I am an award-winning data scientist and public health researcher with over 10 years of experience in health data analytics, disease modelling, and health innovation. I am passionate about the use of technology in improving healthcare and public health.
My achievements include projecting HCV and COVID19 disease transmission in Australian prisons using an individual-based model; evaluating strategies for the New South Wales government to virtually eliminate hepatitis C virus incidence (0.93 per 100 person-years) in Australian prisons by 2030; and developing digital health solutions from concept to commercialisation. My most recent projects have been fully funded by Australian government department of corrective services, and Novo... Read more
About me
I am an award-winning data scientist and public health researcher with over 10 years of experience in health data analytics, disease modelling, and health innovation. I am passionate about the use of technology in improving healthcare and public health.
My achievements include projecting HCV and COVID19 disease transmission in Australian prisons using an individual-based model; evaluating strategies for the New South Wales government to virtually eliminate hepatitis C virus incidence (0.93 per 100 person-years) in Australian prisons by 2030; and developing digital health solutions from concept to commercialisation. My most recent projects have been fully funded by Australian government department of corrective services, and Novo Nordisk foundation.
I have authored over 20 scientific publications, presented at over 10 international conferences, managed several cohorts of graduate and undergraduate students, and supervised research projects. On the side, I consult for private companies and organisations, such as Accenture, on healthcare-related projects. I also engage with innovation and start-up hubs in Australia and in Denmark.
My qualifications include a PhD in Public Health, MSc in Bioinformatics, a BSc in Computer Science with specialisation in Software Technology, and a post-graduate certificate in BioMedical Design and Innovation.
About me
Date | Title |
24/09/2018 |
Finalists named in prestigious prize celebrating the next frontier in medical research, https://www.centenary.org.au/cen_news/finalists-named-in-prestigious-prize-celebrating-the-next-frontier-in-medical-research/ |
08/09/2017 |
And the Winner is!, https://www.centenary.org.au/cen_news/and-the-winner-is/ |
About me
Doctor of Philosophy University of New South Wales
Master of Science Biomedical Informatics Yuan Ze University
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science De La Salle University
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
SA Sports and Recreational Injury Surveillance Database Project, SA Sports Medicine Association, 13/05/2020 - 12/08/2020
1. Kirby Institute. (2017) HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissibleinfections in Australia: annual surveillance report 2017. Sydney: KirbyInstitute, UNSW Sydney.
1. Bretaña NA. (2017). “Understanding the dynamics of hepatitis C virustransmission in a high-risk environment.” School of Medical Sciences,UNSW Sydney.
2. Bretaña NA. (2011). “Identifying protein phosphorylation sites with potentialkinases on human viruses.” Yuan Ze University, Taiwan.
3. Amurao MF, Bretaña NA, Cestina GO, Faire ME. (2008). “MISA: Massivelymultiplayer online game with Integrated Short Message Service Access.”De La Salle University - Manila.
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2024 |
Open access
2024 |
Open access
2020 |
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
2017 |
2015 |
Open access
2015 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2023 |
Open access
2023 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2015 |
Open access
1. Kwon JA, Bretaña NA, Grant L, Galouzis J, Hoey W, Blogg J, Lloyd AR,Gray R. (2021). “The COVID-19 Incarceration Model: a tool for correctionsstaff to analyze outbreaks of COVID-19”. medRxiv (preprint)2021.02.18.21252032
2. Bretaña NA, Robati M, Rawat A, Pandey A, Khatri S, Kaushal K, Nair S,Cheang G, Abadia R. (2020). “Predicting Student Success for ProgrammingCourses in a Fully Online Learning Environment”. 28th InternationalConference on Computers in Education. Conference Proceedings.
3. Bretaña NA, Gray RR, Cunningham EB, Betz-Stablein B, Ribeiro R, GrawF, Luciani F, Lloyd AR. (2019). “Combined treatment and preventionstrategies for hepatitis C virus elimination in the prisons in New SouthWales: a modelling study”. Addiction
4. Gunaratnam P, Heywood AE, McGregor S, Jamil MS, McManus H, Mao L,Lobo R, Brown G, Hellard M, Marukutira T, Bretaña NA, Lang C, MedlandN, Bavinton B, Grulich A, Guy R. (2019). “HIV diagnoses in migrantpopulations in Australia – A changing epidemiology”. PLoS ONE 14(2):e0212268
5. Bretaña NA, Gray R, Law M, Guy R. (2018). “Aging of the HIV Populationin Australia: A modeling study.” Journal of Acquired Immune DeficiencySyndrome 79(5):e115-e116
6. Cunningham EB, Hajarizadeh B, Amin J, Bretaña NA, Dore GJ, DegenhardtL, Larney S, Luiciani F, Lloyd AR, Grebely J, HITS-p investigators. (2018).“Longitudinal injecting risk behaviours among people with a history ofinjecting drug use in an Australian prison setting: The HITS-p study.”International Journal of Drug Policy 54:18-25.
7. Cunningham EB, Amin J, Bretaña NA, Luiciani F, Degenhardt L, Larney S,Hajarizadeh B, LDore GJ, Lloyd AR, Grebely J, HITS-p investigators.(2017). “Injecting risk behaviours among people who inject drugs in anAustralian prison setting 2005-2014: The HITS-p study.” Journal of VirusEradication S2055-6640(20)30751-2.
8. Cunningham EB, Hajarizadeh B, Bretaña NA, Amin J, Betz-Stablein B, DoreGJ, Luciani F, Teutsch S, Dolan K, Lloyd AR, Grebely J, HITS-pinvestigators. (2017). “Ongoing incident hepatitis C virus infection amongpeople with a history of injecting drug use in an Australian prison setting,2005-2014: The HITS-p study.” Journal of viral hepatitis 24(9):733-741.
9. Bretaña NA, Boelen L, Bull R, Teutsch S, White PA, Lloyd AR, Luciani F,HITS-p investigators. (2015). “Transmission of hepatitis C virus amongprisoners, Australia, 2005-2012.” Emerging infectious diseases 21(5):765.
10. Kao HJ, Huang CH, Bretaña NA, Lu CT, Huang KY, Weng SL, Lee TY.(2015). “A two-layered machine learning method to identify protein OGlcNAcylationsites with O-GlcNAc transferase substrate motifs.” BMCBioinformatics 16(18):S10.
11. Luciani F, Bretaña NA, Teutsch S, Amin J, Topp L, Dore GJ, Maher L, DolanK, Lloyd AR, HITS-p investigators. (2014). “A prospective study of hepatitisC incidence in Australian prisoners.” Addiction 109(10):1695-1706.
12. Nguyen VN, Huang KY, Huang CH, Chang TH, Bretaña NA, Lai KR, WengJYT, Lee TY. (2015). “Characterization and identification of ubiquitinconjugation sites with E3 ligase recognition specificities.” BMCBioinformatics 16(1), S1
13. Huang KY, Lu CT, Bretaña NA, Lee TY, Chang TH. (2013). “ViralPhos:Incorporating a recursively statistical method to predict phosphorylationsites on virus proteins”. BMC Bioinformatics 14(SUPPL16), S10
14. Lu CT, Huang KY, Su MG, Lee TY, Bretaña NA, Chang WC, Chen YJ,Huang HD. (2013). “DbPTM 3.0: an informative resource for investigatingsubstrate site specificity and functional association of protein posttranslationalmodifications.” Nucleic acids research 41(D1):D295-D305.
15. Bretaña NA, Lu CT, Chiang CY, Su MG, Huang KY, Lee TY, Weng SL.(2012). “Identifying protein phosphorylation sites with kinase substratespecificity on human viruses.” PLoS One 7(7):e40694.
16. Hsu JB, Bretaña NA, Lee TY, Huang HD. (2011). “Incorporatingevolutionary information and functional domains for identifying RNA splicingfactors in humans.” PLoS One 6(11):e27567.
17. Lu CT, Chen SA, Bretaña NA, Cheng TH, Lee TY. (2011). “Carboxylator:incorporating solvent-accessible surface area for identifying proteincarboxylation sites.” Journal of computer-aided molecular design.25(10):987-995.
18. Lee TY, Lu CT, Chen SA, Bretaña NA, Cheng TH, Su MG, Huang KY.(2011). “Investigation an identification of protein γ-glutamyl carboxylationsites.” BMC Bioinformatics, BioMed Central.
19. Lee TY, Bretaña NA, Lu CT. (2011). “PlantPhos: using maximaldependence decomposition to identify plant phosphorylation sites withsubstrate site specificity.” BMC Bioinformatics 12(1):261.
20. Lee TY, Lin ZQ, Hsieh SJ, Bretaña NA, Lu CT. (2011). “Exploiting maximaldependence decomposition to identify conserved motifs from a group ofaligned signal sequences.” Bioinformatics 27(13):1780-1787.
Centenary Institute Medical Innovation Award - People's Choice, Centenary Institute (Oct. 2018)
My work on HCV elimination in Australian prisons was recognised by the Centenary Institute and was awarded a grant of AU$2,000.
Centenary Institute Medical Innovation Award - People's Choice, Centenary Institute (Sep. 2017)
My work on HCV elimination in Australian prisons was recognised by the Centenary Institute and was awarded a grant of AU$2,000.
School of Medical Science Paper of the Month, UNSW (apr. 2015)
I was awarded paper of the month for my publication entitled "Transmission of hepatitis C virus among prisoners, Australia".
Young Achiever Award in HCVWestmead Millenium Institute for Medical Research (Jul. 2013)
My investigative work on describing the dynamics of HCV transmission in New South Wales prisons was recognised by the Westmead Millenium Institute, and was awarded a grant of AU$1,000.
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Aarhus University | DENMARK |
Burnet Institute | AUSTRALIA |
Corrective Services New South Wales | AUSTRALIA |
Curtin University | AUSTRALIA |
Department of Attorney General and Justice Corrective Services NSW | AUSTRALIA |
Justice Health Forensic Mental Health Network | AUSTRALIA |
La Trobe University | AUSTRALIA |
Los Alamos National Laboratory | UNITED STATES |
Mackay Medical College | TAIWAN |
McGill University | CANADA |
Ministry of Health and Welfare | KOREA, REPUBLIC OF (SOUTH) |
Monash University | AUSTRALIA |
Queensland Department of Health | AUSTRALIA |
Radboud University Nijmegen | NETHERLANDS |
Taipei Medical University | TAIWAN |
University of Heidelberg | GERMANY |
University of New South Wales | AUSTRALIA |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
Yuan Ze University | TAIWAN |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
MentorThinclab e-challenge, University of Adelaide |
2023 |
Southstart scholarshipAtlassian foundation |
2023 |
Entrepreneur-in-residenceAntler global venture capital firm |
2022 |
MentorThinclab e-challenge, University of Adelaide |
2022 |
Industry Expert, Skylab, DTU
I am part of the subject matter expert group that contributes to digital innovation and entrepreneurship projects at the Danish Technical University. I focus on contributing to health-related digital projects
Industry Expert, Innovation & Collaboration Center, UniSA
I am part of the ICC's industry expert group that contributes to digital innovation and entrepreneurship in South Australia.
Teaching & student supervision
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Accessing Pet-Friendly Natural Spaces for Tertiary Students | Current |
Investigating period poverty in South Australia | Current |