Lesley Ward is a Professor of Mathematics at UniSA. She is a Fellow of the US Association for Women in Mathematics, and a Fellow of the Australian Mathematical Society, and was recently a Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge. She earned degrees from ANU and Yale University, then held positions at Rice University, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), and Harvey Mudd College. Her research is in harmonic analysis and complex analysis. She also works in industrial applications of mathematics, as Director of the UniSA Mathematics Clinic. She was the Conference Director of the WIMSIG Conference 2017: Celebration of Women in Australian Mathematical Sciences. She has given plenary... Read more
About me
Lesley Ward is a Professor of Mathematics at UniSA. She is a Fellow of the US Association for Women in Mathematics, and a Fellow of the Australian Mathematical Society, and was recently a Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge. She earned degrees from ANU and Yale University, then held positions at Rice University, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), and Harvey Mudd College. Her research is in harmonic analysis and complex analysis. She also works in industrial applications of mathematics, as Director of the UniSA Mathematics Clinic. She was the Conference Director of the WIMSIG Conference 2017: Celebration of Women in Australian Mathematical Sciences. She has given plenary lectures at the annual conferences of the AustMS (2016) and NZMS (2018). Her book “Harmonic Analysis: From Fourier to Wavelets”, co-authored with M. Cristina Pereyra, was published by the American Mathematical Society in 2012. Lesley Ward was Chair of the Women in Mathematics Group (WIMSIG) (2015-2016) of the AustMS, and has worked on gender equity issues in STEM disciplines at five institutions over many years. She has won several teaching awards, notably the Mathematical Association of America’s Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching.
2020--present: Professor of Mathematics, School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, UniSA.
2015--2019: Associate Professor of Mathematics, School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, UniSA.
2006--2014: Senior Lecturer, School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences (until 2012 the School of Mathematics and Statistics), UniSA.
2003--2006: Associate Professor, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, USA.
1997--2003: Assistant Professor, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, USA.
1995: Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, California, USA. Spring semester.
1994--1997: G.C. Evans Instructor of Mathematics, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA.
Selected awards and distinctions
2017: Conference Director, WIMSIG Conference 2017: Celebration of Women in Australian Mathematical Sciences, http://www.austms.org.au/WIMSIG-conference-2017 , University of South Australia, 24--26 Sep 2017.
2017: Co-organiser, The AMSI/AustMS 2017 Workshop in Harmonic Analysis and PDE, http://www.mq.edu.au/about/about-the-university/faculties-and-departments/faculty-of-science-and-engineering/departments-and-centres/department-of-mathematics/news-and-events/2017-harmonic-analysis-and-pde-workshop , Macquarie University, 17--21 Jul 2017.
2015: Co-organiser, http://www.unisa.edu.au/ices Indigenous Content in Education Symposium (ICES '15), University of South Australia, 21 Sep 2015.
2014: Co-organiser, Special Session in Harmonic Analysis and PDEs, http://www.austms2014.ms.unimelb.edu.au/ 8th Australia--New Zealand Mathematics Convention, incorporating the 58th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society and the 2014 New Zealand Mathematics Colloquium, University of Melbourne, 8--12 Dec.
2014: Co-organiser, http://unisa.edu.au/mathssymposium Indigenous Content in STEM Symposium, Division of ITEE, UniSA, 26 Aug 2014.
2014: Co-organiser, http://rutherglen.science.mq.edu.au/ha2014/ The AMSI/AustMS 2014 Workshop in Harmonic Analysis and its Applications, Macquarie University, 21--25 Jul 2014.
2013: Senior Visiting Fellow, IPAM, UCLA, Program on Interactions between Analysis and Geometry. March.
2009: Visiting Researcher, Department of Mathematics, Brown University, USA. Oct--Dec.
2009: Visiting Researcher, Departamento de Matematica, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO), Brazil. Aug--Oct.
2008--2009: Chair of Local Organising Committee, Member of Programme Committee, and Treasurer, http://w3.unisa.edu.au/austms2009/ 53rd Annual Conference of the Australian Mathematical Society, held 28 Sep--1 Oct 2009, UniSA. Jan 2008--June 2009
2006: Mathematical Association of America (MAA) http://www.maa.org/Awards/alder.html Henry L. Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member. One of three awarded in the US and Canada.
2006: My department (http://www.math.hmc.edu/ Department of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College) was awarded the inaugural http://www.ams.org/ams/press/mudd-05.html American Mathematical Society (AMS) Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department. All departments of mathematical sciences in the US and Canada that offer at least a bachelor's degree in mathematical sciences are eligible.
2004: http://nieis.anu.edu.au/programs/NIEIS_programs_weis.html WEIS Visiting Fellowship for a Senior Academic Woman in Engineering and Information Sciences, National Institute of Engineering and Information Sciences (NIEIS), Australian National University.
2004: Taught short course with Cristina Pereyra on Harmonic Analysis: From Fourier to Haar, http://www.math.ias.edu/womensprogram/ IAS/Princeton Program for Women in Mathematics, Analysis and Nonlinear PDEs, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. May.
2003: Taught short course on Wavelets, http://pcmi.ias.edu/ IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute, Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Park City, Utah. July.
1995: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, California, Program in Complex Dynamics and Hyperbolic Geometry.
1991--1992: Yale Prize Teaching Fellowship. Awarded for `excellence in performance as a Teaching Fellow', to eight PhD students chosen from all departments at Yale University.
1986: Tillyard Prize, Australian National University. Awarded to the student whose personal qualities and contribution to University life have been outstanding and who in the year of the award has completed a Degree of Bachelor with Honours.
1986: Hanna Neumann Prize for Mathematics IV (Honours), Australian National University.
About me
Leadership in the mathematics profession
Membership of professional assocations
About me
Date | Title |
20/05/2016 |
The Wire: Women-only Math Jobs Offered by University of Melbourne, http://thewire.org.au/story/70717/ |
19/05/2016 |
The Age: Melbourne Uni offers women's-only maths jobs, http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/melbourne-uni-offers-womensonly-maths-jobs-20160519-goytqb.html |
18/05/2016 |
ABC PM: Melbourne University advertises female-only jobs in bid to remedy gender imbalance in maths, http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-18/melbourne-university-opens-up-jobs-to-women-applicants-only/7426704 |
About me
Doctor of Philosophy Yale University
Master of Science Yale University
Masters Philosophy in Mathematics Yale University
Bachelor of Science Australian National University
Research collaborators
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Multiparameter Harmonic Analysis: Weighted Estimates for Singular Integrals, ARC - Discovery Projects, 01/01/2016 - 30/06/2020
Harmonic analysis: Function spaces and singular integral operators, ARC - Discovery Projects, 31/10/2012 - 31/12/2017
Research outputs for the last seven years are shown below. Some long-standing staff members may have older outputs included. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2022 |
Open access
2021 |
Open access
2018 |
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2012 |
2008 |
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2012 |
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2023 |
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2022 |
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2022 |
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2022 |
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2021 |
2021 |
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2021 |
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2021 |
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2020 |
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2019 |
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2018 |
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2018 |
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2017 |
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2017 |
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2017 |
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2017 |
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2016 |
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2016 |
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2016 |
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2015 |
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2014 |
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2013 |
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2013 |
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2011 |
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2008 |
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2015 |
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2008 |
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2015 |
Open access
Under review:
Research collaborators
Details | Registry | Status |
Automatic threshold setting for quantitative polymerase chain reaction Ward, Lesley; Jensen, Adrian; Lyon, Justin; McLeman, Cameron; Tysinger, Bryan |
US | Granted |
Leadership in the mathematics profession
Membership of professional organisations
External engagement & recognition
Organisation | Country |
Auburn University | UNITED STATES |
AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company | UNITED STATES |
Brown University | UNITED STATES |
Catholic University of Córdoba | ARGENTINA |
Defence Science and Technology Group | AUSTRALIA |
Department for Energy and Mining | AUSTRALIA |
Georgia Institute of Technology | UNITED STATES |
Imperial College, London | UNITED KINGDOM |
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics | CHINA |
Kenyon College | UNITED STATES |
Macquarie University | AUSTRALIA |
National Central University | TAIWAN |
National University of Cordoba | ARGENTINA |
South China Normal University | CHINA |
Sun Yat-Sen University | CHINA |
University of Helsinki | FINLAND |
University of Kansas | UNITED STATES |
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | UNITED STATES |
University of New Mexico - Albuquerque | UNITED STATES |
University of South Australia | AUSTRALIA |
University of Western Australia | AUSTRALIA |
Washington University | UNITED STATES |
Western Washington University | UNITED STATES |
Wichita State University | UNITED STATES |
External engagement & recognition
Engagement/recognition | Year |
Member, Accreditation CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Society |
2024 |
Research Committee MemberAustralian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) |
2024 |
Invited speaker at two minisymposiaInternational Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2024), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan |
2023 |
Member, Accreditation CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Society |
2023 |
Member, Research CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) |
2023 |
Workshop invited speakerComplex Analysis: Techniques, Applications and Computations ¿ Perspectives in 2024, Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, UK |
2023 |
Member, Accreditation CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Society |
2022 |
Member, Research CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) |
2022 |
Member, Accreditation CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Society |
2021 |
Member, Research CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) |
2021 |
Member, Scientific Advisory BoardAustralian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) |
2020 |
FellowAustralian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2019 |
Invited speakerThe Complex Analysis Toolbox: New Techniques and Perspectives Workshop, Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, UK |
2019 |
Kirk Lecturer and Kirk Distinguished Visiting FellowIsaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, UK |
2019 |
Member, Scientific Advisory CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) |
2019 |
Plenary SpeakerModern Analysis and Geometry 2019: A conference to celebrate Gaven Martin's 60th birthday, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand |
2019 |
FellowAssociation for Women in Mathematics (AWM) |
2018 |
Invited chair of plenary talksWorld Meeting of Women in Mathematics (WM^2) conference, International Mathematical Union, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
2018 |
Invited SpeakerHarmonic Analysis Program, Park City Mathematics Institute (IAS/PCMI), Utah |
2018 |
Member, Scientific Advisory CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) |
2018 |
Plenary SpeakerICM Satellite Conference in Harmonic Analysis, International Mathematical Union (IMU), Porto Alegre, Brazil |
2018 |
Plenary SpeakerNew Zealand Mathematical Society Colloquium (annual conference), University of Otago |
2018 |
Conference DirectorWIMSIG Conference: Celebration of Women in Australian Mathematical Sciences |
2017 |
Invited SpeakerRecent Developments in Harmonic Analysis Workshop, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley |
2017 |
Invited SpeakerGeometry, Analysis and Probability Conference, Korean Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul |
2017 |
Member, Scientific Advisory CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) |
2017 |
Past Chair, Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG)Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2017 |
Chair, Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG)Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2016 |
Invited SpeakerSecond International Applied and Computational Complex Analysis Japan/UK Workshop (ACCA-JP/UK), Kyoto University |
2016 |
Outgoing Chair, Fellowships CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2016 |
Plenary speaker60th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Australian National University |
2016 |
Chair, Fellowships CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2015 |
Chair, Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG)Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2015 |
Invited SpeakerRoyal Mathematical Society of Spain (RSME) Conference, Granada |
2015 |
Incoming Chair, Fellowships CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2014 |
Member, Executive Committee, Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG)Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2014 |
Member, Medal CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2014 |
Member, Executive Committee, Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG)Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2013 |
Chair, Local Organising CommitteeAustralian Mathematical Society's 53rd Annual Meeting, University of South Australia |
2009 |
MemberAssociation for Women in Mathematics (AWM) |
2009 |
MemberMathematical Association of America (MAA) |
2009 |
MemberAustralian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Division of the AustMS (ANZIAM) |
2009 |
MemberAustralian Mathematical Society (AustMS) |
2009 |
MemberAustMS Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG) |
2009 |
MemberWomen in Science Enquiry Network (WISENET) |
2009 |
MemberAmerican Mathematical Society (AMS) |
2009 |
International Teaching Award
2006 Mathematical Association of America Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching
Institutional Teaching Awards
2014 UniSA Indigenous Education Teaching Award, ITEE Indigenous Content Team
2012 UniSA Supported Teacher Award
2011 UniSA Supported Teacher Award
2008 UniSA Enhancing Learning Award, Division of ITEE First Year Experience Team
1993 Yale Prize Teaching Fellowship
Courses I teach
Teaching & student supervision
Teaching & student supervision
Supervisions from 2010 shown
Thesis title | Student status |
Functions of vanishing mean oscillation, weight functions and spaces of homogeneous type | Current |
Bounded mean oscillation, commutators, quasiconformal mappings, spaces of homogeneous type, and non-homogeneous product T(1) theorems | Completed |
Harmonic-measure distribution functions, and related functions, for simply connected and multiply connected two-dimensional regions | Completed |
Mathematical tools for maximising renewable energy use in electricity supply | Completed |