About me
GradIMMM Graduate member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Member ISCT
My research focusses on the development of biomaterials primarily for wound healing applications. At a fundamental level I am interested in the interactions between cells and material surfaces. These interactions include cell attachment, cell detachment, cell migration and the development of materials to encourage specific responses. For wound healing; reepithelialisation and angiogenesis, and for immunotherapies; T cell activation. I also use and develop 3-dimensional human skin models to evaluate the cytotoxicity of materials as well as the ability of the novel materials to influence wound healing.
My research focusses on the development of biomaterials primarily for wound healing applications. At a fundamental level I am interested in the interactions between cells and material surfaces. These interactions include cell attachment, cell detachment, cell migration and the development of materials to encourage specific responses. For wound healing; reepithelialisation and angiogenesis, and for immunotherapies; T cell activation. I also use and develop 3-dimensional human skin models to evaluate the cytotoxicity of materials as well as the ability of the novel materials to influence wound healing.