As Coordinator: Student Engagement in the Student Life team in the Student Engagement Unit based at City West, Leanne manages the Student Engagement Officers across all four metropolitan campuses. She develops and coordinates projects and activities to enhance the University experience for international and domestic students of UniSA, to increase their retention, success, engagement and satisfaction. Additionally, she develops strategies and initiatives to create a sense of community and belonging between students and among academic staff, based on best practice.
This role provides high level strategic advice regarding student and community engagement initiatives and works with key stakeholders across the University.... Read more
About me
As Coordinator: Student Engagement in the Student Life team in the Student Engagement Unit based at City West, Leanne manages the Student Engagement Officers across all four metropolitan campuses. She develops and coordinates projects and activities to enhance the University experience for international and domestic students of UniSA, to increase their retention, success, engagement and satisfaction. Additionally, she develops strategies and initiatives to create a sense of community and belonging between students and among academic staff, based on best practice.
This role provides high level strategic advice regarding student and community engagement initiatives and works with key stakeholders across the University. Leanne is the Chair of the National Reconciliation Week Working Group at Mawson Lakes and is the founder of the UniSA Students as Partners Community of Practice.Previously, she was seconded in the position of Coordinator: Events and Communications in the Student Life team in the Student Engagement Unit. She was responsible for using her extensive communications and events experience to oversee the communciation support for student Events, opportunities and SEU services including, Career Services, Counselling, Access and Inclusion, Study Support, International Student Support, Accommodation, Veteran's Engagement and Education Program, Wirringka Student Services and Leadership and Self-Development Programs. Additionally, she is responsible for liasing with various Orientation stakeholders and overseeing the delivery of event, web and communication support.
Leanne started with MOD. as Senior Administration Officer and moved into the role of Programs Coordinator. Leanne worked with the MOD. Exhibitions Team to program a calendar of events that delve more deeply into the exhibition themes and provocations, including showcasing UniSA research. She was responsible for the marketing of the programs and stakeholder engagement for MOD.
Leanne's move to UniSA College as Digital Marketing Officer in late 2018, to Student Engagement Support Officer. This role focussed on supporting a range of projects including the development and implementation of student communication schedule that engaged the students across the student lifecycle with the aim to improving retention outcomes. This role also focussed on planning and coordinating a range of integrated activities including but not limited to marketing collateral, campaigns for existing students to ensure internal communication outcomes for UniSA College is achieved. where she coordinates internal student communications and events, as well as assisting with projects to enhance student success.
About me
Bachelor of Management (Marketing) University of South Australia
Doploma of Arts (Interior Decoration & Design) Tafe SA
Cert III in Arts (Interior Decoration) Tafe SA
Advanced Certificate in Interior Decoration Tafe SA