Dr. Sven Trenholm is a lecturer of mathematics education at the University of South Australia. He received his PhD (Studentship) from Loughborough University (UK), an MSc (Distinction) from the State University of New York at Albany (US) and a Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary Mathematics) as well as BSc (Pure Mathematics) from McGill University (Canada). He has taught mathematics full-time for more than 13 years, both at the secondary and tertiary levels, having previously been tenured within the State University of New York.
His primary research is situated in the intersection between the fields of mathematics education and instructional technology (or ICT) where he is interested in investigating the... Read more
About me
Dr. Sven Trenholm is a lecturer of mathematics education at the University of South Australia. He received his PhD (Studentship) from Loughborough University (UK), an MSc (Distinction) from the State University of New York at Albany (US) and a Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary Mathematics) as well as BSc (Pure Mathematics) from McGill University (Canada). He has taught mathematics full-time for more than 13 years, both at the secondary and tertiary levels, having previously been tenured within the State University of New York.
His primary research is situated in the intersection between the fields of mathematics education and instructional technology (or ICT) where he is interested in investigating the development of mathematical thinking in fully asynchronous online and otherwise computer-mediated instructional contexts. His pioneering research in this area has led to publications in leading international journals. He is currently collaborating with colleagues in Australia, Canada and the UK. His funded research projects include:
About me
About me
Doctor of Philosophy Loughborough University UK
Masters (Curriculum Design and Instructional Technology) State University of New York at Albany USA
Graduate Diploma Education (Secondary Mathematics Instruction) McGill University Canada
Bachelor of Pure Mathematics McGill University Canada
My research is situated in the intersection between the fields of mathematics education and instructional technology where my primary interest is in the development of mathematical thinking in fully asynchronous online (FAO) instructional contexts. I am largely interested in studying FAO pedagogy and interactivity, and I am currently working in the following areas: - Mathematics assessment and feedback practices in the FAO instructional context - The use of e-lecturing (aka “lecture capture”) - The role of wait time in FAO assessment discourse and computer-aided assessment interactivity - The role of the academic discipline (e.g. epistemology, ontology) in relation to FAO course and e-lecture pedagogy - Student academic... Read more
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Apart from those projects listed under "About Me", I have also worked on the following project(s):
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
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2019 |
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2016 |
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2011 |
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2009 |
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2024 |
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2023 |
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2022 |
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2021 |
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2019 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2019 |
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2016 |
2015 |
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2012 |
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2011 |
Year | Output |
2021 |
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2019 |
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2017 |
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2016 |
Open access
Other Book Chapters:
J., Fonseca, P., Steegmann C., Pla, L., Rodríguez, S., Trenholm, S. (2009) Teaching Statistics and Operations Research online: experiences at the Open University of Catalonia. In Cases on Successful E-Learning Practices in the Developed and Developing World: Methods for the Global Information Economy, Olaniran, B.A. (Ed.), IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, PA, USA.
Pre-2008 Refereed Journal Papers:
Trenholm, S. (2007) An Investigation of Assessment in Fully Asynchronous Online Math Courses. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 3(2), 41-55.
Trenholm, S. (2006-2007) A Review of Cheating in Fully Asynchronous Online Courses: A Math or Fact-Based Course Perspective. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 35(3), 281-300.
Trenholm, S. (2006) A Study on the Efficacy of Computer-Mediated Developmental Math Instruction for Traditional Community College Students (Part I; Introduction and Literature Review). Journal on Research & Teaching in Developmental Education, 22(2), 51-62.
Edited Books:
White, B., Chinnappan, M., Trenholm, S. (2016) Opening Up Mathematics Education Research. (Eds.; Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia). Adelaide: MERGA.
Juan, A., Huertas, Trenholm, S., M.A., Steegmann, C., Eds (2011) Teaching Mathematics Online: Emergent Technologies and Methodologies, IGI Global, PA, USA.
Recent Accepted Conference Presentations:
Chinnappan, M., White, B., & Trenholm, S. "Symbiosis between Specialised and Pedagogical Content knowledge in geometry". 13th International Conference in Mathematics Education. University of Hamburg, Germany, 2016.
Trenholm, S., Alcock, L., Robinson, C.L. "The Instructor Experience of Fully Online Tertiary Mathematics: A Challenge and an Opportunity", Australian Mathematical Society, Adelaide, Australia, 2015.
Trenholm, S., Chinnappan, M. “Pre-service teachers’ views on mathematics homework practices”, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA), Sunshine Coast, Australia, 2015.
Trenholm, S., Chinnappan, M. “The Effectiveness of Asynchronous Online Tertiary Mathematics Instruction”, Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), Hobart, Tasmania, 2015.
Trenholm, S., “Evidence of Evolutionary Changes in the Nature of Interactions in Fully Asynchronous Online Mathematics Courses”, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA), Sydney, Australia, 2014.
Trenholm, S., Alcock, A., Robinson, C.L., “Development of a summated scale for measuring approaches to assessment practice of undergraduate mathematics lecturers”, Delta conference: A biennial southern hemisphere conference on the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics, Kiama, NSW, Australia, 2013.
Trenholm, S., “Mathematics Lecturing in the Digital Age”, Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2011.
Click here for my Google Scholar citations
Click here for my ORCID details
Click here for my ResearchGate profile
My research is situated in the intersection between the fields of mathematics education and instructional technology where my primary interest is in the development of mathematical thinking in fully asynchronous online (FAO) instructional contexts. I am largely interested in studying FAO pedagogy and interactivity, and I am currently working in the following areas: - Mathematics assessment and feedback practices in the FAO instructional context - The use of e-lecturing (aka “lecture capture”) - The role of wait time in FAO assessment discourse and computer-aided assessment interactivity - The role of the academic discipline (e.g. epistemology, ontology) in relation to FAO course and e-lecture pedagogy - Student academic dishonesty in fully online courses
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Athabasca University | CANADA |
Loughborough University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | UNITED STATES |
Open University (Portugal) | PORTUGAL |
Open University of Catalonia | SPAIN |
Polytechnic University of Catalonia | SPAIN |
Public University of Navarre | SPAIN |
Southern Cross University | AUSTRALIA |
Universite Paris Cite | FRANCE |
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | CHINA |
University of Lleida | SPAIN |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Southern Queensland | AUSTRALIA |
University of Tasmania | AUSTRALIA |
University of Technology Sydney | AUSTRALIA |
University of the Sunshine Coast | AUSTRALIA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
MemberHigher Education Research Group of Adelaide (HERGA) |
2018 |
MemberMathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) |
2018 |
MemberMathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) |
2017 |
MemberHigher Education Research Group of Adelaide (HERGA) |
2017 |
Biennial southern hemisphere symposia on the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics (DELTA),
Science, Technology, e-Learning and Mathematics Research Group of the University of South Australia (STeM)
Secondary and tertiary mathematics teaching, assessment and feedback practices. In general, the use of computer-mediated teaching and assessment (i.e. instructional technology, ICT) in the development of mathematical thinking. In particular, teaching and assessment practices in the fully asynchronous online context.
Current Masters thesis supervision: In the flipped learning context: Why do teachers choose to produce their own video resources versus using commercially or readily available video resources?
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
Investigating young children's attitudes towards mathematics: evidence from children's drawings | Completed |
Perception, motivation, learner differences, and learning mathematics in an interactive multimedia learning environment | Completed |
Virtual Learning Environment in Malaysian primary schools: attitudes of teachers, students and parents towards its use | Completed |