David Corkindale, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., PhD, is now an Emeritus Professor at UniSA. In his early career he worked in business development and commercial research positions in the Pharmaceutical and Engineering Industries in the UK after gaining a bachelor’s degree in Science from Durham University in the UK and a Masters business degree from the Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, subsequently becoming an advertising research executive for the largest Advertising Agency in London, at the time, J Walter Thompson.
After being recruited as a Senior Research Fellow and gaining his PhD at the Cranfield School of Management he became Director, for six years, of a major, totally industry-funded Advertising ... Read more
About me
David Corkindale, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., PhD, is now an Emeritus Professor at UniSA. In his early career he worked in business development and commercial research positions in the Pharmaceutical and Engineering Industries in the UK after gaining a bachelor’s degree in Science from Durham University in the UK and a Masters business degree from the Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, subsequently becoming an advertising research executive for the largest Advertising Agency in London, at the time, J Walter Thompson.
After being recruited as a Senior Research Fellow and gaining his PhD at the Cranfield School of Management he became Director, for six years, of a major, totally industry-funded Advertising Research Centre, publishing reports, journal papers and two books on Measuring the Effectiveness of Advertising. He taught Marketing on the MBA there and on many Executive Development courses around Europe and was, later, Associate Director of the full-time MBA program.
He has been an Associate Professor of Marketing at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
At the University of SA he has held a number of posts including the Head of the Elton Mayo School of Management, Chair of the Business Faculty's Research Degrees Committee and led the marketing discipline which culminated in the establishment of the School of Marketing and its Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science. He was responsible for the marketing discipline in the MBA Program at UniSA for many years until recently..
His consultancy and research includes work on the role of Marketing in the commercialisation of innovations and he was awarded a CSIRO Flagship Fellowship for work on his. More recently he has focussed on the study of the Effects of Plain Packaging of cigarettes on brand share changes and on the effectiveness of Product Placement in TV programs.
He was a founding Board member and Secretary of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC). He founded and was Chair of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Wine Marketing (now Wine Business) and is on the Editorial Board of several other Journals. He has published five books, many papers in top tier international scholarly journals and has over many years contributed practitioner oriented articles in professional marketing and business magazines. He was for some years the President of the UniSA branch of the National Tertiary Education Union and served on UniSuper's Consultative Committee representing academic staff. He regularly plays the trombone in various music ensembles including a symphony orchestra, a brass band and a wind orchestra as well as helping a volunteer-run music broadcasting radio station.
About me
Founding Board Member and Secretary of The Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC).
About me
Doctor of Philosophy Cranfield Institute of Technology
Master of Science Cranfield Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science Durham University
Diploma of Institute of Work Study Crawley College of Further Education
ITP Certificate INSEAD, France
1986-present Professor of Marketing Management, University of South Australia
2014 Acting Head of School, International Grad School of Business, UniSA
2008 Acting Dean- Research, Division of Business
1996 – 1998 Head, School of Marketing, UniSA
1992 - 1995 Head, Elton Mayo School of Management, UniSA
1991- 1996 Chair, Faculty Research Committee
1986 -1991 Head, Marketing Group, Elton Mayo School of Management, SA Institute of Technology
1983 - 1985 Deputy Head of the MBA Program, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield IT, UK
1987 - 1991 MD (part-time), Mellorborough International Plc, Adelaide
1969 – 1972 Deputy Head of the Research Unit, J Walter Thomson, London, UK
1968 - 1969 Marketing Research Officer, BBDO, London.
1965 – 1968 Senior Management Services Officer (Operational Research), GKN/British Steel, UK
1963 - 1963 Graduate Trainee, Vitamins Ltd. Crawley, U.K.
André Bonfrer, Pradeep K. Chintagunta, David Corkindale and John Roberts (2019) “Assessing the Sales Impact of Plain Packaging Regulation for Cigarettes: Evidence from Australia,” Marketing Science, forthcoming.
The Commercialisation and Marketing of New Technologies;the Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations and of new technology; Website visiting behaviour; the Effects of the Plain Packaging of cigarettes on brand share change in Australia; the relative effectiveness of brand placement in TV programs
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2009 |
2009 |
2008 |
Year | Output |
2012 |
Open access
2011 |
Open access
2008 |
2008 |
André Bonfrer, Pradeep K. Chintagunta, David Corkindale and John Roberts (2019) “Assessing the Sales Impact of Plain Packaging Regulation for Cigarettes: Evidence from Australia,” Marketing Science, forthcoming.
The Commercialisation and Marketing of New Technologies;the Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations and of new technology; Website visiting behaviour; the Effects of the Plain Packaging of cigarettes on brand share change in Australia; the relative effectiveness of brand placement in TV programs
Founding Board Member and Secretary of The Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC).
Founder and initial Chair of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Wine Marketing (now the International Journal of Wine Business).
Foundation Associate Editor (Asia Pacific) of the Journal of Marketing Communications.
Inaugural Flagship Fellow, CSIRO.
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics | AUSTRALIA |
Beijing Normal University | CHINA |
Deakin University | AUSTRALIA |
Flinders University | AUSTRALIA |
Hong Kong Baptist University | HONG KONG |
International Business School Suzhou | CHINA |
Public Television Service | FRENCH POLYNESIA |
United International College | CHINA |
University of Adelaide | AUSTRALIA |
University of Chicago | UNITED STATES |
University of Hong Kong | HONG KONG |
University of New South Wales | AUSTRALIA |
University of Nottingham | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2018 |
Adjunct ProfessorEntrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre (ECIC), University of Adelaide |
2016 |
Board MemberCranfield Australian Alumni Scholarship Foundation (CAAFS) |
2016 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2016 |
Editorial Board MemberInnovative Marketing |
2016 |
UniSA Academic Staff RepresentativeUniSuper's Consultative Committee |
2016 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2015 |
Editorial Board MemberInnovative Marketing |
2015 |
UniSA Academic Staff RepresentativeUniSuper's Consultative Committee |
2015 |
Editorial Board MemberInnovative Marketing |
2014 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2014 |
UniSA Academic Staff RepresentativeUniSuper's Consultative Committee |
2014 |
Editorial Board MemberInnovative Marketing |
2013 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2013 |
UniSA Academic Staff RepresentativeUniSuper's Consultative Committee |
2013 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2012 |
Editorial Board MemberInnovative Marketing |
2012 |
UniSA Academic Staff RepresentativeUniSuper's Consultative Committee |
2012 |
Editorial Board MemberInnovative Marketing |
2011 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2011 |
UniSA Academic Staff RepresentativeUniSuper's Consultative Committee |
2011 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2010 |
Editorial Board MemberInnovative Marketing |
2010 |
UniSA Academic Staff RepresentativeUniSuper's Consultative Committee |
2010 |
Editorial Board MemberInnovative Marketing |
2009 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2009 |
Editorial Board MemberInnovative Marketing |
2008 |
Editorial Board MemberAustralasian Marketing Journal |
2008 |
President, Vice President, Committee member, National Tertiary Education Union - UniSA Branch, 2001 - 2012; President 2013 - present.
UniSA Academic staff representative on UniSuper's Consultative Committee 2010 - present
I taught Marketing Management courses on MBA programs to mature managers. I liked to use discussion of case studies, many that I wrote, as the interactive learning process with such students.
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
Complexity, conversation and innovation: new understandings of technology and change in organisations | Completed |
The influence of online word-of-mouth on quality and final price perceptions as price acceptability changes, for an experience service | Completed |
The role and leadership of functional experts in cross-functional selling centres | Completed |
Towards a greater understanding of relationship selling | Completed |