Gail’s background is in Social Work and she currently tutors at UniSA’s School of Social Work & Human Services, Field Education.
Prior to her current role, Gail worked in both government and non-government sectors of child protection and disability.
Gail’s interest in the concept of ‘wellbeing’ has developed from working with international students undertaking their field education practice in the undergraduate and masters’ Social Work programs. Her doctoral research will focus on how international students perceive tertiary institutions supporting their wellbeing.
About me
Gail’s background is in Social Work and she currently tutors at UniSA’s School of Social Work & Human Services, Field Education.
Prior to her current role, Gail worked in both government and non-government sectors of child protection and disability.
Gail’s interest in the concept of ‘wellbeing’ has developed from working with international students undertaking their field education practice in the undergraduate and masters’ Social Work programs. Her doctoral research will focus on how international students perceive tertiary institutions supporting their wellbeing.
About me
Master of Social Work University of South Australia
Graduate Diploma in Education (Adult, Vocational and Workpalce Learning) University of South Australia
Teaching & student supervision