Match Studio Hub
level 3-19, Barbara Hanrahan Building
City West Campus
Jane is an educator, researcher and Fouding Director of Match Studio.
In August 2004 Jane was awarded an APAI scholarship by The University of Adelaide and commenced a PhD at the Centre for Labour Research/Australian Institute for Social Research. Jane's PhD thesis, was the primary component of an ARC Linkage Project that involved a partnership between the Centre for Labour Research and what was then the Department of the Premier and Cabinet’s, Strategic Projects Division.
Jane received a Chancellors Award for Academic Excellence for her thesis ‘Beyond the Creative Quick Fix: Towards an understanding of Creativity’s place in South Australia’s Economic Development Agenda’. Jane's thesis argued for a ... Read more
About me
Jane is an educator, researcher and Fouding Director of Match Studio.
In August 2004 Jane was awarded an APAI scholarship by The University of Adelaide and commenced a PhD at the Centre for Labour Research/Australian Institute for Social Research. Jane's PhD thesis, was the primary component of an ARC Linkage Project that involved a partnership between the Centre for Labour Research and what was then the Department of the Premier and Cabinet’s, Strategic Projects Division.
Jane received a Chancellors Award for Academic Excellence for her thesis ‘Beyond the Creative Quick Fix: Towards an understanding of Creativity’s place in South Australia’s Economic Development Agenda’. Jane's thesis argued for a more nuanced means of measuring the economic value contributed by the creative professions, and enabling a more collaborative and systemic approach to fostering creativity and innovation through activating and demonstrating the nexus between teaching, research, policy and professional creative practice within and across all levels of education, government and industry.
Jane entered UniSA’s academy in 2009 combining her professional background in design practice, executive leadership, and public service within the South Australian government. Jane’s research stemming from her PhD focuses on regional innovation systems and the development of ‘creative capital’. Innovation doesn’t happen without ‘creative capital’- the creative and innovative thinkers and doers in our workforce, and our communities. To this end Jane has made a personal and professional commitment to initiate and deliver knowledge and skills development opportunities across the praxis of teaching and learning, research, and industry and community engagement.
In 2010 she founded Match Studio. Match Studio has become recognised as an inspiring studio based model for cross and inter-disciplinary teaching and research, focusing on client/industry linked problem based learning (PBL). PBL enables students to develop knowledge and skills within a context, which are then reinforced through project activity that address a real client/user need. To provide a ‘disciplinary agnostic’ framework for learning, Match Studio applies user centred Co- Design & Design Thinking methodologies to enable people from different academic, professional and personal backgrounds to stimulate, inform, and contribute to innovation in multiple contexts.
About me
Doctor of Philosophy University of Adelaide
Graduate Diploma of Business Enterprise University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Design(Ceramics) College of Advanced Education
Jane is a mid-career researcher who was inspired to enter the academic field in order to consider the conceptual contestation surrounding notions of the economic contribution made by creative individuals through design, the arts and cultural activity, and the increasing recognition of the contribution of creativity to regional innovation and economic development strategies.
Jane's early career experience as a Designer/sole trader, and a CEO of an Industry Association seeking to support the professional development of its members has informed and inspired her research focus that straddles the teaching and learning - research nexus.
Human (people)-centered Design, co-design, design thinking, collaborative practice, implementing... Read more
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Centennial Park Masterplan - Brief and Scope of Work, Centennial Park Cemetery Authority, 09/08/2023 - 08/08/2024
Empowering young women through mental health peer support, Breakthrough Mental Health Foundation/UniSA ¿ Seed Funding, 28/02/2022 - 30/11/2023
Research Evaluation of GuildHouse Catapult Mentorship Program, Guildhouse Incorporated, 18/01/2019 - 30/11/2022
2021 Match Tournament, Preventive Health SA, 18/01/2021 - 30/11/2021
Designing the Dining Experience in Aged Care Homes, The Maggie Beer Foundation Ltd, 01/08/2017 - 31/03/2021
90 Day Design Innovation in Social Housing Industry Workshop Project, Office for Ageing Well, 01/01/2017 - 30/04/2017
Brewer, M., Ferns, S., Hart, A., Donaldson, M., Lewis, S., Andrew, J., Russell, L., and Childers, J 2020. Interdisciplinary Project-Based Work-Integrated Learning: Student-centred learning to enhance employability. Australian Technology Network.
Lewis, S., Andrew, J., and Heaselgrave, F et al. 2020 Interdisciplinary work integrated learning: future focused learning and teaching case study, Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN).
Promoting the making self in the creative micro-economy. Postdoctoral Research Associate with Chief Investigator Professor Susan Luckman –ARC Discovery project
ARC Discovery project exploring how online distribution is changing the environment for operating a creative micro-enterprise, with a specific focus on designer-makers. A key research question for the project is: what are the ‘self-making’ skills required to succeed in this competitive environment?
Art & Design of Health & Wellbeing research and Innovation cluster
Jane was instrumental in establishing and is the co-convenor of the Art & Design of Health & Wellbeing research and Innovation cluster. The Art & Design of Health & Wellbeing research and innovation cluster brings together researchers, practitioners, policymakers, industry, and community groups from diverse backgrounds to provide a hub for the inspiration, development, and dissemination of new knowledge and transformative methodologies that integrate art, architecture, and design as key contributors to the improvement of health and wellbeing for individuals, and communities.
Aging in South Australia
This research project will develop data infrastructure that will serve as a unique asset on how service providers are responding to current and anticipated challenges. The research will be invaluable for government agencies, aged care providers, community groups and older Australians. The project is being led by Professor Andrew Beer and will operate in parallel with research led by Professor Wendy Lacey of theUniversity of South Australia Law School which will examine the attitudes and preferences of seniors. A survey of seniors is currently underway to provide a snapshot of consumer attitudes, preferences, perceptions, and awareness on aging as it relates to the areas of housing, lifestyle, use of technology, health, mobility, quality of care, financial issues and advance care directives.
Designing Dining in an Age-Friendly World: Delivering improved consumer-focused aged care services in dining and maximising social participation.
Jane is working with project CI Kathleen Conellan to lead this project that is working within Helping Hand’s North Adelaide and Northgate sites to examine current practices, and pilot new processes, places and resident determined interventions within the multiple paradigms of nutrition and food consumption within a residential care facility.
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2020 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2015 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2020 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
2018 |
Open access
2015 |
2015 |
Open access
2015 |
2013 |
2011 |
Year | Output |
2024 |
Open access
2023 |
Open access
2022 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2017 |
Open access
2016 |
Open access
Year | Output |
2022 |
Open access
2021 |
2020 |
Open access
2020 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2019 |
Open access
2018 |
Open access
2016 |
Open access
2012 |
Jane is a mid-career researcher who was inspired to enter the academic field in order to consider the conceptual contestation surrounding notions of the economic contribution made by creative individuals through design, the arts and cultural activity, and the increasing recognition of the contribution of creativity to regional innovation and economic development strategies.
Jane's early career experience as a Designer/sole trader, and a CEO of an Industry Association seeking to support the professional development of its members has informed and inspired her research focus that straddles the teaching and learning - research nexus.
Human (people)-centered Design, co-design, design thinking, collaborative practice, implementing inter-disciplinary projects and research, and understanding the development and workings of industry/economic systems and the value networks that stimulate and sustain innovation are areas of research interest.
In particular, Jane’s research and practice focus on enabling the 'creative professions' to be acknowledged and embraced within the network of industries seeking to address environmental, social, economic, and cultural issues faced by communities; with their creative skills and value understood not just as an aesthetic afterthought but as a primary contributor to teams seeking to build socially and economically sustainable solutions to issues they seek to resolve. It is this philosophy and ability to work across the praxis of teaching and learning, research, and industry that Jane seeks to instill through her industry and community engagement activity, as well as in her teaching.
2014 - present: SciCEd Advisory Group, UniSA
2011- present: Teaching and Learning Committee, AAD
2009 - present: Arts in Health Alliance (UniSA and Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation)
2011- present: Research Education Committee, AAD
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Community ARTS Network of South Australia Inc. | AUSTRALIA |
Curtin University | AUSTRALIA |
ECH Incorporated | AUSTRALIA |
Edinburgh Napier University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Flinders University | AUSTRALIA |
Northumbria University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Open University, UK | UNITED KINGDOM |
RMIT University | AUSTRALIA |
University of Adelaide | AUSTRALIA |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Technology Sydney | AUSTRALIA |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Innovative Universities 2020 - Award for ExcellenceThe Educator |
2020 |
Consulting EditorJournal of Arts Management, Law and Society (JAMLS) |
2018 |
Excellence in Case Studies AwardAustralian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN) |
2018 |
Excellence in Case Studies AwardAustralian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN) |
2018 |
Co-ConvenorThe Art and Design of Health and Wellbeing research and innovation cluster |
2017 |
Editorial PanellistJournal of Arts Management, Law and Society (JAMLS) |
2017 |
Health Literacy Advisory Group Member, Health NetworkWomen's and Children's Hospital |
2017 |
MemberNorwood Payneham and St Peters Council Business and Economic Development Committee |
2017 |
MemberCreative Communities Network |
2017 |
Co-ConvenorThe Art and Design of Health and Wellbeing research and innovation cluster |
2016 |
Editorial PanellistJournal of Arts Management, Law and Society (JAMLS) |
2016 |
Health Literacy Advisory Group Member, Health NetworkWomen's and Children's Hospital |
2016 |
MemberNorwood Payneham and St Peters Council Business and Economic Development Committee |
2016 |
MemberCreative Communities Network |
2016 |
Co-ConvenorThe Art and Design of Health and Wellbeing research and innovation cluster |
2015 |
Editorial PanellistJournal of Arts Management, Law and Society (JAMLS) |
2015 |
Health Literacy Advisory Group Member, Health NetworkWomen's and Children's Hospital |
2015 |
MemberCreative Communities Network |
2015 |
MemberNorwood Payneham and St Peters Council Business and Economic Development Committee |
2015 |
Co-ConvenorThe Art and Design of Health and Wellbeing research and innovation cluster |
2014 |
Editorial PanellistJournal of Arts Management, Law and Society (JAMLS) |
2014 |
Health Literacy Advisory Group Member, Health NetworkWomen's and Children's Hospital |
2014 |
MemberCreative Communities Network |
2014 |
MemberNorwood Payneham and St Peters Council Business and Economic Development Committee |
2014 |
Co-ConvenorThe Art and Design of Health and Wellbeing research and innovation cluster |
2013 |
Editorial PanellistJournal of Arts Management, Law and Society (JAMLS) |
2013 |
MemberCreative Communities Network |
2013 |
MemberNorwood Payneham and St Peters Council Business and Economic Development Committee |
2013 |
Co-ConvenorThe Art and Design of Health and Wellbeing research and innovation cluster |
2012 |
MemberCreative Communities Network |
2012 |
MemberNorwood Payneham and St Peters Council Business and Economic Development Committee |
2012 |
Co-ConvenorThe Art and Design of Health and Wellbeing research and innovation cluster |
2011 |
MemberCreative Communities Network |
2011 |
The delivery of Match Studio’s client-focused experiential learning opportunities enables students to develop knowledge and skills within a context, which are then, reinforced through project activity that addresses a real client need or grand challenge faced by society. There is growing evidence that a curriculum that encompasses real-world problem-based learning opportunities inspires increased student engagement and enables students to realise how the skills they are learning at university can be applied in their world of work in diverse contexts post-graduation.
Since its inception in 2010, Match Studio has engaged in a steady flow of project activity in collaboration with researchers, all levels of government, not-for-profit organisations, schools, industry, and a diverse array of businesses. Cutting its teeth in the School of Art Architecture and Design, Match Studio is now proactively working to offer interdisciplinary PBL project opportunities to students university-wide.
Teaching & student supervision
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
"Don't share your story here... it's not safe". An exploratory study of organisational shifts to improve recognition, valuing and integration of peer and lived experience workforces in mental health | Current |
Re-conceptions of uterine discourse through a print-based practice | Current |
Supporting perinatal mental health | Current |
Co-creation in the built environment: an exploration of end-user engagement in the urban living laboratory | Completed |
Creating change: a case study of transformation, from `making greener things¿ towards `design for transitions¿ | Completed |
Symbiosis and strife: laboratory cultures in Australian art/science projects | Completed |
The eco-aware printmaking studio: developing safer and more accessible etching and intaglio techniques in Australia | Completed |
The garden of un/belonging: an exploration of craft, place & migration through sensory ways of knowing | Completed |
The impact of the social environment, the built environment and place attachment on wellbeing for older Australians | Completed |