Dr Deborah Price is the Research Degree Coordinator and Senior Lecturer in Inclusive Education and Wellbeing at the University of South Australia Education Futures and member of the Centre for Research in Educational and Social Inclusion (CRESI). Dr Price’s research, teaching and scholarship span inclusive education and wellbeing which advocate capability and codesign approaches, valuing the diversity and voice of young people. Her current research contributes to the broad themes of social justice and equity, with a particular focus on: disability studies and special education; inclusive education; dyslexia in education; learner, educator and community wellbeing; mental health; youth studies; relationships and identity; bullying ... Read more
About me
Dr Deborah Price is the Research Degree Coordinator and Senior Lecturer in Inclusive Education and Wellbeing at the University of South Australia Education Futures and member of the Centre for Research in Educational and Social Inclusion (CRESI). Dr Price’s research, teaching and scholarship span inclusive education and wellbeing which advocate capability and codesign approaches, valuing the diversity and voice of young people. Her current research contributes to the broad themes of social justice and equity, with a particular focus on: disability studies and special education; inclusive education; dyslexia in education; learner, educator and community wellbeing; mental health; youth studies; relationships and identity; bullying and cyberbullying; alternative education; culturally and religiously responsive pedagogies; inclusive curriculum; initial teacher education; and educational influence.
Dr Price has led significant research projects, supported by national competitive grants and university funding. She is currently lead investigator working in partnership with Open Parachute Pty Ltd on Mental Health and Wellbeing Project, and co-lead on Dyslexia in Education scoping project supported by the Bullock Family Foundation. She was a Chief Investigator on the project Cultural Preparedness to Teach in the Middle East, jointly sponsored by Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Council for Australian-Arab Relations. Dr Price has also previously been a Chief Investigator on the Engagement and Wellbeing research node for the University of South Australia Aspirations Project, sponsored by the federal government. This project involved collaborative action research with practitioners in the northern suburbs of Adelaide to engage students in wellbeing curriculum and to raise student university aspirations. Dr Price led the Youthworx South Australia initiative in collaboration with local councils and not for profit organisations focused on Re-engaging youth in learning and employment through the creative art of film-making. Dr Price has also been a Chief Investigator for Commissioned Research including Teacher Wellbeing for the Australian Independent Schools Association, New South Wales.
Since 2017, Dr Price has been the president of the Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) and has worked collaboratively in this role to progress innovative, responsive and inclusive curriculum design. She is trained as a Stage 2 initial teacher accreditation panellist for the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and has earnt numerous teaching and research awards including the UniSA Award for Teaching Excellence and the UniSA Early Career Researcher Awards. Dr Price is also and a highly sought after HDR supervisor who has mentored and supervised over 25 research students.
Dr Price has co-edited and co-authored extensive book publications including: Green, D., & Price, D. (Eds.) (2024)Teaching to Transform Learning: Pedagogical Approaches to Inclusive, Responsive and Socially Just Education, Cambridge University Press; Price, D., MacGill, B., & Carter, J. (Eds.) (2023): Arts-based Practices with Young People at the Edge, Springer Nature; Green, D.M. & Price, D. (Eds.) (2019). Making Humanities and Social Sciences Come Alive: Early Years and Primary Education. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press and Green, D., & Price, D. (2017) Multiple Perspectives in Persistent Bullying: Capturing and listening to young people’s voices. Routledge, United Kingdom. She has six books, 25 book chapters, 25 journal articles and extensive reports. The seminal co-edited publication by Reid, A. & Price, D. (2018), The Australian Curriculum: Promises, Problems and Possibilities, published by ACSA, engaged prominent Australian educators in documenting the first official Australian national curriculum, and the McCallum, F., & Price, D. (Eds.) (2016). Nurturing Wellbeing Development in Education: from little things big things grow, Routledge publication was seminal in prioritising wellbeing in education. Dr Price has also authored numerous refereed journal articles and other professional education publications. Her notable journal publications include: Richness of Complexity within Diversity: Educational Engagement and Achievement of Diverse Learners through Culturally Responsive Pedagogies, published in The Social Educator in 2020; Hanging out in the city of tomorrow: A participatory approach to researching the importance of music and the arts in the lifeworlds of young people, published in Pastoral Care in Education in 2020; and Pedagogy of new materialism: Advancing the educational inclusion agenda for children and youth with disabilities, published in Disability Studies Quarterly in 2018.
Dr Price is an accomplished keynote speaker and presenter and has delivered invited keynotes at the Annual Australian Islamic Education (AAIE) Forum in Sydney, the International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) in Jakarta; and the CURRIUCLUM 4 ALL symposium in Canberra. Ministries invited her to the UNESCO 2018 Annual Meeting and 11th Policy Dialogue Forum of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 in Montego Bay, Jamaica In 2019 and UNESCO 2017 Annual Meeting and 10th Policy Dialogue Forum in Lomé, Togo, 2017 where Dr Price engaged in the Capabilities, Teacher Competencies, Inclusion/Diversity and Early Childhood working groups. Dr Price was one of a select group of Australian research and educational leaders invited on a study tour of Finland to explore the Finnish education system. She has since appeared on ABC Radio Afternoons, discussing the advantages of Finnish education approaches. Dr Price has made several other media appearances and has recently provided expert opinion for Teacher Magazine in the article COVID-19: Practical tips for early years teaching and learning.
See Google Scholar
About me
Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) President (2017-current)
UniSA Education Futures: Centre for Research in Education and Social Inclusion (CRESI) member
Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association (ANZMH) member
Australian Special Education Principals Association (ASEPA):SA Special Education Principals and Leaders Association (SASEPLA)
Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE): Inclusive Education Special Interest Group
Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY)
Wellbeing Australia
About me
Date | Title |
24/04/2020 |
Teacher Magazine: COVID-19: Practical tips for early years teaching and learning, https://www.teachermagazine.com.au/articles/covid-19-practical-tips-for-early-years-teaching-and-learning |
22/03/2020 |
UniSA media: UniSA to support SA schools during transition to online education , https://www.unisa.edu.au/Media-Centre/Releases/2020/unisa-to-support-sa-schools-during-transition--to-online-education/ |
15/08/2019 |
About me
Doctor of Philosophy University of South Australia
Master of Education University of South Australia
Inclusive and Special Education
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Impactful and effective change: Scoping dyslexia in the Australian education system, Various, 24/06/2024 - 31/12/2027
Open Parachute Mental Health and Wellbeing Program In Partnership with The Adelaide Crows Foundation, Open Parachute Australia Pty Ltd, 01/06/2024 - 30/06/2027
Reimagining leadership for school inclusion: school community members driving change, Holy Family Catholic School, 03/07/2024 - 31/12/2025
Naturally Brave Project, Growing With Gratitude, 14/10/2024 - 20/12/2024
Research Teacher Wellbeing in Independent Schools in NSW, Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales Limited, 06/02/2018 - 31/12/2018
Faulkner, D., Goodwin Smith, I., Beer, A., Price, D., Ellison, D., & McKinley, K. (2021). Commonwealth Department of Social Services NDRSA Projects: Review of Medium Term Accommodation: Request for Quotation 70014504 under the Deed of Standing Offer for Social Policy Research. UniSA The Australian Alliance for Social Enterprise.
Nemon, Chown, Price & Green (2019-2020) DFAT / Council for Australian-Arab Relations: Cultural Preparedness to Teach in the Middle East . This project explores the extent to which expatriate educators are culturally prepared to teach in the Middle East (Doha and Dubai) and what professional development would support them to be culturally responsive in their teaching.
Dumuid, D., Olds, T., Schranz, N., Watson, A., Smith, A., Dollman, J., Price, D., & Watson, A.(2019- 2020) Research Themes Investment Scheme ‐ Seed Funding (RTIS), Your Best Day: Empowering adolescents to optimise time use (e.g., sleep, screen time and physical activity) for best overall health and wellbeing through a school-based educational intervention.
Price, D., Meiners J., Hillier, S., Schranz, N., MacGill, B., Fewster, R., Buck R., Moyle, G., Cripps, M., Kelly, G., Groves M., Stewart, G., Victorino, M. & Scalisi, G. (2017-2018). Research Themes Investment Scheme ‐ Seed Funding (RTIS), Creative learning through dance: Exploring effects on mental wealth across generations.
Price, D., Comber, B., Tedmanson, D., Sharp, C., Andrew, J., Sellar, B., Carter, J., Zufferey, C., MacGill, B., Anderson, H., Nicholls, J., Alfred, B., Baker, L., Pokoney, A., Abbott, C., Broadbent, E., & MacKenzie, D. (2016/17): Research Themes Investment Scheme ‐ Seed Funding (RTIS), Re-engaging youth in learning and work through film-making: A collaborative investigation. Youthworx SA Alliance.
Stehlik, T., Tedmanson, D., Price, D., & Campbell, A. (2015/16) UniSA PVC Contingency – Priority Projects: Collaborative Research Network: Exploring alternative learning and pathways for youth experiencing educational marginalisation and social exclusion: Youthworx Model.
Price, D., Stehlik, T., Carter, J., Tedmanson, D., & Salvesburg, H. (2015/16) UniSA Divisional Research Performance Fund: Psycho-social and academic benefits for adolescents engaging in alternative learning. HYPA/BOLT Program
Stehlik, T., Carter, J., & Price, D. (2015/16). UniSA Divisional Research Performance Fund: ‘Young people talking to young people’. Northern Sound Systems, Playford Council.
Price, D., & Green, D. (2014/15) UniSA Divisional Research Performance Fund: Growing with Gratitude: Exploring a school community’s gratitude approach and influence on student wellbeing and achievement. Collaborating with Immanuel Primary School and Hong Kong Discovery College.
Price, D. & McCallum, F. (2014/2015) UniSA Divisional Research Performance Fund: Analysis of how pre-service teacher wellbeing initiatives influence teacher quality, transition, retention and student achievement. Collaborating with St Mary’s College, London.
Safe Schools Hub Tender (2014/2015). Spears, Taddeo, Price, Green & Ey. Education Services Australia Limited tender to evaluate the effectiveness of the Safe Schools Hub, through user engagement and feedback. $50 000.
Hattam, R., Price, D. et al. (2013/2014). UniSA Divisional Research Performance Fund: Social Justice, Pedagogy and the Australian Curriculum
Price, D., & Reid, A. (2012/2013). UniSA Divisional Research Performance Fund: Interpretation and enactment of the Australian Curriculum by educators of students verified with a disability
Price, D., Fopp, B., Green, D., & Yates, G. (2010/11). UniSA Divisional Research Performance Fund: Place based critical inquiry: exploring sense of place, school ecology and social inclusion for students with special needs.
Spears, B., Johnson, B., Scrimgeour, M., Geer, R., Price, D., & Green, D. (2009/2010) UniSA Divisional Research Performance Fund: Cyber bystanders: the role of the bystander in cyberspace and cyberbullying in an Australian context.
Price, D., & McCallum, F. (2010). Research Consultancy UniSA/St Andrew’s School. The Friendliest School in the World.
Johnson, B., Simons, M., & Price, D. (2010). SHine Evaluation: Sexual Health and Relationships Education teacher evaluation.
UniSA Aspirations Project (Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations): Engagement and Wellbeing (Sep 2009 – Dec 2012)
Price, D. & McCallum, F. (2009). University of South Australia Div EAS Teaching and Learning Grant. ‘Integrating a PBL approach to the teaching and learning of wellbeing and identity formation in teacher education.’
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2024 |
Open access
2024 |
Open access
2023 |
2022 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2024 |
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2019 |
2018 |
2016 |
2016 |
Year | Output |
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2023 |
2023 |
2023 |
2021 |
2019 |
2019 |
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
Year | Output |
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2024 |
Open access
2024 |
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2023 |
Open access
2023 |
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2022 |
Open access
2022 |
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2021 |
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2020 |
2020 |
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2019 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2017 |
Open access
2017 |
Open access
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2015 |
Open access
2015 |
Open access
2015 |
2014 |
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
2010 |
Open access
2010 |
Year | Output |
2022 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2021 |
Open access
2017 |
Open access
2015 |
Open access
South Australian Department for Education (2022-2024): Invited onto the Review Expert Advisory Group of the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) an international program.
Price, D. & Whitington, V. AITSL/ACDE: National accreditation for initial teacher education standards: Exemplar development working group (2016).
Price, D. & Green, D. (2018). Department of Education and Child Development: Youth Opportunities Program Evaluation.
Advisory Committee (DECD, 2014). Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum. Support materials for educators working with children and young people with disability and additional needs, Preschool- Year 12.
2014 National Consultation of the Draft National Health Guidelines (Australian Government)
National Roundtable for Mental Health: Kidsmatter/Mindmatter, West Lakes (2012)
Social Inclusion Blueprint Consultation (2011)
Price, D., & McCallum, F. (2010). Research Consultancy Report UniSA/St Andrew’s School. The Friendliest School in the World.
Inclusive and Special Education
Social Justice
Educational Psychology
2024-2027 Open Parachute Pty Ltd/UniSA partnership. Exploring Open Parachute Mental Health and Wellbeing Programs in schools in Australia.
2024-2025 The Bullock Family Foundation Dyslexia in Education Scoping Project.
2024- 2025 Naturally Brave Project: Growing with Gratitude, Makers Empire, Bushfire Kids Connect/UniSA-CRESI partnership reporting to SAFECOM, the South Australia Fire and Emergency Services Commission Disaster Risk Reduction Grant Program’s 2024 Enhancement Funding Opportunity. The project aimed to (1) inform evidenced based short-term actions to foster resilience and disaster risk reduction in young people and (2) build community processes and capacities for sustained influence.
2024-2025 Holy Family Catholic School/ UniSA-CRESI Partnership: Reimagining leadership for school inclusion: school community members driving change.
2022 The History Trust of South Australia/UniSA-CRESI Partnerships: Reimaging History in South Australia: engaging primary students in local history.
2019 Invitation to Commonwealth Government House of Representatives Standing Committee on employment, education and training: Status of the teaching profession, Old Parliament House, 7th March 2019.
2019 Invitation to Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA), The Future of Australian Education: “Educators Shaping Public Discourse and Policy Direction” Friday 22nd March 2019, The Peninsula Room, The National Museum of Australia, Canberra.
2019 Invitation to Council of Australian Governments Education Council, forum for the review of the Melbourne Declaration, 22 February, Grand Hyatt Melbourne.
2018 Invitation to the UNESCO 2018 Annual Meeting and 11th Policy Dialogue Forum of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 in Montego Bay, Jamaica, 5 to 9 November 2018. Capabilities, Early Childhood and Inclusion/Diversity working groups.
2018 Invited Review National Educational Goals on Schooling, Chair Anthony McKay, March 6, Sydney. Seven peak association bodies: Representing ACSA
2018 Invited Keynote: Understanding the Australian Curriculum and how to make it work for your school. 2nd Annual Australian Islamic Education (AAIE) Forum Saturday 24th February, Arkana College, Sydney.
2017 Invited Keynote: Inclusion of Muslim education in 21st century national curriculum an Australian perspective. 3rd International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) October 25-26, 2017, Jakarta.
2017 Invitation to the UNESCO 2017 Annual Meeting and 10th Policy Dialogue Forum of the International Task Force on Teachers in Lomé, Togo, from 18 to 21 September 2017. Capabilities, Teacher Competencies and Inclusion/Diversity working groups.
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Acadia University | CANADA |
Australian College of Educators | AUSTRALIA |
Boise State University | UNITED STATES |
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) | AUSTRALIA |
Deakin University | AUSTRALIA |
Flinders University | AUSTRALIA |
Mount Saint Vincent University | CANADA |
Queensland University of Technology | AUSTRALIA |
Southern Cross University | AUSTRALIA |
University of Adelaide | AUSTRALIA |
University of Leeds | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Regina | CANADA |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Associate Editor Curriculum Perspectives journalAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2023 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Accreditation Panellist, Stage 6Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2023 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Program Accreditation Panellist Stage 8Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2023 |
Elected PresidentAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2023 |
Invited expert to Australian Government Department of Education Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2008Department of Education |
2023 |
Invited member AUARA (Australian Universities Anti-Bula united front on bullying prevention and related issues (mental health; social development)lying Research Alliance)Australian Universities Anti-Bullying Research Alliance |
2023 |
Invited to the Review Expert Advisory Group South Australian Department for Education¿s review of the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC).South Australian Department for Education |
2023 |
Invited UniSA community representative on Marden Senior College Governing Council: Elected Deputy Chair 2021 to current and invited member of School Review and Strategic Planning Group 2026Marden Senior College, South Australia |
2023 |
Invited: Editorial BoardJournal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN) |
2023 |
MemberAustralian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) |
2023 |
MemberSouth Australia Special Education Principals and Leaders Association (SASEPLA) |
2023 |
MemberAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2023 |
The Social Educator journal Editorial BoardSocial and Citizenship Education Association of Australia (SCEAA) |
2023 |
Associate Editor Curriculum Perspectives journalAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2022 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Accreditation Panellist, Stage 5Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2022 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Program Accreditation Panellist Stage 7Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2022 |
Elected PresidentAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2022 |
Invited expert to Australian Government Department of Education Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2007Department of Education |
2022 |
Invited keynote speaker: SASEPLA 2022 Term 1 Conference HEI Mental health and students with developmental disabilitiesSouth Australian Special Education Principals and Leaders Association |
2022 |
Invited member AUARA (Australian Universities Anti-Bula united front on bullying prevention and related issues (mental health; social development)lying Research Alliance)Australian Universities Anti-Bullying Research Alliance |
2022 |
Invited to the Review Expert Advisory Group South Australian Department for Education¿s review of the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC).South Australian Department for Education |
2022 |
Invited UniSA community representative on Marden Senior College Governing Council: Elected Deputy Chair 2021 to current and invited member of School Review and Strategic Planning Group 2025Marden Senior College, South Australia |
2022 |
Invited: Editorial BoardJournal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN) |
2022 |
MemberAustralian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) |
2022 |
MemberAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2022 |
MemberSouth Australia Special Education Principals and Leaders Association (SASEPLA) |
2022 |
The Social Educator journal Editorial BoardSocial and Citizenship Education Association of Australia (SCEAA) |
2022 |
Associate Editor Curriculum Perspectives journalAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2021 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Accreditation Panellist, Stage 4Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2021 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Program Accreditation Panellist Stage 6Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2021 |
Elected PresidentAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2021 |
Invited expert to Australian Government Department of Education Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2006Department of Education |
2021 |
Invited UniSA community representative on Marden Senior College Governing Council: Elected Deputy Chair 2021 to current and invited member of School Review and Strategic Planning Group 2024Marden Senior College, South Australia |
2021 |
Invited: Editorial BoardJournal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN) |
2021 |
MemberSouth Australia Special Education Principals and Leaders Association (SASEPLA) |
2021 |
MemberAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2021 |
MemberAustralian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) |
2021 |
The Social Educator journal Editorial BoardSocial and Citizenship Education Association of Australia (SCEAA) |
2021 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Accreditation Panellist, Stage 3Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2020 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Program Accreditation Panellist Stage 5Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2020 |
Elected PresidentAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2020 |
Invited expert to Australian Government Department of Education Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005Department of Education |
2020 |
Invited UniSA community representative on Marden Senior College Governing Council: Elected Deputy Chair 2021 to current and invited member of School Review and Strategic Planning Group 2023Marden Senior College, South Australia |
2020 |
Invited: Editorial BoardJournal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN) |
2020 |
MemberAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2020 |
MemberSouth Australia Special Education Principals and Leaders Association (SASEPLA) |
2020 |
MemberAustralian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) |
2020 |
The Social Educator journal Editorial BoardSocial and Citizenship Education Association of Australia (SCEAA) |
2020 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Accreditation Panellist, Stage 2Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2019 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Program Accreditation Panellist Stage 4Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2019 |
Elected PresidentAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2019 |
Invited curriculum, wellbeing and inclusion expert to Study visit to Finland, 7 ¿ 17 April 2019: Mikko Salonen and 15 local and interstate Catholic leaders from Primary, Secondary and System settings: Focus on Finland Education System/Wider Community Engagement.Catholic Education South Australia and FInland Education |
2019 |
Invited national curriculum and education leader and president of ACSA to national forum of The Future of Australian Education: ¿Educators Shaping Public Discourse and Policy Direction¿ The National Museum of Australia, Canberra.Australian Secondary Principals Association |
2019 |
Invited UniSA community representative on Marden Senior College Governing Council: Elected Deputy Chair 2021 to current and invited member of School Review and Strategic Planning Group 2022Marden Senior College, South Australia |
2019 |
Invited: Editorial BoardJournal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN) |
2019 |
MemberAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2019 |
MemberAustralian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) |
2019 |
MemberSouth Australia Special Education Principals and Leaders Association (SASEPLA) |
2019 |
The Social Educator journal Editorial BoardSocial and Citizenship Education Association of Australia (SCEAA) |
2019 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Program Accreditation Panellist Stage 3Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2018 |
Elected PresidentAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2018 |
Invited: Editorial BoardJournal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN) |
2018 |
MemberAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2018 |
MemberAustralian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) |
2018 |
MemberSouth Australia Special Education Principals and Leaders Association (SASEPLA) |
2018 |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Information of the Kingdom of Jamaica and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF): Annual Meeting and 11th Policy Dialogue Forum of the Task Force, Montego Bay (Jamaica) 5-9 November 2018. The theme of the Policy Dialogue Forum is: ¿Strengthening Teacher Education: A prerequisite for quality teaching and learning¿Ministry of Education, Youth and Information of the Kingdom of Jamaica and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF) |
2018 |
The Social Educator journal Editorial BoardSocial and Citizenship Education Association of Australia (SCEAA) |
2018 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Program Accreditation Panellist Stage 2Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2017 |
Elected PresidentAustralian Curriculum Studies Association |
2017 |
Executive MemberAustralian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) |
2017 |
Invitation from Government of Togo, West Africa and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 10th Policy Dialogue Forum of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, ¿Teaching: A Profession",", 100566"Government of Togo, West Africa and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) |
2017 |
Invited International presentation: Price, D. Inclusion of Muslim education in 21st century national curriculum an Australian perspective. 3rd International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) October 25-26, 2017, JakartaUNTVERSTTAS ISLAM NEGERI (UTN) SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA: Faculty of Education and Teachers Training (FITK) Jakarta |
2017 |
Invited Speaker: Price, D. Teacher wellbeing: influences of teacher control and school leadership. Association of Independent Schools New South Wales Research Symposium, Sydney October 20 2017. Outcome of AIS researchAssociation of Independent Schools New South Wales |
2017 |
Keynote SpeakerAustralian Special Education Principals Association and Department of Education and Training, Australian Government |
2017 |
MemberWellbeing Australia |
2017 |
MemberSouth Australia Special Education Principals and Leaders Association (SASEPLA) |
2017 |
MemberAustralian Special Education Principals Association (ASEPA) |
2017 |
MemberYouthworx Steering Committee |
2017 |
MemberAustralian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) |
2017 |
MemberHealthy Kids Cluster |
2017 |
Member, Inclusive Education Special Interest GroupAmerican Educational Research Association (AERA) |
2017 |
Member, Inclusive Education Special Interest GroupAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2017 |
Member, National Consultation of the Draft, National Health GuidelinesAustralian Government |
2017 |
Member, Reference GroupCouncil of Education Associations of South Australia (CEASA) |
2017 |
The Social Educator journal Editorial BoardSocial and Citizenship Education Association of Australia (SCEAA) |
2017 |
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education Program Accreditation Panellist Stage 1Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) |
2016 |
MemberYouthworx Steering Committee |
2016 |
Member, Exemplar development working groupAustralian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and Australian Council of Deans of Education (ACDE) |
2016 |
Conference ConvenorAustralian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) Biennial Conference |
2015 |
Member, Curriculum AdvisoryDepartment for Education (DECD), Government of South Australia |
2014 |
Plenary SpeakerSt Mary University, London |
2014 |
Symposium CommitteeAustralian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) |
2014 |
Keynote SpeakerStudent Wellbeing Australia Network (SWAN) Symposium - Wellbeing Australia and the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) |
2013 |
MemberThe Collaborative Research Networks Program: Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing in Children and Adolescents |
2012 |
MemberNational Roundtable for Mental Health: Kidsmatter/Mindmatter, West Lakes |
2012 |
MemberSocial Inclusion Blueprint Consultation |
2011 |
MemberSouth Australian Roundtable for the Disability Research and Development Agenda, Adelaide |
2010 |
Teaching areas of expertise
Peer Review of Teaching
Program Design
Teaching & student supervision
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
Art therapy in natural disaster communities: A grounded theory approach to healing and transformation through education | Current |
Co-design an assistive tool to support effective communication between primary school teachers, classroom assistants, and students with autism spectrum disorder | Current |
Developing a framework for teaching based on the principles of Kalam Theology | Current |
Exploring the perspectives of school-aged students on the autism spectrum about their inclusion and educational experiences in Saudi Arabia mainstream schools | Current |
Growth is 4D: Empowering student efficacy in transferable skills, capabilities & dispositions via learning progressions and continuous growth-based feedback, coaching and metacognition. | Current |
Open Parachute Mental Health & Wellbeing Program | Current |
Open Parachute Mental Health and Wellbeing Program | Current |
Open Parachute Mental Health and Wellbeing Program | Current |
Open Parachute Mental Health and Wellbeing Program | Current |
Positive education in schools on scale and over time. What makes it stick? | Current |
Teachers intervention in the bullying of sexual and gender minority children | Current |
Teachers intervention in the bullying of sexual and gender minority children; Structural Barriers in the School System | Current |
The development of the well-being, the social emotional and social skills of our Muslim adolescents living in Australia should become a goal of our education Islamic systems. | Current |
Understanding International students¿ wellbeing and how they perceived support within their Higher Education context | Current |
Why is everyone talking about maths? An inquiry into deep mathematical learning | Current |
A co-designed "architecture of schooling" framework: a South Australian primary school case study exploring the intersectionality of architecture and inclusive education | Completed |
An investigation into partnerships between mothers of children with disabilities and schools | Completed |
An investigation of persistent bullying at school: multiple perspectives on a complex social phenomenon | Completed |
An investigation of teacher understandings of justice in the context of evangelical Christian schooling | Completed |
Being smart is not enough: a mixed methods approach to defining, framing and building a scale to measure psychological safety in secondary school student contexts | Completed |
Inclusive public libraries for children with disability and their families | Completed |
Reconnection or disconnection: the influence of alternative education for marginalised students in the middle years of school | Completed |
Role stress and existential stress in adolescents: relationship with emotional intelligence and wellbeing | Completed |
School culture and innovation: essential elements for fostering student belonging | Completed |
Teacher self-efficacy and practice: a case study of eight South Australian reception teachers | Completed |
The silent helpers: exploring the professional role of school-based counsellors in the South Australian public secondary education system | Completed |
Thinking through multiplicities: movement, affect and the schooling experiences of young men with autism spectrum disorder | Completed |
Volunteering in Australian Islamic schools: students¿ perspectives, experiences, motivations and challenges | Completed |