshaw, D 2020, Elder mediation: An emerging field of practice, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.
2013 |
2011 |
2009 |
2009 |
2009 |
2009 |
Year | Output |
2020 |
2015 |
Open access
2015 |
2015 |
2014 |
2014 |
2013 |
2013 |
2013 |
2013 |
2012 |
2011 |
Open access
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
Year | Output |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
2008 |
Open access
1. 2018-2019: Bagshaw, Dale (consultant/researcher). Partnering with African Australian Men to Prevent Domestic Violence Project for the Catalyst Foundation – developed a culturally responsive, evidence based “best practice” domestic violence education and resource Toolbox for men from CALD communities through an extensive literature review and community engagement processes to enable men to take on the role of community leaders and mentors to influence and empower other men. The Toolbox is available in hard copies and online and focuses on increasing knowledge, understanding and awareness of domestic violence through culturally appropriate and relevant strategies. Influential African Australian community leaders not only endorsed but also directly participated in generating the Toolbox for African communities.
2. 2012-2013: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher), Wendt, Sarah, Zannettino, Lana. Preventing the financial abuse of older people by a family member. Designing and evaluating older-person-centred models of family mediation. Australian Research Council Linkage Grant Report, 2013. Partners: University of South Australia, Flinders University, Department for Families and Communities, Office for the Ageing, Alzheimer’s Australia, Guardianship Board, Relationships Australia and the Office of the Public Advocate.
3. 2009-2010: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher); Brown, Thea; Wendt, Sarah; Campbell, Alan; McInnes, Elspeth; Tinning, Beth; Batagol, Becky; Sifris, Adiva; Tyson, Danielle; Baker, Joanne and Fernandez Arias, Paula (2010). ‘Family Violence and Family Law in Australia: The Experiences and Views of Children and Adults from Families who Separated Post-1995 and Post-2006’, Volumes 1 and 2. Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra.
Nordic Tour 2014 – presentation of the family violence research findings to professionals working in the field of domestic violence in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland – funded by the Dreyers Fond and the National Organisation of Womens’ Shelters in Denmark (LOKK).
4. 2007: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher), Wendt, Sarah, Zannettino, Lana. Our Actions to prevent the abuse of older South Australians. Research-based action plan for the South Australian Office for the Ageing and the Department for Families and Communities. Government of South Australia, November 2007.
5. 2005-2006: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher); Quinn, Karolyne & Schmidt, Birte. Children and Families in Transition. Towards an integrated model of practice. Telstra Foundation and University of South Australia, 2006 - on-line:
6. Bagshaw, Dale. Verbal Abuse and Gendered Adolescent Identities. PhD thesis, The University of Melbourne Library, Melbourne, 2004.
7. 2001-2002: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher), Campbell, Alan, Jelinek, Lena. Children and Domestic Violence: An Evaluation of Jannawi Resources. Attorney-General’s Department Crime Prevention Unit, November, 2002.
8. 2000: Bagshaw, Dale & Chung, Donna. Women, Men and Domestic Violence. Research Report for the Partnerships Against Domestic Violence (PADV), Office of the Status of Women, Canberra. Pirie Printers: Commonwealth of Australia, 2000.
9. 1999-2000: Bagshaw, Dale (lead researcher); Chung, Donna; Couch, Murray; Lilburn, Sandra; Wadham, Ben. Reshaping Responses to Domestic Violence, Volume 1: Executive Summary; Volume 2: Final Report; Volume 3: Appendices. Research Report for the Partnerships Against Domestic Violence, Office of the Status of Women, Canberra and Department of Human Services, South Australia. Pirie Printers: Commonwealth of Australia. April 2000.
10. 1996-2004. The International DRACON (Drama and Conflict) Project funded by the Swedish Research Institute involved international collaboration between academic researchers from Universities in Sweden, Malaysia and Australia (University of Queensland and UniSA). Studied conflict between 13 to 16 year old adolescents in schools, cross-cultural aspects of conflicts and improved methods of teaching adolescents to handle conflicts using drama. Four research teams met annually for five days from 1997- 2004 in Penang, Malaysia, exchanged research papers and findings and have recently co-authored an international research book. As the leader of the UniSA DRACON research team I made substantial contributions to the research report published as a monograph by Malmo University, Sweden with funding from the Swedish Research Institute and more recently to the co-authored book published by Springer in their Research series.
11. Bagshaw, Dale. In pursuit of fairness. A social work perspective on family mediation and the best interests of the child. Thesis for the Master of Social Administration, Flinders University Library, Adelaide, 1993.
1. O’Toole, J., Bagshaw, D, Burton, B., Grunbaum, A, Lepp, M, Morrison, M. & Pillai, J. Researching Conflict, Drama and Learning. The International DRACON Project. Springer: Singapore, 2019.
2. Bagshaw, Dale & Porter, Elisabeth (Eds.) Mediation in the Asia Pacific. Transforming Conflicts and Building Peace. Routledge: New York & London. 2009.
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
American University of Afghanistan | AFGHANISTAN |
Central Queensland University | AUSTRALIA |
Flinders University | AUSTRALIA |
Indonesian Institute for Conflict Transformation | INDONESIA |
James Cook University | AUSTRALIA |
Monash University | AUSTRALIA |
Private Individual | UNITED KINGDOM |
Universitas Pancasila | INDONESIA |
University of Pancasila-Jakarta | INDONESIA |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
International Editorial Board MemberConflict Resolution Quarterly |
2018 |
International Editorial Board MemberConflict Resolution Quarterly |
2017 |
Board MemberWorld Mediation Forum |
2016 |
Board MemberElder Mediation International Network (EMIN) |
2016 |
Certification Committee MemberElder Mediation International Network (EMIN) |
2016 |
ChairpersonElder Mediation Australasian Network (EMAN) |
2016 |
International Editorial Board MemberConflict Resolution Quarterly |
2016 |
MemberAssociation for Conflict Resolution (ACR) (US) |
2016 |
ReviewerAustralian Social Work AASW Journal |
2016 |
Board MemberWorld Mediation Forum |
2015 |
Board MemberElder Mediation International Network (EMIN) |
2015 |
Certification Committee MemberElder Mediation International Network (EMIN) |
2015 |
ChairpersonElder Mediation Australasian Network (EMAN) |
2015 |
Board MemberWorld Mediation Forum |
2014 |
Board MemberElder Mediation International Network (EMIN) |
2014 |
Certification Committee MemberElder Mediation International Network (EMIN) |
2014 |
ChairpersonElder Mediation Australasian Network (EMAN) |
2014 |
LEADR Michael Klug AwardBoard of Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution |
2014 |
Board MemberWorld Mediation Forum |
2013 |
ChairpersonElder Mediation Australasian Network (EMAN) |
2013 |
Board MemberWorld Mediation Forum |
2012 |
Board MemberWorld Mediation Forum |
2011 |
Board MemberWorld Mediation Forum |
2010 |
Board MemberWorld Mediation Forum |
2009 |
Vice PresidentWorld Mediation Forum |
2009 |
Vice PresidentWorld Mediation Forum |
2008 |
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
African men's experiences in Australia: resettlement processes and the impact of service provision | Completed |
Conflict and cooperation in international projects in Vietnam | Completed |
Court-annexed mediation for settling family disputes in Indonesia | Completed |
Land disputes and development in post-conflict Cambodia: justice for all | Completed |
Transforming approaches to conflicts and disputes in Cambodia: the United Nations intervention and beyond | Completed |