Executive support: Courtney Sommer
+61 8 8302 3991 | courtney.sommer@unisa.edu.au
I am an interdisciplinary researcher, educator and science communicator, and Dean of Programs for UniSA STEM (Information Technology, Mathematics and Data Science). My research spans geology and geochemistry, data analytics and visualisation, immersive technology and digital twins. Find out more about my activities on LinkedIn, my Google Scholar profile and my ResearchGate profile. Discover some of my work on this YouTube playlist, and in these media appearances.
Since 2014, I have led Project LIVE (Learning through Immersive Virtual Environments), a University-wide initiative focused on creating high-quality virtual and augmented reality experiences that bridge the research-teaching nexus. I am also a member of the Australian... Read more
About me
I am an interdisciplinary researcher, educator and science communicator, and Dean of Programs for UniSA STEM (Information Technology, Mathematics and Data Science). My research spans geology and geochemistry, data analytics and visualisation, immersive technology and digital twins. Find out more about my activities on LinkedIn, my Google Scholar profile and my ResearchGate profile. Discover some of my work on this YouTube playlist, and in these media appearances.
Since 2014, I have led Project LIVE (Learning through Immersive Virtual Environments), a University-wide initiative focused on creating high-quality virtual and augmented reality experiences that bridge the research-teaching nexus. I am also a member of the Australian Research Centre for Interactive and Virtual Environments (IVE), focusing on the application of digital visualisation technologies in geoscience, including immersive analytics for geochemical and geophysical datasets and enhanced drill core logging using augmented reality. This research forms part of the MinEx CRC.
About me
About me
Date | Title |
12/11/2024 |
Meet the universities’ most innovative educators: Shaping Australia Awards, https://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/meet-the-universities-most-innovative-educators-shaping-australia-awards/news-story/97fc06fdd0173ceaf55a95679ecd7028 |
23/10/2024 |
Geology Q&A - ABC Mornings with David Bevan, https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/adelaide-mornings/adelaide-mornings/104487634 |
19/06/2024 |
Technology digs into need to send humans into mines - UniSA News, https://unisa.edu.au/unisanews/2024/june/technology-digs-into-need-to-send-humans-into-mines/ |
30/05/2024 |
Forget FIFO: Mining from home the future for resources workers - InDaily, https://www.indaily.com.au/business/mining/2024/05/30/forget-fifo-mining-from-home-the-future-for-resources-workers |
28/05/2024 |
Brave new virtual world fast becoming a reality in the mining sector - UniSA Media Release, https://www.unisa.edu.au/media-centre/Releases/2024/brave-new-virtual-world-fast-becoming-a-reality-in-the-mining-sector/ |
29/04/2024 |
60 seconds with Prof Tom Raimondo - Goyder Institute for Water Research, https://goyderinstitute.org/60-seconds-with-prof-tom-raimondo/ |
04/02/2024 |
Goolwa research centre to focus on climate change solutions for Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth - ABC News, https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-04/coorong-lower-lakes-murray-mouth-research-centre-opens/103390862?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=other |
24/01/2024 |
CSIRO News - Building an emerging technology pipeline in regional Australia , https://www.csiro.au/en/news/All/Articles/2024/January/regional-emerging-technologies |
12/11/2023 |
BAE Systems, UniSA team up on Australia's first degree apprenticeship - Australian Financial Review, https://www.afr.com/work-and-careers/education/how-tom-got-5-years-training-good-pay-and-a-great-job-while-studying-20231109-p5eivr |
15/09/2023 |
Interview from Yarta Purtli Cultural Centre, Port Augusta - ABC Late Afternoons with Emma Pedler (Listen from 22:04 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/sa-late-afternoons/late-afternoons/102836670 |
26/08/2023 |
Palaeojam Podcast - The Rocks Remember..., https://palaeojam.podbean.com/e/the-rocks-remember/ |
26/06/2023 |
Mysterious six-metre hole appears on Adelaide eastern suburbs property - ABC Afternoons with Sonya Feldhoff, https://www.abc.net.au/adelaide/programs/afternoons/sink-hole/102525176 |
08/06/2023 |
Who needs to hit the open road? We’re virtually there! - Grey Nomads Australia, https://www.thegreynomads.com.au/vr/ |
10/05/2023 |
Geology Q&A - ABC Mornings with David Bevan (Listen from 1:02:45 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/adelaide/programs/mornings/adelaide-mornings/102306324 |
27/04/2023 |
Opening of the Nilpena Ediacara National Park, Flinders Ranges - ABC Late Afternoons with Narelle Graham (Listen from 1:37:23 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/sa-late-afternoons/late-afternoons/102255112 |
06/03/2023 |
Marla's 'gravity warp' - ABC Late Afternoons with Narelle Graham (Listen from 9:15 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/sa-late-afternoons/late-afternoons/102036602 |
15/02/2023 |
Geology Q&A - ABC Mornings with David Bevan (Listen from 1:05:14 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/adelaide/programs/mornings/adelaide-mornings/101955506 |
02/01/2023 |
Take a tour of Australia's really big rocks - ABC Science, https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2023-01-02/big-australian-rock-trip-uluru-mt-augustus/101699888 |
19/12/2022 |
Virtual reality and Flinders Ranges World Heritage interview - ABC Afternoons (Listen from 6 min mark), https://www.abc.net.au/sydney/programs/afternoons/afternoons/14120868 |
09/12/2022 |
Nodules in calcrete on Moana Beach - ABC Afternoons with Deb Tribe (Listen from 2:19:40 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/adelaide/programs/afternoons/afternoons/14115810 |
07/12/2022 |
Notes on Adelaide podcast: The Cradle of Life, https://indaily.com.au/podcasts/2022/12/07/notes-on-adelaide-podcast-the-cradle-of-life/ |
07/12/2022 |
The Ediacaran Experience: using immersive virtual environments to explore our ancient animal ancestors - SASTA Journal, https://indd.adobe.com/view/7966dd52-8f69-4c9d-86bf-d2343ac52342 |
02/12/2022 |
Calls for more local learning as SA fossils make the science curriculum - InDaily, https://indaily.com.au/news/science-and-tech/2022/12/02/calls-for-more-local-learning-as-sa-fossils-make-the-science-curriculum/ |
01/12/2022 |
South Australian Geologist Digs Deep to 600-Million-Year-Old Flinders Ranges Through Virtual Reality - The Science Times, https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/41158/20221201/south-australian-geologist-digs-deep-to-600-million-year-old-flinders-ranges-through-virtual-reality.htm |
01/12/2022 |
Virtual tourists can now teleport back 600 million years, exploring the Flinders Ranges’ ancient beginnings - UniSA News, https://unisa.edu.au/media-centre/Releases/2022/virtual-tourists-can-now-teleport-back-600-million-years-exploring-the-flinders-ranges-ancient-beginnings/ |
30/11/2022 |
Live broadcast from Marino Rocks - ABC Mornings with David Bevan, https://www.abc.net.au/adelaide/programs/mornings/mornings/14110602 |
08/09/2022 |
Ancient reef discovered on the Nullarbor Plain in 3D satellite data - ABC Science, https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2022-09-08/nullarbor-plain-ancient-reef-discovered-3d-satellite-data/101412192 |
01/07/2022 |
Holey Eclogite! - AGU Eos, https://eos.org/articles/holey-eclogite |
27/06/2022 |
Five SA composers receive INVISIBILITY Commissions (Underground Exhibit at MOD) - Limelight Magazine, https://limelightmagazine.com.au/news/five-sa-composers-receive-invisibility-commissions/ |
01/06/2022 |
Two Truths and A Lie - Hallett Cove - ABC Afternoons with Sonya Feldhoff https://www.abc.net.au/adelaide/programs/afternoons/afternoons/14115810, https://www.abc.net.au/adelaide/programs/afternoons/afternoons/13899414 |
09/02/2022 |
Spotlight on the unseen: MOD. launches new exhibition, https://unisa.edu.au/unisanews/2022/february/story8/ |
12/12/2021 |
Celebrate Class Acts (Interview for UniSA Images of Research and Teaching) - Sunday Mail, https://readnow.isentia.com/articlepresenter.aspx?guid=8ce80136-8bb5-4a81-b524-f50b725f6085&serid=115854&ArticleID=1553288154 |
15/07/2021 |
Flinders Ranges virtual tourists to be ‘teleported’ into the deep past for World Heritage bid - UniSA News, https://unisa.edu.au/unisanews/2021/july/story2/ |
18/06/2021 |
South Australian geologist digs deep to create virtual tour of Flinders Ranges- InDaily, https://indaily.com.au/events/regional-showcase/2021/06/18/south-australian-geologist-digs-deep-to-create-virtual-tour-of-flinders-ranges/ |
14/06/2021 |
Are the Flinders Ranges underrated? UNESCO World Heritage Listing - Drive with Jules Schiller (Listen from 2:49:17 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/radio/adelaide/programs/drive/drive/13377500 |
14/06/2021 |
Flinders Ranges virtual tourists to be ‘teleported’ into the deep past for World Heritage bid - UniSA Media Release, https://www.unisa.edu.au/media-centre/Releases/2021/flinders-ranges-virtual-tourists-to-be-teleported-into-the-deep-past-for-world-heritage-bid/ |
13/06/2021 |
Flinders Ranges virtual reality tour in development to support World Heritage bid - ABC News, https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-13/flinders-ranges-virtual-reality-tour-supports-world-heritage-bid/100211820 |
11/02/2021 |
UniSA News - Mass spectrometer to aid environmental and cancer research, https://unisa.edu.au/unisanews/2021/february/story6/#Mass_spectrometer |
03/12/2020 |
Bricks n Bytes - Project LIVE gamifies geology at Hallett Cove, https://youtu.be/KUsssEV9Tk8 |
30/11/2020 |
What do geologists really do? And how can they help identify sinkholes in Adelaide? - ABC Afternoons with Spence Denny (Listen in from 1:04:55 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/radio/adelaide/programs/afternoons/afternoons/12913304 |
25/11/2020 |
Discovery Day 2020: Geoscience education in 2020 - SA Department for Energy and Mining (DEM), https://youtu.be/zTJ4NFongEs |
26/10/2020 |
Drone Flyer Diaries - Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), https://www.facebook.com/notes/know-your-drone/drone-flyer-diaries-tom-raimondo/10157370587106459/ |
23/08/2020 |
Virtual Geology Down Under - The Virtual Side Podcast (listen in from 13:34 mark), https://www.buzzsprout.com/1231463/5092703-8-90s-vr-facebook-login-down-under-and-russian-billionaires |
20/08/2020 |
Discover the hidden secrets written in stone with this great VR app - Australia's Science Channel, https://australiascience.tv/discover-the-hidden-secrets-written-in-stone-with-this-great-vr-app/ |
19/08/2020 |
Should science be more 'fun'? Making geoscience fun with virtual reality games - ABC Afternoons with Sonya Feldhoff (listen in from 1:49:08 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/radio/adelaide/programs/afternoons/afternoons/12552514 |
17/08/2020 |
Hidden secrets written in stone: Decoding Hallett Cove with virtual reality - UniSA Newsroom, https://www.unisa.edu.au/Media-Centre/Releases/2020/hidden-secrets-written-in-stone--decoding-hallett-cove-with-virtual-reality/ |
17/08/2020 |
UniSA decodes history of Hallett Cove using 3D models and virtual reality - ZD Net, https://www.zdnet.com/article/unisa-decodes-history-of-hallett-cove-using-3d-models-and-virtual-reality/ |
17/08/2020 |
Hallett Cove’s fossil secrets are now accessible through virtual reality - ZME Science, https://www.zmescience.com/science/hallett-coves-fossil-3d-tour-262343/ |
15/08/2020 |
Interview with Tom Raimondo for "Beyond the Ice: Hallett Cove Virtual Tour" - Channel 9 News, https://youtu.be/365b5yt1kIw |
11/08/2020 |
MOD.TV Interview, https://www.twitch.tv/videos/706834051 |
23/07/2020 |
Science Is My Superpower Interview - Project Gen Z, https://youtu.be/mjar12vPO4E |
25/06/2020 |
Coronavirus changes could stay with Adelaide’s universities for good (Project LIVE virtual tours) - The Advertiser, https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/coronavirus/coronavirus-changes-could-stay-with-adelaides-universities-for-good/news-story/be7e508aef0f413f08570dbd03f4c10e |
02/02/2020 |
The greatest time machine ever invented - Ockham's Razor LIVE (ABC Radio National), https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/ockhamsrazor/tom-raimondo-geologist-and-time-traveller/11906860 |
12/12/2019 |
UniSA News - Antarctic ice sheets could be at greater risk of melting than thought, https://unisa.edu.au/unisanews/2019/december/story7/ |
06/12/2019 |
Australia and East Antarctica share geology - The Science Show with Robyn Williams (ABC Radio National), https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/australia-and-east-antarctica-share-geology/11774686 |
04/12/2019 |
Inside the volcano: Mt Schank virtual tour - ABC Late Afternoons with Narelle Graham (Listen from 31:55 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/sa-late-afternoons/late-afternoons/11744098 |
02/12/2019 |
Bringing volcanoes alive with drones and virtual reality - ABC Southeast Breakfast with Selina Green (Listen from 2:41:20 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/radio/southeastsa/programs/breakfast/breakfast/11737460 |
02/12/2019 |
Antarctic ice sheets could be at greater risk of melting than previously thought - Phys.org, https://phys.org/news/2019-12-antarctic-ice-sheets-greater-previously.html |
30/11/2019 |
Virtual experience becomes reality - The Border Watch, https://borderwatch.com.au/virtual-experience-becomes-reality/ |
27/11/2019 |
UniSA project brings Mount Schank to the masses via drone footage and virtual reality video - The Advertiser, https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/unisa-project-brings-mount-schank-to-the-masses-via-drone-footage-and-virtual-reality-video/news-story/53a1c6bc5efee5e26f1d1dd6e432d3a1 |
28/07/2019 |
Rock star philosopher, and rocks - ABC Radio National (listen from 19:30 mark), https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/philosopherszone/rockstar-and-rocks/11342570 |
13/03/2019 |
An immersive virtual reality and education program for the minerals industry - MINE Magazine, https://mine.nridigital.com/mine_australia_mar19/project_live-mm_attracting_talent_to_australia_s_minerals_industry |
13/03/2019 |
Project LIVE-MM: attracting talent to Australia’s minerals industry - Mining Technology Feature Article, https://www.mining-technology.com/features/project-live-mm-attracting-talent-to-australias-minerals-industry/ |
05/11/2018 |
University of South Australia helps overcome skills gap, https://www.australianmining.com.au/news/university-of-south-australia-to-develop-new-project-that-overcomes-skills-gap/ |
31/10/2018 |
UniSA champions virtual insights into the future of Australia’s minerals industry, http://www.unisa.edu.au/Media-Centre/Releases/2018/UniSA-champions-virtual-insights-into-the-future-of-Australias-minerals-industry/ |
09/08/2018 |
How do earthquakes form? Kids' Q&A - ABC Breakfast with Ali Clarke (Listen from 51:35 mark), http://www.abc.net.au/radio/adelaide/programs/breakfast/breakfast/10068398 |
09/08/2018 |
Earthquake near Mannum felt across Adelaide suburbs and hills rumbled 'like a train', http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-08/earthquake-shakes-adelaide-hills/10091262 |
03/06/2018 |
The Long Now: what will life be like in 10,000 years? - Science Friction with Natasha Mitchell (ABC Radio National), http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/sciencefriction/the-long-now/9824124 |
24/05/2018 |
How old is the Earth and how do we know? Kids' Q&A with Gilles Street Primary students - ABC Breakfast with Ali Clarke, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjJaZ_keUWc |
12/02/2018 |
From the field to the classroom: Tom Raimondo on why geology rocks - Il Globo, http://ilglobo.com.au/news/37585/from-the-field-to-the-classroom-tom-raimondo-on-why-geology-rocks/# |
17/10/2017 |
Hot rocks in the coldest place on Earth: using heat flow estimates in southern Australia to help model ice loss in Antarctica (UniSA RTIS project summary), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3Hpb9IeaHc |
28/09/2017 |
How do rocks form? Kids' Q&A with Vale Park Primary students - ABC Breakfast with Ali Clarke (Listen from 51:23 mark), http://www.abc.net.au/radio/adelaide/programs/breakfast/breakfast/8973540 |
18/08/2017 |
How do you get mountains in the middle of a continent? - ABC Science, https://www.facebook.com/ABCScience/videos/10155613194282378/ |
16/08/2017 |
Heavy rain + limestone = sinkhole? - ABC Drive (Listen from 35:55 mark), http://www.abc.net.au/radio/adelaide/programs/drive/drive/8791708 |
05/08/2017 |
Unearthing the geological history of central Australia - The Science Show, http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/unearthing-the-geological-history-of-central-australia/8775488 |
29/07/2017 |
New Antarctic heat maps to improve predictions of sea level rise - The Science Show, http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/new-antarctic-heat-maps-to-improve-predictions-of-sea-level-rise/8753458 |
22/07/2017 |
Eruption, explosion and river erosion - Off Track with Ann Jones (ABC Radio National), http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/offtrack/geology-of-south-australia/8716960 |
22/07/2017 |
Australia's extreme geological past - ABC Science, http://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2017-07-22/five-places-that-mark-australias-extreme-geological-past/8728928 |
22/07/2017 |
Interview with Dr Sophie Calabretto - Women in STEM - The Science Show, http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/the-appeal-of-maths/8731280 |
13/07/2017 |
Larsen C iceberg - ABC Mornings with Ali Clarke (Listen from 11:30 mark), http://www.abc.net.au/radio/adelaide/programs/mornings/mornings/8686376 |
11/07/2017 |
Nightlife with Philip Clark - Interview (Listen from 1:01:54 mark), http://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/nightlife/nightlife/8679014 |
10/07/2017 |
Interview describing the online teaching of Engineering and Environmental Geology (Open Universities Australia), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq-oqt3Q04E |
05/07/2017 |
Science with Dr Karl - ABC Mornings with Ali Clarke (Listen from 1:31:48 mark), http://www.abc.net.au/radio/adelaide/programs/mornings/mornings/8661966 |
14/06/2017 |
RN Drive with Chris Bath - Interview (listen in from 16:47 mark), http://www.abc.net.au/radio/sydney/programs/drive/drive/8599398 |
09/06/2017 |
ABC Mornings with Ali Clarke - Interview (listen in from 43:55 mark), http://www.abc.net.au/radio/adelaide/programs/mornings/mornings/8587382 |
08/06/2017 |
Top 5 Under 40 Award Announcement - ABC Radio National Breakfast, https://radio.abc.net.au/programitem/pgJGOppLp6?play=true |
08/06/2017 |
Meet five young Australian scientists who want to change the world - ABC News, http://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2017-06-08/meet-five-young-australian-scientists-top-5-under-40/8597694 |
08/06/2017 |
Rocking it with Tom Raimondo! UniSA geoscientist one of Radio National’s top researchers under 40 - UniSA Media Centre, http://www.unisa.edu.au/Media-Centre/Releases/2017-Media-Releases/Rocking-it-with-Tom-Raimondo-UniSA-geoscientist-one-of-Radio-Nationals-top-researchers-under-40/ |
15/05/2017 |
Scientist in the Studio with Sarah Tomlinson - ABC Local Radio, http://www.abc.net.au/northandwest/programs/north_and_west_sa_mornings/ |
11/05/2015 |
Rock conservation park (Hallett Cove, SA) - SCOPE (Network Ten), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHx7pBeg59s |
About me
Doctor of Philosophy University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Science University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Arts University of Adelaide
See my Google Scholar profile here, my ORCID here and my ResearchGate profile here.
Current research themes:
Recent major research grants:
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
CSIRO NGGP - UTAS - Augmented Human Operations, CSIRO-Data61, 07/08/2024 - 30/06/2029
An immersive science platform for the CLLMM Research Centre, CLLMM: Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Research Centre (Goyder Inst), 25/06/2024 - 31/01/2026
Forestry Saw Mill VR Training, Green Triangle Forestry Industry Hub, 09/01/2024 - 09/07/2024
MinEx CRC - Alex De Vries Van LeeuwenTime, duration & conditions of metamorphism and crustal melting in the curnamona province. , MinEx CRC, 16/09/2019 - 17/04/2022
MinEx CRC OP 7 : Immersive Analytics, MinEx CRC, 01/01/2021 - 25/02/2022
Source to spectrum: Finding deposits beyond the Fe oxide-Cu-Au envelope, ARC - Linkage Project, 09/11/2016 - 30/11/2020
Just add water: a recipe for the deformation of continental interiors, ARC - Discovery Projects, 17/06/2016 - 31/12/2019
FMGL Rudall-Paterson Exploration Project, Fortescue Metals Group Ltd, 01/06/2016 - 31/12/2018
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
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Open access
Co-edited Special Issues:
Putnis, A., Spencer, C. J. & Raimondo, T. (eds.), 2018. Special Issue: Timescales of geological processes. Geoscience Frontiers, doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2018.10.002.
Aitken, A. R. A., Raimondo, T. & Capitanio, F. A. (eds.), 2013. Special Issue: Intraplate Tectonics. Gondwana Research, 24(3‒4). Access this publication here.
Recently accepted papers and free fulltext versions of published articles:
Varga, J., Raimondo, T., Morrissey, L., Kelsey, D. & Hand, M., 2021. Pressure–temperature–time constraints on gneiss dome formation in an intracontinental orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, doi: 10.1111/jmg.12635.
Silva, D., Piazolo, S., Daczko N.R. & Raimondo, T., 2021. Glimmerite: a product of melt-rock interaction within a crustal-scale high strain zone. Gondwana Research, doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2021.09.005. Read the full text for free here.
Angiboust, S., Muñoz-Montecinos, J., Cambeses, A., Raimondo, T., Deldique, D. & Garcia-Casco, A., 2021. Jolts in the Jade Factory: a Route for Subduction Fluids and their Implications for Mantle Wedge Seismicity. Earth-Science Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103720. Read the full text for free here.
Langsford, N., Raimondo, T. & Jago, J., 2019. Red crust: evidence for an early Paleozoic oceanic anoxic event. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1-7, doi:10.1080/08120099.2018.1563827. Read the full text for free here.
Prent, A. M., Beinlich, A., Morrissey, L. J., Raimondo, T., Clark, C. & Putnis, A., 2019. Monazite as a monitor for melt-rock interaction during cooling and exhumation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, doi:10.1111/jmg.12471. Read the full text for free here.
Silva, D., Piazolo, S., Daczko N.R., Houseman, G., Raimondo, T. & Evans, L., 2018. Intracontinental orogeny enhanced by far-field extension and locally weak crust. Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2018TC005106. Read the full text for free here.
Raimondo, T., Payne, J., Wade, B.P., Lanari, P., Clark, C. & Hand, M., 2017. Trace element mapping by LA-ICP-MS: assessing geochemical mobility in garnet. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 172(4): 17, doi:10.1007/s00410-017-1339-z. Read the full text for free here.
Howlett, D., Raimondo, T. & Hand, M., 2015. Evidence for 1808–1770 Ma bimodal magmatism, sedimentation, high temperature deformation and metamorphism in the Aileron Province, central Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2(7): 831-852. doi:10.1080/08120099.2015.1108364. Read the full text for free here.
Raimondo, T., Hand, M. and Collins, W. J., 2014. Compressional intracontinental orogens: ancient and modern perspectives. Earth-Science Reviews, 130: 128–153, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.11.009. Read the full text for free here.
Howard, H. M., Werner, M., Smithies, R. H., Evins, P. M., Kirkland, C. L., Kelsey, D. E., Hand, M., Collins, A., Pirajno, F., Wingate, M. T. D., Maier, W. D. & Raimondo, T., 2011. The geology of the West Musgrave Province and the Bentley Supergroup ‒ A field guide. Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2011/4, 116pp. Read the full text for free here.
See my Google Scholar profile here, my ORCID here and my ResearchGate profile here.
Current research themes:
Recent major research grants:
Selected prizes and awards:
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Academia Sinica | TAIWAN |
Australian National University | AUSTRALIA |
Australian Synchrotron | AUSTRALIA |
British Antarctic Survey | UNITED KINGDOM |
Cardiff University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Curtin University | AUSTRALIA |
Department for Energy and Mining | AUSTRALIA |
Department for Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy - SA | AUSTRALIA |
Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Adelaide | AUSTRALIA |
Ecole Normale Suprieure | FRANCE |
Federal University of Bahia | BRAZIL |
Flinders University | AUSTRALIA |
Geological Survey of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
Geological Survey of Western Australia | AUSTRALIA |
Geoscience Australia | AUSTRALIA |
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences | GERMANY |
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences | NEW ZEALAND |
Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science | AUSTRALIA |
James Cook University | AUSTRALIA |
Laval University | CANADA |
Macquarie University | AUSTRALIA |
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (Quebec) | CANADA |
Minotaur Exploration Ltd | AUSTRALIA |
Monash University | AUSTRALIA |
Northwest University (China) | CHINA |
Polish Academy of Sciences | POLAND |
Russian Academy of Sciences | RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Sorbonne University | FRANCE |
Universite Clermont Auvergne | FRANCE |
Universite Paris Cite | FRANCE |
University of Adelaide | AUSTRALIA |
University of Bergen | NORWAY |
University of Bern | SWITZERLAND |
University of British Columbia | CANADA |
University of Cape Town | SOUTH AFRICA |
University of Franche-Comté | FRANCE |
University of Granada | SPAIN |
University of Leeds | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Leoben | AUSTRIA |
University of Lyon | FRANCE |
University of Melbourne | AUSTRALIA |
University of Montpellier | FRANCE |
University of Münster | GERMANY |
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences | AUSTRIA |
University of Newcastle | AUSTRALIA |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | UNITED STATES |
University of Oslo | NORWAY |
University of Paris | FRANCE |
University of Queensland | AUSTRALIA |
University of Sao Paulo | BRAZIL |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Tasmania | AUSTRALIA |
University of Toronto | CANADA |
University of Western Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University Paris Diderot | FRANCE |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | UNITED STATES |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Co-editor, Special Issue: Fluids in the Earth¿s Lithosphere: from Petrology to GeodynamicsLithos |
2021 |
Executive Committee MemberAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network |
2021 |
Invited LectureU3A Flinders Lecture Series |
2021 |
Invited LectureScience in the Pub Adelaide Lecture Series |
2021 |
Invited Panellist, Young Tall Poppy Selection CommitteeAustralian Institute of Policy and Science |
2021 |
MemberGeological Society of Australia |
2021 |
MemberEuropean Geosciences Union |
2021 |
Co-editor, Special Issue: Fluids in the Earth¿s Lithosphere: from Petrology to GeodynamicsLithos |
2020 |
Executive Committee MemberAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network |
2020 |
Invited LectureGeography Teachers' Association of South Australia Annual Conference |
2020 |
Invited Panellist, Discovery Day Discussion Panel - Geoscience Education in 2020SA Department of Energy and Mining |
2020 |
Invited Panellist, SA Science Excellence Awards Assessment PanelSA Department of Innovation and Skills |
2020 |
Invited SpeakerDroneMasters Academy, Berlin Science Week |
2020 |
Keynote SpeakerAustralian Earth Sciences Convention, Geological Society of Australia |
2020 |
MemberGeological Society of Australia |
2020 |
MemberEuropean Geosciences Union |
2020 |
Executive Committee MemberAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network |
2019 |
Invited LectureRoyal Society of South Australia Lecture Series |
2019 |
Invited LectureField Geology Club of South Australia Lecture Series |
2019 |
Invited Lecture, Short Stories from Tall Poppies: A Night of ScienceInspiring SA |
2019 |
MemberEuropean Geosciences Union |
2019 |
MemberGeological Society of Australia |
2019 |
STEM Educator of the Year - NominationSA Science Excellence Awards |
2019 |
STEM Educator of the Year - WinnerSA Science Excellence Awards |
2019 |
Top Downloaded PaperJournal of Metamorphic Geology |
2019 |
Vice Chair, Tectonics and Structural Geology (SGTSG) Specialist GroupGeological Society of Australia |
2019 |
Vice-chair, Organising CommitteeSpecialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Biennial Conference, Port Lincoln |
2019 |
Co-editor, Special Issue: Timescales of Geological ProcessesGeoscience Frontiers |
2018 |
General Committee MemberGeological Society of Australia, South Australia Division |
2018 |
Invited LectureCSIRO Solomon Meeting |
2018 |
Invited Speaker: Extreme events from Australia geological past that you never knew existedRoyal Geography Society of South Australia 2018 Lecture Series |
2018 |
Invited Speaker: Project LIVE: Learning through Immersive Virtual EnvironmentsSouth Australian Science Teachers Association (SASTA) Annual Conference |
2018 |
MemberGeological Society of America (GSA) |
2018 |
MemberEuropean Geosciences Union (EGU) |
2018 |
Member, and Technical committee representative for UniSAAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network (AUGEN) |
2018 |
Member, Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology (SGGMP) Specialist GroupGeological Society of Australia |
2018 |
Member, Tectonics and Structural Geology (SGTSG) Specialist GroupGeological Society of Australia |
2018 |
Board MemberCentre for Tectonics, Resources and Exploration Management, University of Adelaide |
2017 |
Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student LearningDepartment of Education and Training, Australian Government |
2017 |
General Committee MemberGeological Society of Australia, South Australia Division |
2017 |
Invited Judging Panel MemberGolden Grove High School Science Investigation Awards (National Science Week initiative) |
2017 |
Management Committee RepresentativeAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network |
2017 |
MemberEuropean Geosciences Union (EGU) |
2017 |
MemberGeological Society of America (GSA) |
2017 |
Member, Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology (SGGMP) Specialist GroupGeological Society of Australia |
2017 |
Member, Tectonics and Structural Geology (SGTSG) Specialist GroupGeological Society of Australia |
2017 |
Top 5 Under 40 AwardAustralian Broadcasting Corporation Radio National and University of New South Wales |
2017 |
Workshop LeaderConocoPhillips Science Experience |
2017 |
Workshop LeaderNational Youth Science Forum, STEM Explorer Program |
2017 |
Board MemberCentre for Tectonics, Resources and Exploration Management, University of Adelaide |
2016 |
ECR representativeAustralian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors at Science Meets Parliament, Canberra |
2016 |
General Committee MemberGeological Society of Australia, South Australia Division |
2016 |
Management Committee RepresentativeAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network |
2016 |
Organising CommitteeAustralian Earth Sciences Convention |
2016 |
Partnerships Director, Organising CommitteeAustralian Earth Sciences Convention, Geological Society of Australia |
2016 |
Walter Howchin MedalGeological Society of Australia |
2016 |
Young Tall Poppy Award (SA)Australian Institute of Policy and Science |
2016 |
Board MemberCentre for Tectonics, Resources and Exploration Management, University of Adelaide |
2015 |
D.I. Groves MedalAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences |
2015 |
ECR representative for UniSAAustralian Academy of Science , Canberra |
2015 |
General Committee MemberGeological Society of Australia, South Australia Division |
2015 |
Management Committee RepresentativeAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network |
2015 |
Partnerships Director, Organising CommitteeAustralian Earth Sciences Convention, Geological Society of Australia |
2015 |
UniSA RepresentativeInternational G200 Youth Forum, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany |
2015 |
Finalist, South Australian Science Excellence Awards - Early Career STEM Educator of the YearDepartment of State Development, Government of South Australia |
2014 |
General Committee MemberGeological Society of Australia, South Australia Division |
2014 |
Management Committee RepresentativeAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network |
2014 |
Management Committee RepresentativeAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network |
2013 |
Finalist, South Australian Science Excellence Awards - PhD Research Excellence, Life and Environmental SciencesDepartment of State Development, Government of South Australia |
2012 |
Management Committee RepresentativeAustralasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network |
2012 |
University Doctoral Research MedalThe University of Adelaide |
2012 |
Teaching awards:
Teaching & student supervision
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
A geospatial science framework for modelling local-scale groundwater potential zones (GPZs) in arid to semi-arid, data-scarce, fractured rock environments | Current |
Magmatic and Metallogenic Evolution of the Delamerian Orogen | Current |
New approaches for rapid analysis and tracing of fluids and their ligands in regional mineral systems | Current |
Fluid-controlled rheological responses during the formation of an intraplate orogen | Completed |
Heat flow and crustal heat production in Central and Southern Australia | Completed |
Petrochronological framework of the Curnamona Province and the role of radiogenic heating | Completed |
The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the lower Cambrian Hawker Group, west-central Flinders Ranges, South Australia | Completed |