I am a registered Nurse with a focus on mental health nursing.
I am experienced in theatres, orthopaedics, emergency and mental health nursing.
I hold a masters degree in Nursing (Mental Health).
Working in higher education since 2017 with a passion for supporting new nurses as they emerge into this exciting space.
About me
I am a registered Nurse with a focus on mental health nursing.
I am experienced in theatres, orthopaedics, emergency and mental health nursing.
I hold a masters degree in Nursing (Mental Health).
Working in higher education since 2017 with a passion for supporting new nurses as they emerge into this exciting space.
About me
Higher Education Research Group Adelaide (HERGA) - Executive Comittee
Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN) - Member
About me
Master of Nursing (Mental Health) Flinders University
Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing The University of South Australia
Bachelor of Nursing The University of South Australia
Registered Nurse SA Health
Orthopaedics/Trauma,Theatre, Mental Health - various locations across the state
Associate Lecturer - Flinders University
Lecturer - University of South Australia
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Horizontal violence experiences of nursing students on placement.
Embedding mental health information across all courses in nursing - better connecting mental and physical health.
Enhancing mental healthcare in Emergency departments: the role of technology. ANMJ
Supporting mental health workforce recruitment: considerations for undergraduate nursing curriculum. ANMJ
Developmental screening tools in adolescent period in relation to mental health and other drugs (AOD) use. ANMJ
mental health, wellbeing, and support needs of nursing students - 'Help! I'm overwhelmed, I need an extension' ANMJ
Clinical Facilitators’ Perceptions of Factors Contributing to Nursing Students’ Experience of Workplace Violence. Journal of nursing education.
2020 Vice Presidents Teaching excellence award - Malpa teaching programs (Flinders University)
2022 Vice President& Executive Dean award - Outstanding individual award (Flinders University)
2024 Yaitya Tirka (Aborginal Learning) award - for Yarning out loud UniSA working group (UniSA)
External engagement & recognition
Teaching & student supervision