Dr Jackie O'Flaherty coordinates and teaches a number of undergraduate courses within UniSA: Clinical and Health Sciences centred around human health.Jackie is a senior lecturer specialising in areas of: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology and Case Based Learning and has developed and taught many Biosciences courses for undergraduate nursing and midwifery students. Jackie has focused on fostering engagement for online learners, particularly for students at a distance, which has been an elusive combination sector-wide. Her inclusive & transformational teaching practice, including Virtual Classrooms & Online Peer Mentoring, has been adopted broadly by the Health Sciences Division, across UniSA and in Open Universities Australia ... Read more
About me
Dr Jackie O'Flaherty coordinates and teaches a number of undergraduate courses within UniSA: Clinical and Health Sciences centred around human health.Jackie is a senior lecturer specialising in areas of: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology and Case Based Learning and has developed and taught many Biosciences courses for undergraduate nursing and midwifery students. Jackie has focused on fostering engagement for online learners, particularly for students at a distance, which has been an elusive combination sector-wide. Her inclusive & transformational teaching practice, including Virtual Classrooms & Online Peer Mentoring, has been adopted broadly by the Health Sciences Division, across UniSA and in Open Universities Australia courses to assist learners across a range of modes (‘here, near and far’ students).Jackie is founder of the UniSA online "JumpStart your Science and Online Learning in Health Sciences" workshop, which won her an International Online Effective Practice Award in 2018 and cofounder of the UniSA Health Sciences transistion to University short course "ScienceReady".Jackie is an early adopter of technology to facilitate learning and develops strong relationships with her students who clearly value her personal touch, expert voice and academic guidance. She is a scholarly teacher who has published journal articles to disseminate the context, challenges and successes of her work.
Jackie has received multiple teaching awards including UniSA and national Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, UniSA’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2012 and in 2013 the OLT National Australian Award for University Teaching Excellence and in 2017, 2018 & 2019 Open Universities Australia (OUA) National Awards for Excellence in the engagement of students studying online and and two International Effective Practice Awards for Innovations in Effective Practice in Digital Online Learning in 2017 and 2018.Jackie is an invited mentor in the Australian Awarded University Teachers Network mentor scheme (from 2017- present).
QUALIFICATIONS:BSc (1981); MSc (Certificate of Proficiency); PhD Biochemistry (University of Auckland, N.Z.)(1986).
AREAS I HAVE WORKED INCLUDE: Research Scientist (Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide)(1987-1990) Teacher (Department of Education and Children's Services, Adelaide)(1995-2000) PBL Tutor (Department of Medicine, Flinders University, Adelaide)(2000-2005) CBL Tutor (Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide)(2000-2014) PBL Tutor (Adelaide Dental School, University of Adelaide)(2001-2006)
AWARDS INCLUDE: International OLC Effective Practice Awards for Innovations in Digital Teaching and Learning (2017, 2018 and 2019) Open Universities Australia (OUA) National Award for Excellence in the engagement of students studying online (2017 and 2018), OLT Australian Award for University Teaching Excellence (2013), UniSA Teaching Excellence Award (2012), UniSA Supported Teacher Award (2012), UniSA Supported Teacher Award (2011), UniSA Supported Teacher Award (2010), ALTC National Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (2010), Nomination for Division of Health Sciences Excellent Educator Award (2010 and 2017), UniSA Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (2009), Quality in Teaching and Learning Scheme Award (2008),Division Of Health Sciences,University of South Australia Outstanding Achievement in Online Student Facilitation.Open Universities Australia (OUA) ,Open Universities Australia (OUA) National Award for Excellence in the engagement of students studying online for Human Biosciences 1(NRS120) and Human Biosciences 2(NRS150) in 2007 and for Human Body 1(NRS121) and Human Body 2(NRS151) in 2008, University of Auckland Postgraduate Scholarship (1982), British Petroleum Postgraduate Scholarship (1982), Senior prize in Biochemistry (1980).
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESEARCH GRANTS INCLUDE: Division of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Grant (2009,2010) Experience Plus Student Engagement Grant (2013,2014) Digital Learning Grant (2015)
About me
About me
Date | Title |
09/10/2018 |
Online Learning Consortium Announces 2018 OLC Fellows, Effective Practice Awardees and Scholarship Recipients, https://www.prweb.com/releases/online_learning_consortium_announces_2018_olc_fellows_effective_practice_awardees_and_scholarship_recipients/prweb15820556.htm |
09/10/2018 |
2018 OLC Fellows, Effective Practice Awardees and Scholarship Recipients, https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/18/10/p12476714/online-learning-consortium-announces-2018-olc-fellows-effective-practi |
About me
Doctor of Philosophy The University of Auckland
Bachelor of Science The University of Auckland
Certificate of Proficiency University of Auckland
Peer reviewed publications
O’Flaherty, Jacqueline, A. and Costabile, Maurizio (2020). Using a science simulation-based learning tool to develop students' active learning, self-confidence and critical thinking in academic writing. Nurse Education in Practice. 47, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2020.102839
Science & UniReady: Tailoring an Online Preparatory Workshop for Successful University Transition and Academic Performance in Health Sciences. O’Flaherty,J.A. Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education 2019.Florence,Italy. DOI 10.26352/D627_2384-9509_2019; ISBN 978-88-85813-45-8; ISSN 2384-9509; ISPN 939-1-00801418-4.
Evaluating nursing students engagement in an online course using flipped virtual classrooms.... Read more
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Invited seminar or workshop presentations
Presentation at the UniSA 2015 Career Advisor Information Session “Tour of teaching and learning spaces-Examples of the Flipped classroom at UniSA”. Friday May 29th Bradley Forum, UniSA City West campus.
Introduction to the Flipped Classroom at UniSA. Invited presenter at a professional development workshop for UniSA staff. Friday, 15 May 2015. JS4-11, Jeffrey Smart building, City West campus.
Improving outcomes in Anatomy and Physiology through online teaching and learning. Invited as key presenter at a professional development workshop hosted by Wiley publishers in Melbourne August 18th-19th 2014.Flights and accommodation covered by Wiley.
Early identification of at risk students and subsequent follow up. Division of Health Sciences Teaching Conversations on the First Year Experience. June 2, 2014
Engaging students online as part of the Blended Learning program.2-day Teaching workshop as part of UniSA’s Program for commencing staff. April 10 -11, 2014
How students use podcasts. Invited workshop presenter. University of Adelaide Learning and Teaching Group. University of Adelaide, March 2014
Creating a successful Virtual Classroom. Invited workshop presenter. University of Adelaide Learning and Teaching Group. University of Adelaide, March 2014
Managing Learning Environments. Invited workshop presenter BEST (Becoming an effective supervisor/teacher). University of Adelaide, February 11, 2014
Initiatives to support and engage Bioscience students. Addressing T&L issues-Flexibility in delivery, reducing attrition, online vs. face-to-face delivery. Whole School Planning Day presentation. School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, November 13, 2013
Flipping Health Sciences. Invited workshop presenter. The Flipped Classroom Team. University of Adelaide, November 7, 2013
Pros and Cons of Vodcasting lectures. Invited seminar. University of Auckland, Science department, Auckland,January 2013
Preparing a successful ALTC/OLT Citation application. Division of Health Sciences monthly teaching forums. June 2013
Preparing a successful ALTC/OLT Citation application. Learning and Teaching Units workshops. City West Campus. April 2011 and May 2012
How to be an effective PBL tutor. Invited workshop presenter. University of Adelaide Learning and Teaching Colleague Development Program, 2008
International (travel costs kindly covered by organising institution)
Higher Education beyond boundaries through online virtual communities. Invited presenter. Universat de Barcelona. The University School of Nursing, Campus de Bellvitge. Barcelona, July 2013
Blooms of innovation-Learning in a virtual classroom. Invited presenter Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Avenida Del Valle Madrid, June 2013
Creating innovative online learning environments. Invited presenter. University of Edinburgh, July 2012.
Using Blended Learning in Health Programs. Invited presenter. School of Nursing. University of Washington, Seattle, USA, June 2012
A Mentoring scheme for “at risk” nursing students. Invited presenter Seattle University College of Nursing. Seattle University, May, 2012
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2019 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2015 |
2015 |
Open access
2014 |
Year | Output |
2020 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2015 |
2015 |
Open access
2014 |
2014 |
Open access
2008 |
Year | Output |
2019 |
Open access
2010 |
Open access
UniSA website statement about my teaching. University achievements 2013.
Peer reviewed conference presentations
International presentations in research and scholarship
Science & uniready: tailoring an online preparatory workshop for successful university transition and academic performance in health sciences2019 | conference-paperHANDLE: 11541.2/140988Part of ISBN: 9788885813458WOSUID: 000494943300015
Science & UniReady: Tailoring an Online Preparatory Workshop for Successful University Transition and Academic Performance in Health Sciences. O’Flaherty,J.A. Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education 2019.Florence,Italy. DOI 10.26352/D627_2384-9509_2019; ISBN 978-88-85813-45-8; ISSN 2384-9509; ISPN 939-1-00801418-4.
Evaluation of student engagement in a fully online nursing course using flipped virtual classrooms.O'Flaherty,J.A. and Phillips,C.Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) 2018 Conference. Adelaide, July 2-5, 2018. http://herdsa2018.aomevents.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2018/07/HERDSA-Abstract_Book-2018-opt.pdf#page317
Evaluation of nursing students' learning styles in an undergraduate nursing program.O'Flaherty,J.A. International Conference on Health and Health Psychology.Nursing School of Porto and Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto,Oporto,Portugal, July 5-7, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.15405/ichhpsy2017(2421-793x)
Third -year university students’ perspectives and experiences of the flipped classroom strategy in an online undergraduate nursing course. O’Flaherty, J. International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning in Bratislava, Slovakia, July 6 - 7, 2016.
Designing and implementing flipped classrooms in an online undergraduate nursing course. O’Flaherty, J. International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning in Budapest, Hungary, July 8 - 9, 2016.
Undergraduate online communities: How may they be designed, structured and implemented for the improvement of the undergraduate experience? O’Flaherty J. 11th International Conference on Excellence in Higher Education. Innovation in Education Conference (ICIE-2014). Paris, France ,July 7-10, 2014.
E-Learning-Distance Learning. Invited session chair. (Pedagogical Innovations and New trends in Education) Monday, July 1st, 2013. EDULEARN conference, Barcelona, July 1-3, 2013.
Nursing Student’s Evaluation of Virtual Classroom Intervention to Support Bioscience Learning. O’Flaherty J. EDULEARN conference, Barcelona, July 1-3, 2013.
Evaluation and Student Perception of a Learning and Summative Assessment Tool in a First Year Anatomy and Physiology Course. O'Flaherty J. Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) Conference 2012.Rotorua, New Zealand, June 26-29, 2012.
Inspiring First Year Nursing and Midwifery Students by Developing Innovative Learning Initiatives that Contribute to a Supportive Learning Environment. O'Flaherty J. Proceedings of the Effective Learning in the Biosciences Conference. Edinburgh, UK, June 30-July 3, 2011.
How Podcasts of Lectures are used by Diverse Groups of Students. O'Flaherty J and Scutter, S. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) 2010 Conference. Melbourne, 6-9 July, 2010.
A Student Coaching Scheme for First Year University Students: Positive Learning Experience and Individual Successes in Biosciences. O'Flaherty J, Thalluri J and Kokkin B. The 15th International Conference on Learning. University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. June 3-6, 2008.
Lysosomal Enzyme Maturation in Fibroblasts from Normal and Mucopolysaccharidoses Type VI Patients. Taylor (O'Flaherty) J, and Brooks D. Human Genetics Symposium, Adelaide, Australia 1989.
Examination of Lysosomal Enzyme Maturation in Fibroblasts from Normal and Mucopolysaccharidoses Patients by use of Monoclonal Antibodies. Taylor (O'Flaherty) J and Hopwood J. Connective Tissue Symposium, NZ 1988.
N-Acetylneuraminic Acid Metabolism in Human Skin Fibroblasts. Taylor (O'Flaherty) J. Connective Tissue Symposium, NZ 1988.
Peer reviewed publications
O’Flaherty, Jacqueline, A. and Costabile, Maurizio (2020). Using a science simulation-based learning tool to develop students' active learning, self-confidence and critical thinking in academic writing. Nurse Education in Practice. 47, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2020.102839
Science & UniReady: Tailoring an Online Preparatory Workshop for Successful University Transition and Academic Performance in Health Sciences. O’Flaherty,J.A. Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education 2019.Florence,Italy. DOI 10.26352/D627_2384-9509_2019; ISBN 978-88-85813-45-8; ISSN 2384-9509; ISPN 939-1-00801418-4.
Evaluating nursing students engagement in an online course using flipped virtual classrooms. O'Flaherty, J.A. and Phillips,C.Student Success Journal, (2019) Volume 10, Issue 1, 59-71. https://doi.org/10.5204/ssj.v10i1.1098
The use of flipped classrooms in higher education: A Scoping review. O’ Flaherty J and Phillips C. Internet and Higher Education, (2015)25, 85-95.doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2015.02.002.
The implementation of innovative initiatives to enhance distance learning for Australian undergraduate nursing and midwifery students. O’ Flaherty, J.A and Timms, H. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, (2014) 5, 107-114.DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v5n1p107 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5430/jnep.v5n1p107
Classmate peer-coaching: "A Study Buddy Support scheme". O’Flaherty J. and Thalluri J. Australasian Journal of Peer Learning (2014)7, 92-104. URL:http://ro.uow.edu.au/ajpl/vol7/iss1/8
Nursing Student’s Evaluation of Virtual Classroom Intervention to Support Bioscience Learning. O’Flaherty J and Laws T. Nursing Education in Practice, (2014) 14,654-659 DOI:10.1016/j.nepr.2014.07.004
Informing Academic Practice about How Podcasts of Lectures are used by Diverse Groups of Students. O’Flaherty J. Scutter S and Albrecht T. Research and Development Society in Higher Education: Reshaping Higher Education, (2010) 33, 529-539 ERA A (see impact report)
A student Coaching Scheme for First Year University Students: Positive Learning Experiences and Individual Successes in Biosciences. Thalluri J, Kokkinn B and O’Flaherty J. The International Journal of Learning (2008) 15,135-144 ERA B open access (see impact report)
Correction of Human Mucopolysaccharidosis Type-VI Fibroblasts with Recombinant N-acetylgalactosamine-4-Sulphatase.Anson D, Taylor (O'Flaherty) J, Bielicki J. Biochemical Journal (1992) 284, 789-7 IF=4.654; 61/290 Q1 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Molecular and Metabolic Aspects of Lysosomal Glycogen. Geddes G, Jeyarathan P and Taylor (O’Flaherty), J. Journal of Carbohydrate Research (1992) 227,339 -349 IF=2.044 28/57 Q2 Chemistry organic
Human N-Acetylgalactosamine-4-Sulphatase Biosynthesis and Maturation in Normal, Maroteaux-Lamy and Mutiple-Sulphatase-Deficient Fibroblasts. Taylor (O'Flaherty), J, Gibson G and Brooks D. Biochemical Journal (1990) 268, 379-386 IF=4.654; 61/290 Q1 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biochemical Characterisation of Patient’s and Prenatal- Diagnosis of Sialic Acid Storage Disease for Three Families. Clements P, Taylor (O'Flaherty), J and Hopwood J. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (1988) 11, 30-44 IF=4.070 40/161 Q1 Genetics and Heredity
Factors affecting the metabolic control of cytosolic and lysosomal glycogen levels in the liver. Geddes, R and Taylor (O'Flaherty), J. Bioscience Reports (1985) 5, 315-320 IF=1.876; 141/185 Q4 Cell Biology
Lysosomal glycogen-storage induced by Acarbose, a 1, 4-alpha-glucosidase inhibitor. Geddes, R and Taylor (O'Flaherty), J Biochemical Journal (1985) 228, 319-324 IF=4.654; 61/290 Q1 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Disturbance of Lysosomal glycogen-metabolism by liposomal anti-alpha-glucosidase and some anti-inflammatory drugs. Geddes R, Otter D, Scott G and Taylor (O'Flaherty), J Biochemical Journal (1983) 212, 99-103 IF=4.654; 61/290 Q1 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2018 Open University Australia (OUA) National Award for Teaching Excellence in the engagement of students studying online
2018 International OLC Effective Practice Award for Innovations in Effective Practice in Digital Online Teaching & Learning.Award presented at the OLC Innovate Conference in Orlando, Florida USA on November 13th 2018.
2017 Open University Australia (OUA) National Award for Excellence in the engagement of students studying online.
2017 International OLC Effective Practice Award for Innovations in Effective Practice in Digital Online Learning.Award presented at the OLC Innovate Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana USA on April 6th 2017.
2017 Invited mentor in the Australian Awarded University Teachers Network mentor scheme.
2013 National OLT Award for Teaching Excellence: for excellence of teaching, outstanding presentation skills and a broad and deep contribution to enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in higher education-particularly in high impact strategies for progression, retention and attainment (13 of these were awarded nationally in 2013.Prize money $25,000)
2012 UniSA Teaching Excellence Award: for the development of a learning environment over the past seven years to support, motivate and inspire commencing and continuing Nursing and Midwifery undergraduates (Sole recipient of this UniSA award in 2012)
2012 UniSA Supported Teacher Award
2011 UniSA Supported Teacher Award
2010 ALTC Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning: for sustained teaching excellence in the area of anatomy and physiology for commencing and continuing Nursing and Midwifery undergraduates
2009 UniSA Supported Teacher Award
2009 UniSA Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning: in recognition of the contribution towards the creation of effective learning environments and to the quality of student learning at UniSA
2008 UniSA Supported Teacher Award
2008 Quality in Teaching and Learning Award
Division of Health Sciences, University of South Australia
2008 Learning and Teaching Colleague Development Program presenters award,
Medical School, University of Adelaide
2008 Open Universities Australia Teaching excellence award: for outstanding achievement in online student facilitation. Open Universities Australia (OUA) for Human Biosciences 1(NRS121) and Human Biosciences 2(NRS151) (10 of these were awarded nationally in 2008)
2007 Open Universities Australia Teaching excellence award: for outstanding achievement in online student facilitation. Open Universities Australia (OUA) for Human Biosciences 1(NRS120) and Human Biosciences 2(NRS150) (16 of these were awarded nationally in 2007)
1982 University of Auckland Postgraduate Scholarship,
University of Auckland, New Zealand (Sole recipient in the department of Biochemistry in 1982)
1982 British Petroleum Postgraduate Scholarship,
British Petroleum New Zealand, New Zealand (Sole National recipient in 1982)
1980 Senior Prize in Biochemistry,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Auckland, New Zealand (Sole departmental recipient in 1980)
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
AssessorOffice for Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Division, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australian Government |
2018 |
Editor: Most cited publication of Elsevier's top five publications (The use of flipped classrooms in higher education: A scoping review)The Internet and Higher Education |
2018 |
Effective Practice AwardOnline Learning Consortium (OLC) Accelerate conference, Florida, USA |
2018 |
Honorary Member, Scientific Advisory BoardInternational Technology, Education and Development (INTED) |
2018 |
International Effective Online Practice AwardInternational Online Learning Conference, Accelerate, Orlando, Florida |
2018 |
Reviewer, Discipline of Higher EducationThe University of Adelaide, School of Education |
2018 |
Reviewer, Higher Education and Research DivisionPearson Australia and USA |
2018 |
Reviewer, Higher Education DivisionMcGraw-Hill Australia and New Zealand |
2018 |
AssessorOffice for Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Division, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australian Government |
2017 |
Editor: Most cited publication of Elsevier's top five publications (The use of flipped classrooms in higher education: A scoping review)The Internet and Higher Education |
2017 |
Effective Practice AwardOnline Learning Consortium |
2017 |
Honorary Member, Scientific Advisory BoardInternational Technology, Education and Development (INTED) |
2017 |
MemberEducational Research Group (ERGA) |
2017 |
Member and ReviewerHigher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) |
2017 |
MentorAustralian Awarded University Teachers Network mentor scheme |
2017 |
National Award for Excellence in the engagement of students studying onlineOpen Universities Australia (OUA) |
2017 |
ReviewerLippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers |
2017 |
Reviewer, Discipline of Higher EducationThe University of Adelaide, School of Education |
2017 |
Reviewer, Higher Education and Research DivisionPearson Australia and USA |
2017 |
Reviewer, Higher Education DivisionMcGraw-Hill Australia and New Zealand |
2017 |
AssessorOffice for Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Division, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australian Government |
2016 |
Editor: Most cited publication of Elsevier's top five publications (The use of flipped classrooms in higher education: A scoping review)The Internet and Higher Education |
2016 |
Honorary Member, Scientific Advisory BoardInternational Technology, Education and Development (INTED) |
2016 |
ReviewerLippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers |
2016 |
Reviewer, Discipline of Higher EducationThe University of Adelaide, School of Education |
2016 |
Reviewer, Higher Education and Research DivisionPearson Australia and USA |
2016 |
Reviewer, Higher Education DivisionMcGraw-Hill Australia and New Zealand |
2016 |
AssessorOffice for Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Division, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australian Government |
2015 |
Honorary Member, Scientific Advisory BoardInternational Technology, Education and Development (INTED) |
2015 |
ReviewerLippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers |
2015 |
Reviewer, Discipline of Higher EducationThe University of Adelaide, School of Education |
2015 |
Reviewer, Higher Education and Research DivisionPearson Australia and USA |
2015 |
Reviewer, Higher Education DivisionMcGraw-Hill Australia and New Zealand |
2015 |
AssessorOffice for Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Division, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australian Government |
2014 |
Award for Teaching ExcellenceOffice for Learning and Teaching, Department of Education and Training, Australian Government |
2014 |
Honorary Member, Scientific Advisory BoardInternational Technology, Education and Development (INTED) |
2014 |
ReviewerLippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers |
2014 |
Reviewer, Discipline of Higher EducationThe University of Adelaide, School of Education |
2014 |
Reviewer, Higher Education and Research DivisionPearson Australia and USA |
2014 |
Reviewer, Higher Education DivisionMcGraw-Hill Australia and New Zealand |
2014 |
AssessorOffice for Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Division, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australian Government |
2013 |
Award for Teaching ExcellenceOffice for Learning and Teaching, Department of Education and Training, Australian Government |
2013 |
Honorary Member, Scientific Advisory BoardInternational Technology, Education and Development (INTED) |
2013 |
ReviewerLippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers |
2013 |
Reviewer, Discipline of Higher EducationThe University of Adelaide, School of Education |
2013 |
Reviewer, Higher Education and Research DivisionPearson Australia and USA |
2013 |
Reviewer, Higher Education DivisionMcGraw-Hill Australia and New Zealand |
2013 |
AssessorOffice for Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Division, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australian Government |
2012 |
ReviewerLippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers |
2012 |
Reviewer, Discipline of Higher EducationThe University of Adelaide, School of Education |
2012 |
Reviewer, Higher Education and Research DivisionPearson Australia and USA |
2012 |
Reviewer, Higher Education DivisionMcGraw-Hill Australia and New Zealand |
2012 |
AssessorOffice for Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Division, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Australian Government |
2011 |
Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student LearningOffice for Learning and Teaching, Department of Education and Training, Australian Government |
2010 |
Pharmacy and Medical Sciences representative for UniSA Division Teaching and Learning Committee
Teaching & student supervision