Dr Susan Timpani PhD RN
Master Clinical Education / Research
Grad Cert Clinical Education
Grad Cert Child, Adolescent & Family Health Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing Post-Registration
Hospital Certificate of Midwifery
Hospital Certificate of General Nursing
UniSA Clinical & Health Sciences
About me
Dr Susan Timpani PhD RN
Master Clinical Education / Research
Grad Cert Clinical Education
Grad Cert Child, Adolescent & Family Health Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing Post-Registration
Hospital Certificate of Midwifery
Hospital Certificate of General Nursing
UniSA Clinical & Health Sciences
About me
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation SA Branch
Oral History Australia SA/NT
Australian College of Nursing
Australian College of Nursing Faculty of History
Geneology SA
About me
Doctor of Philosophy Flinders University
Master of Clinical Education Flinders University
Graduate Certificate Clinical Education Flinders University
Graduate Certificate in Health (Child Adolescent and Family Health Nursing) Flinders University
Bachelor of Nursing University of South Australia
HLTH 1036 Global and National Health
HLTH 1047 First Peoples' Health
HLTH 1073 Health of Older People
‘Exploring child neglect in the Grace Darling Hotel, Brighton, South Australia in 1867, and its role in establishing SA's first Nurse Training School and Adelaide Children’s Hospital'.
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Academic Publications
Timpani, S., Sweet, L., & Sivertsen, N. (2022). A narrative inquiry of storytelling: a learning strategy for nursing students to reflect on their interactions with patients. Reflective Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2021.2013191
Timpani, S., Sweet, L., & Sivertsen, N. (2021). Storytelling: One arts-based learning strategy to reflect on clinical placement. An integrative review. Nurse Education in Practice, 52, 103005–103005. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103005
Timpani, S (2015). The diverse role of Community Health nurses in Centacare - Child Protection and Substance abuse’ in 'Nurses where you need them' eBook. Australian College of Nursing https://issuu.com/australiancollegeofnursing/docs/cphcnw_ebook_c1
Timpani, S (2004). ‘Homeless Health and Housing Forum’ (2004) 17(8) Parity 25
Timpani, S. (2024). Exploring the experiences of international nursing students, studying in South Australia, during the COVID-19 pandemic, through the process of co-creating a podcast. An Artefact-Exegesis PhD thesis. Flinders University, College of Nursing and Health Sciences.
Timpani, S. (2020). Storytelling during clinical facilitation: an arts-based narrative inquiry. Master’s thesis. Flinders University, College of Medicine, and Public Health.
Oral History/Sound
Timpani, S. (2024) Experiences of International Nursing Students in SA during COVID-19 PhD unedited recordings [sound recording] / Interviewer: Susan Timpani. J. D. Somerville Oral History Collection State Library SA, OH 1187
Timpani, S (2024) Closed Borders Podcast, 'Voices of International nursing students during COVID-19”. [Sound Recording] https://stimpani123.podbean.com/
Timpani, S (2022) Interview (s) with Joan Durdin [sound recording] / Interviewer: Susan Timpani. J.D. Somerville Oral History Collection State Library SA OH 1132 2017-2022
Conference Presentations (2024 -
Timpani, S (2024) ‘Five Children to a Bed up to their very necks in filth', Conference Presentation, Australian College of Nursing, History Conference. Cairns, Australia. 13 August 2024.
Timpani, S (2024) International Nursing Students – A diverse population and the impact of COVID-19 on their wellbeing, Poster Presentation, Australian College of Nursing, National Nursing Forum, Cairns, Australia. 14-16 August 2024.
Timpani, S. (2024) Disaster Readiness Policy, COVID-19 and International Nursing Students, Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery Symposium ‘17-19 July 2024, Darwin, Australia.
Timpani, S (2024) “Closed Borders Podcast: Go Home! Australia’s COVID-19 message to temporary migrants in 2020” during Oral History Australia Biennial Conference - The Power of Oral History—Risks, Rewards & Possibilities, Melbourne, Australia, 21-24 November 2024.
Current Research
‘Exploring child neglect in the Grace Darling Hotel, Brighton, South Australia in 1867, and its role in establishing SA's first Nurse Training School and Adelaide Children’s Hospital'.
This proposed book describes the consequences of removing over one hundred children from the overcrowded Destitute Asylum into the dilapidated Grace Darling Hotel in Brighton in 1867. Within six months fourteen children had died of disease and neglect. The tragedy prompted plans to establish the Adelaide Children’s Hospital and Training School for Nurses. A recount in the Advertiser (2018) describes the children as the ‘unknown martyrs of paediatric healthcare’. While the high death rate ultimately contributed to improved health services, the children were not martyrs, nor were they unknown. A Report by the Select Committee on the Destitute Poor in 1867 lists the names of the children, their parent (s), and dates of death. My research into the children and their families have located records in major SA institutions such as the Lying-In Hospital, Lunatic Asylum, Adelaide Gaol and Adelaide Hospital. Using primary and secondary resources and dialogue from the Select Committee transcript, my proposed book aims to shift the narrative of ‘unknown children’ to individuals with a life story. My research aims to reposition this tragedy from the peripheral to the central place it deserves in the history of South Australian child health services and nurse education. The genre of this book is creative non-fiction.
‘Exploring child neglect in the Grace Darling Hotel, Brighton, South Australia in 1867, and its role in establishing SA's first Nurse Training School and Adelaide Children’s Hospital'.
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Deakin University | AUSTRALIA |
Flinders University | AUSTRALIA |
Teaching & student supervision