Twitter: @hannahmobility
Hannah Soong is a sociologist in education. Two main areas of her research focus are: international education (including international students, student mobility, teacher expatriates, international schools, education-migration nexus, cosmopolitan learning, East-West curriculum); and migration studies (including global middle-class families, transnational mobility, lived experiences of migration, belonging and citizenship)
She has specialised interests in the effects of social and cultural forces shaping the education and migration nexus and its related aspirations. Her current research publications and projects lie in the theorisation of transnational mobility and education of diverse international students... Read more
About me
Hannah Soong is a sociologist in education. Two main areas of her research focus are: international education (including international students, student mobility, teacher expatriates, international schools, education-migration nexus, cosmopolitan learning, East-West curriculum); and migration studies (including global middle-class families, transnational mobility, lived experiences of migration, belonging and citizenship)
She has specialised interests in the effects of social and cultural forces shaping the education and migration nexus and its related aspirations. Her current research publications and projects lie in the theorisation of transnational mobility and education of diverse international students and refugee families; sociology of Asia literacy and teacher identity work in an ‘East-meets-West’ curriculum. One key area is the investigation around developing ethical engagement with global shifts and relations in education.She hopes her interdisciplinary work can contribute to policy enactment of international education and migration nexus within Australia and beyond. This is particularly vital when migration via education is becoming a prominent wave of mobility upon which the potential of international education to transforming individuals into global citizens is huge.
Prior to her lecturer position, she was a Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at Oxford University while working as a research associate within the Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences. In 2011 to 2014, she sat on the Editorial Board of the Social Identities: Journal of Race, Nation and Idenities and African Identities for which she was the Book Review Editor. She is currently sitting in two Editorial Boards: one as a Board member of a new journal launched in 2016- the Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration; and the other, in 2019 - the Advisory Subject Area Editor of International Education - Journal of Global Education and Research.
In 2015, Dr Soong won an Endeavour Fellowship by Australian Government to examine the phenomenon of student-migrant mobility in Singapore. In the same year, she was offered Early Career Researcher award by the Australian Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education International Conference.
She welcomes any HDR enquiries in the areas of interest.
Currently, she is part of the following funded research projects:
About me
Australian Association for Research in Education
Hawke Research Institute
Centre for Research in Educational and Social Inclusion
Pedagogies for Justice Research Group
International Academy for Intercultural Research
International Education Association for Australia
About me
About me
Doctor of Philosophy University of South Australia
Bachelor of Education (Primary and Middle) University of South Australia
Soong, H, Nichols, S, Dooley, K & Neumann, M. (2024). 'Contesting the framing of digital risk: An analysis of Australian children's experiences', Journal of Children and Media, online, pp. 1-20
Mu, M & Soong, H. (2024). Promoting international student resilience and wellbeing through community engagement: a pilot study in South Australia, University of South Australia, Australia.
Soong, H. (2024). 'Female refugee students seeking 'distinction' in higher education: gendered aspirations and rethinking how habitus informs practice', in G Stahl et al. (eds), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Bourdieu and Educational Research, Bloomsbury Academic, UK, ch. 19, pp. 270-282.
Neumann, MM, Park, E, Soong, H, Nichols, S & Selim, N. (2024).... Read more
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Parent involvement goes online: New ecologies of school-home relations, ARC - Discovery Projects, 12/04/2021 - 13/12/2024
Promoting International Students Resilience and Wellbeing through Community Engagement: A Pilot Study in South Australia, BUPA HI Pty Ltd, 05/01/2023 - 05/09/2024
Promoting international students wellbeing and social connection: Community-engaged program, Adelaide City Council, 05/01/2023 - 05/09/2024
2021-2023, Australian Research Council Disvoery Project: "Parent involvement goes online: New ecologies of school-home relations"
2019/2020, Channel 7 Children's Research Foundation Competitive Grant: " Role of refugee parents' educational aspirations on their children's academic outcomes"
2015/16, Endeavour Cheung Kong Fellowship: "Living and learning in Cosmopolitan Asia: A case-Study of Student-Migrants in Singapore".
2015, Office of Learning and Teaching Extension Grant: "Celebrating Cultural Diversity Practicum Preparatory Program: Enhancing Better Learning Outcomes for International Pre-Service Teachers undertaking Practicum in Western Contexts".
2015, International Understanding for Muslim and Non-Muslim Centre Research Fund: "Understanding Muslim Background Children’s ‘Agency’: A Pilot Case-Study of one Catholic school in South Australia".
2015, Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences Research Performance Fund: "Asia Literacy in a South Australian school: A Pilot Case-Study".
2015, Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences Research Performance Fund: "Disrupting Deficit Narratives of Refugee Students: Processes of Being, Becoming, and Belonging".
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
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2022 |
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2018 |
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2015 |
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2021 |
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2016 |
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2015 |
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2010 |
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2021 |
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2021 |
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2021 |
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2021 |
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2017 |
Soong, H, Nichols, S, Dooley, K & Neumann, M. (2024). 'Contesting the framing of digital risk: An analysis of Australian children's experiences', Journal of Children and Media, online, pp. 1-20
Mu, M & Soong, H. (2024). Promoting international student resilience and wellbeing through community engagement: a pilot study in South Australia, University of South Australia, Australia.
Soong, H. (2024). 'Female refugee students seeking 'distinction' in higher education: gendered aspirations and rethinking how habitus informs practice', in G Stahl et al. (eds), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Bourdieu and Educational Research, Bloomsbury Academic, UK, ch. 19, pp. 270-282.
Neumann, MM, Park, E, Soong, H, Nichols, S & Selim, N. (2024). 'Exploring the social media networks of primary school children', Education 3-13: The Professional Journal for Primary Education, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1252-1266.
Radford, D, Krivokapic-Skoko, B, Hetz, H, Roberts, R, Soong, H & Tan, G. (2024). 'Everyday Refugee Integration: A holistic reconceptualization 'refugee integration' through the everyday practices of Hazara Afghan refugees', Journal of Sociology.
Maher, K, Rigney, L-I, King, M, Garrett, R, Windle, J, Memon, N, Wrench, A, Carter, J, Paige, K, O'Keeffe, L, Lovell, M, Schulz, S, Soong, H, Colton, J, McDonald, S & Hattam, R. (2024). 'Curriculum, democracy and pedagogies for justice: a collective futures dialogue', Curriculum Perspectives, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 105-119.
Soong, H & Maheepala, V. (2023). 'Humanising the internationalisation of higher education: enhancing international students' wellbeing through the capability approach', vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1212-1229.
Soong, H. & Cominos, N. (Eds) (2018) Asia-Literacy in a Global World: An Australian Perspective. Springer: Singapore.
Stahl, G, Mu, GM, Soong, H & Kun, D. (2024). Mapping transnational habitus: epistemology, theory and boundaries, Palgrave Macmillan, UK.
Soong. H. (31 July 2019). 'I'm an international student in Australia. How do I tell my parents the pressure they put on me is too much?' in The Conversation.
Soong, H. (31 May 2018). ‘What we know about why Chinese international students come to Australia to study’ in The Conversation.
Between 2016-2023, I was part of the new International strategy team who co-led innovative research, teaching and placement collaborations in Shanghai United International Schools and Singapore (Ministry of Education & National Institute of Education). Such collaborations have been funded by the New Colombo Mobility Plan from 2016 to 2023. More recently, I have also been awarded the Australia Research Council Discovery Project (DP210101226) Parent involvement goes online: New ecologies of school-home relations (2021-2023); and, Multi-Year New Colombo Plan for International Teaching Placement in Singapore schools for our undergraduate pre-service teachers from 2019/20 to 2021/22.
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Beijing Normal University | CHINA |
Central Queensland University | AUSTRALIA |
Charles Darwin University | AUSTRALIA |
Charles Sturt University | AUSTRALIA |
Deakin University | AUSTRALIA |
Griffith University | AUSTRALIA |
Hue University | VIET NAM |
Leeds Beckett University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Maynooth University | IRELAND |
Novosibirsk State University | RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Queensland University of Technology | AUSTRALIA |
Southern Cross University | AUSTRALIA |
Taylor's University | MALAYSIA |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) | CHINA |
University of Adelaide | AUSTRALIA |
University of Auckland | NEW ZEALAND |
University of Birmingham | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of British Columbia | CANADA |
University of Lower Silesia | POLAND |
University of Queensland | AUSTRALIA |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Sydney | AUSTRALIA |
Western Sydney University | AUSTRALIA |
Xiamen University | CHINA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Editorial Board Member and ReviewerTransition: Journal of Transient Migration |
2018 |
MemberInternational Academy for Intercultural Research |
2018 |
MemberAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2018 |
MemberInternational Education Association for Australia |
2018 |
Editorial Board Member and ReviewerTransition: Journal of Transient Migration |
2017 |
Invited Speaker - Investigating the process of translating East meets West curriculum into practice : Initial findings from the Chinese and Western Pioneer teachers viewsShanghai Xiehe Education Research Group |
2017 |
MemberInternational Academy for Intercultural Research |
2017 |
MemberAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2017 |
Reviewer, Research Proposal: Transnational agents: Chinese international students at American UniversitiesNational Science Foundation, United States of America |
2017 |
School Council MemberSt Paul Lutheran School |
2017 |
MemberAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2016 |
School Council MemberSt Paul Lutheran School |
2016 |
Early Career Researcher AwardAustralian Association for Research in Education (AARE) |
2015 |
Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research FellowshipDepartment of Education and Training, Australian Government |
2015 |
School Council MemberSt Paul Lutheran School |
2015 |
School Council MemberSt Paul Lutheran School |
2014 |
Visiting Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of Oxford |
2014 |
Best Paper AwardISANA International Education Association Conference |
2010 |
Full Member, Hawke Research Institute, UniSA
Member, Pedagogies for Justice Research Group, UniSA
International Student Mobility, Transnational Mobility, Social Imagination, Migration Studies,Education-Migration Nexus, Expatriate Teachers, International Education, Qualitative Research Methodology (Narrative Inquiry, Autobiography, Case-Study, Longitudinal Study, Ethnography and Hermeneutic Phenomenology)
Teaching & student supervision
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
Abu Dhabi education reform cultural social and educational factors influencing the reform | Current |
An Ecological Case Study of the Digital Networks of Children with a Learning Difficulty, Disability, or other Educational Challenge | Current |
Language and cultural adjustment to mainstream learning in regional secondary schools: migrant and refugee student experiences | Current |
Recalibrating pedagogy for `at-risk¿ international students in higher education | Current |
Restrictive immigration policies, urban livelihoods and irregular migrants in urban South Africa | Current |
Second language acquisition for first-generation school-age Sri Lankan migrant students within the Australian education system | Current |
Australian engineering student and alumni perceptions of self-responsibility in employability competencies development | Completed |
Chinese parents' involvement in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) internal assessments | Completed |
Women music educators in institutions: pathways into, through and beyond Colleges of Advanced Education (CAEs) in Adelaide 1973-1990 | Completed |
Years 9 and 10 measurement and geometry: a comparative study of curriculum and proficiency levels in mathematics textbooks in South Australia and Singapore | Completed |